Mundane Monday – a splash of red

You can’t see the forest for the trees!

splash of colour

Mundane Monday Challenge is hosted by PhoTrablogger on a Monday, and in his post today he asks the question – what are you trying this week?

Well, I decided I wanted to experiment with colour in my photos and have played around with this photo from the forest where I regularly run and walk.  The trees are all dull greys, greens and browns (very mundane) and never look very appealing in my shots, although it’s a delightful place in real life.

So when I saw this tree, with the bark ripped off and the red brown streak underneath, I was determined to make the splash of colour work for me.  I used an app which converts the photo to black and white and then I ‘painted’ in the original colour on the trunk.

I think it works fine although I definitely need more practice in the ‘painting’ department. (Don’t look too closely!)

….a challenge created to find beauty in everyday mundane things…capture the beauty and upload the photographs.

I hope you enjoy your  Mundane Monday and can add a pop of colour somewhere into your day.

Deb 🙂

12 Replies to “Mundane Monday – a splash of red”

  1. I always wondered how people get a little color into a black and white photo. Now I’ll have to go see if I can find something similar in my editing program. Cool! Thanks for sharing this! And I like the photo too!

    Liked by 1 person

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