What’s in the mirror? – Week 36 of 52 week photo project

What’s in the mirror?

Mirror, mirror on the wall

Who’s the fairest of them all?

There's a ship in the mirror - captured while out riding my bike
A ship in the mirror

Welcome to this week’s wrap-up post 

The theme for Week 36/52 was In the mirror

My words: While cycling in Vincentia on the NSW South Coast, on the weekend I kept seeing great sights in my bike’s mirror – the beach, the bush track, the sky, others out on the walking track, dogs being walked -and then this little beauty! A Naval ship floating in Jervis Bay – how appropriate! I positioned my bike so I could capture the ship fully and there you have it – a ship in the mirror.

It took me a while to set this shot up to my satisfaction.  Unfortunately I only had my iPhone to use at the time, but I’m happy with the result.

In the end I liked the sense of the horizon, the mix of the bush track ahead of me and the sparkling sea in the mirror behind me.  The Navy ship was just a bonus and a happy one at that.  You see my father was in the Royal Australian Navy and trained in these very waters.  It’s funny how often he seems to pop up, in various ways, now that he’s gone.  Both my sister and I have commented on this recently.  It’s these sorts of things that keep me connected.

Photos from the group

The photos from the others in the group were stunning.  Here’s a summary in my words – you really need to click the link to read their words as well as see their photos for yourself!

Feel free to follow the link above to check them out for yourself. Maybe leave a comment if one of the photos particularly takes your fancy. We always appreciate hearing your thoughts 🙂

Daniel’s photo was a lovely reflection in a puddle – he captured the feel of the evening and the colours are just gorgeous.

Grant’s photo is an interesting mirror on an old car – it captures the imagination.

Melanie’s photo is a delightful snow scene with a daffodil asking the snow to go away so it can continue to grow. It’s great having the UK connection as we get to see a variety of weather conditions.

Sharon featured a beautiful model as a different scene in the mirror.  It’s a stunning photo.

Tim’s photo shows the angles of Melbourne being used as a mirror on a hot day.

You can read more about the story behind the project here: 52 week photography project  – but basically I have joined with 5 photographers, of varying experience, to take a photo every week for a year, one theme at a time. That’s 52 weeks of photos!

Life is like a mirror,

if you smile at it,

it smiles back. 

With each photo we also submit some accompanying words, which can be just as interesting as the photo itself some weeks! This can include the subject, the setup, the story behind it and even our processes.

How did you like our interpretations this week? Let me know in a comment below, I always appreciate hearing from you.

I can’t believe we’re up to 36 weeks already!

Next week’s theme is: Fruit/vegetables

Enjoy your week ahead.

Deb 🙂

Let’s stay in touch. You can also find Deb’s World here:

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32 Replies to “What’s in the mirror? – Week 36 of 52 week photo project”

  1. Absolutely love this shot, Debbie. It turns the classic ‘horizon’ shot on it’s head, showing it from a different perspective and, that alone, makes it more interesting. If the mirror was just a teeny, tiny bit more central to the overall picture, I think it would be even better, but the image you’ve captured within the mirror itself? That’s perfect!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for the feedback Shaun, I really appreciate it. I get what you’re saying about the mirror placement too. It was fun trying to set it up so that I captured the ship. I’m so glad to have your thoughts!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Such a creative shot, Deb, and more meaningful with the ship and its connection to your Dad. I’m so glad you are ‘seeing’ him frequently. Our relationships with our loved ones continue and grow even after they are gone. Hugs.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I love that you fill your life with such variety and so many interesting pursuits Deb – the photo was great and shows how talented you are (even with an iphone!)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Leanne, that’s a lovely thing to say. I try to live an interesting life, like many others, and sometimes it even surprises me what I get up to. I really enjoyed getting this photo 😊


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