52 week photography project – Week 7: Lollies/sweets/candy

Source: Week 7: Lollies/sweets/candy

For those of you following along at home here is Week  7 of our 52 week photography project, with the theme Lollies/sweets/candy. 

My photo was extra hard as we were in the Australian outback at the time and lollies/sweets were a bit thin on the ground.  So I went with this photo of a natural sweet, bushtucker style, as explained to us by our Aboriginal guide. Here’s my description of the photo:

Manna - a tasty snack bush tucker style
Manna – a tasty snack

Manna – this is a ‘sweet treat’ bushtucker style. It is the excretions from the sugar lerp bug, which then turns into a sweet tasting coconut style flake. It’s found on the back of gum leaves and we just scraped it off and ate it straight up.  It is delicious – tastes very sweet and is high in protein, making it the perfect snack.

The word ‘manna’ means snow in the Adnyamathanha language as it resembles a snowflake.  An interesting fun fact – the words ‘manna from heaven’ also appear in the bible.

In doing my research afterwards I came across this interesting article about the sticky substances in the natural world.

This week’s collection includes fairy floss, M&Ms, ice-cream, a hunk of rock that looked like a violet crumble bar and some good old lolly teeth in-situ. They are all fun examples with great words too.

I really enjoyed all the photos but Tim’s lolly teeth (in his mouth) impressed me.  He later made the photo his profile shot on Facebook, so I think he liked it too! You really must go and have a look at all the photos, I’ve left a link at the top of this post 🙂

I often think the comments accompanying the photos are the best part. What about you, any comments?  Would you have been keen to taste the Manna after reading that description?


What’s the story behind the 52 week photography project?

I have joined with 6 photographers, of varying experience, to take a photo every week for a year, one theme at a time. That’s 52 weeks of photos!

I’ve been assured it’s all about creativity not necessarily photographic expertise. I am enjoying the challenge of looking for suitable shots as soon as the next week’s theme is announced, it takes over my thinking until I’ve taken my shot and sent it in. Then I can relax a bit!

It’s turned into a bit of a family affair actually with my sister, my brother-in-law, my nephew, my husband, my daughter and a close friend of my sister’s.  You can read more about us all here on the About page.

Each week for 52 weeks…

Each week we are given a new theme and must take a photo, add some words and submit it to Tim (brother-in-law), who will compile a post on Sunday night.  He then tells us our next theme…and so on for 52 weeks! We all enjoy a bit of a comment session after the post goes live which is always fun.

This is the first time I’ve been involved in this project but some of the others are on their second time round. At the end of the previous project they produced a beautiful coffee table book with all the photos and words included from their weekly submissions. It’s a magnificent record of a year in photos.

Week 6: The natural world

Week 5 – Up Close

Week 4 – Long Distance

Week 3 – Transport

Week 2 themeWinter

Week 1 theme – Self Portrait 

It’s great to be involved in such a creative challenge with a small supportive group.  I’d love to hear your thoughts on our various takes on any of these themes.  Be sure to click on the link to check out the full post over on the blog 52 Weeks Photography Group.

Happy photographing! Let me know what you think of our up close photos, I always appreciate your thoughts.

Deb 🙂

You can also find Deb’s World here – I’d be delighted if you’d join me.

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