Stepping out – a suburban surprise 

I’m a long way from home in a different state, a different time zone, a different climate and a different role. My youngest daughter needed looking after so I decided I’d  go and take care of her for the week. This involved a week off work, a three hour drive interstate to the airport, a one and a half hour flight to yet another state then a 30 minute drive to her house.

It’s a hot place, with humidity being the main difference to my usual climate. Within minutes of arrival I was a slithering, sweaty mess.

Despite the heat I was determined to keep walking and running while away and thought I would be pounding the pavements of suburbia. Imagine my surprise when my daughter gave me directions that would take me off road. I found the loveliest shared pathway system that was within minutes of main roads but was completely unexpected.

I’ll try to describe it – it’s a shared path that links a few parks, running parallel to a creek/waterway;  it  crosses main roads at times; it’s mostly shaded with delightful gums & paperbark trees; it’s alive with bird life, water lily ponds and ducks; it’s well used by walkers, runners, bike riders and dog walkers – and it was  just what I needed.

I’ve been using various parts of this pathway system morning and night in an effort to keep my steps up, to get some exercise and to give my daughter some time alone. It’s been a real surprise find in the midst of suburbia. Yes in places it’s a bit unloved and messy but for the most part it’s great. Many of the backyards that border the pathway have gates opening onto the area and there are basketball courts, play equipment and soccer fields along the way.

I’ve got a few different routes I’m now familiar with and I can find my way around the streets quite easily without getting lost.

I usually head out before it gets too hot in the morning and then again in the late afternoon. The trees keep the hot sun out and a breeze has been a welcome addition as I step it out. As I normally run in the forest at home this is a great substitute.

I’m enjoying the slower pace too as my daughter is easily tired and we rest a lot. I brought up my colouring-in books and special pens that were Christmas gifts (as yet untouched) and she’s enjoyed relearning the relaxing art of colouring-in, it’s only been 25 years or so since she first picked up a pencil. We are enjoying the time chatting, reading and relaxing.

We have been out for special treats and plan at least one outing a day. I am the driver and have astounded her with my parking ability. I also reminded her that I taught  her to drive! I have to brush her hair for her every morning and have moved on from doing the side pony tails from years ago to now doing lovely thick plaits instead. She still whinges that I’m too rough so I’m relearning the art of gentleness.

I’m helping out and trying to make myself useful without being too annoying. It’s a fine line with grown up daughters!  Her fiancé is very understanding and accepting which bodes well for their future together.

I’ve enjoyed spending time with her and just being a mother again.  We don’t get to see her very often due to distance but we are in constant contact nevertheless! There’s no substitute for actually being together though.

I could get used to this pace of life and in fact going back to work is looking decidedly unattractive for many reasons.

It’s certainly been a nice break from normal life and I am very lucky to be able to have this time.


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Everyone has a story to tell!

Debbie - mother of a 40 year old

Deb is a young-at-heart & active 60+ blogger/retiree, after being made redundant from her 22-year career managing education programs in a men’s correctional centre (jail). She now spends her time reading, blogging, riding her ebike and travelling. Deb was awarded a Bravery Award from the Queen when she was 17 after a tragic accident – a definite life changing moment! She is married with 3 grown-up daughters & has 4 grandchildren. You can read more of Deb’s story here

Copyright © 2024 – All rights reserved

6 Replies to “Stepping out – a suburban surprise ”

  1. Hey Deb, how wonderful to have such special Mother-Daughter time. Sounds you both totally enjoyed it. And how lucky to have such gorgeous surroundings to run in, beautiful pics. Safe journeys home.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Have loved having you up here mum! Has been a very nice week spending time together and your hair brushing skills have certainly become gentler. Am going to miss having you around to look after me and keeping me entertained with your wonderful driving and parking skills and of course the funny things that come out of your mouth!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You do make me laugh!! It’s been great to be here with you. I don’t really want to go home except that I miss dad a bit too much to stay away any longer.
      We will do it again soon, I’ll make sure of that, as I miss out on so much fun by being so far away. Don’t forget-the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree with us!!


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