Purple Roses not Purple Rain

Purple Rose*

I never meant to cause you any sorrow
I just needed you to pose
I only wanted to see you flowering
I only wanted to see you
Living the life of a purple rose

Purple rose, purple rose
Purple rose, purple rose
Purple rose, purple rose
I only wanted to photograph you
Living as the purple rose


I have been staying with my sister and brother in law, both of whom are fabulous photographers and today I was given a lesson in macro photography, as well as editing tips. These photos are my favourite purple rose shots from our session.  I have a lot to learn but it was fun seeing the difference editing can make and learning how to compose a photo. I’m quite happy with how they turned out and I also had fun re-writing Prince’s Purple rain song 🙂

Are you a fan of purple roses?  How do you like these shots?

Next up I’ll share my orange lily shots! I love anything orange and the lilies are just fabulous as they open up.

I’m happy to say that my sister is recovering from her recent surgery and I have enjoyed being with her for the week.  She just has to continue resting so that she can cope with the next steps in her recovery process.  The flower shoot was made possible by all the kind people who have sent her flowers over the past week, they made her very happy!

I’ve rediscovered the joy of doing her hair in a side ponytail, massaging dry shampoo into her hair to make it feel a bit cleaner for her, making her copious cups of tea, going online shopping with her, sharing memories and making her laugh by sending Bitmoji messages. We all embraced our inner child and made Bitmojis of ourselves just for some fun.  My family have now placed a ban on me sending any more Bitmoji messages to them 😦

Feel free to leave a comment below. I always love hearing from you.

Have a great weekend and week ahead!

Purple roses, macro photography

Deb xx

*With apologies to Prince and his song Purple Rain

Are you on Instagram? Check out Deb’s World here: Instagram for photo updates

You can also find Deb’s World here – let’s stay in touch!

You can contact me by clicking here

Talk soon

51 Replies to “Purple Roses not Purple Rain”

  1. Absolutely exquisite roses Deb 💜 in my favourite colour. The pics are so clear, well done. And I love that you combined them with Prince, very creative! Glad to hear that your sister is recovering too. xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much for your comment Heather, it was fun learning how to compose the shot and then edit it. I’m quite happy with my first attempts! I think purple roses are very pretty too 🙂


  2. Purple is a way of life for me, too. Actually gorgeous photos, and now I have the song and your poem in my head, not a bad thing. Wishing your sister a speedy recovery, and I’m glad you guys get this sisterly time.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m so glad you commented on my poem Lorna and that it’s in your head now, as I had trouble dislodging it from mine. Purple rain (the song) was the first thing I thought of when trying to find a suitable title for my post 🙂 . Thanks for your kind messages about my sister – she’s recovering slowly from the surgery then there’s the next bit of treatment to come. We had a fun week together under the circumstances 🙂


    1. I’m a late comer to purple but it was the colour of my Mother of the Bride dress for my daughter’s wedding despite me saying I didn’t want purple when I went shopping! I’m more of an orange and red kind of girl. Purple is a pretty colour and I love the sound of your office accessories. Thanks for visiting 🙂


  3. Really pretty Deb and I love that you an be there for your sister – it makes me a little bit sad because I only have two fairly useless brothers! Loved your little waving goodbye self down the bottom too x

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Your flower photos are beautiful Deb. It takes a lot to learn how to use a new lens … I look forward to seeing your orange flowers.
    Thanks also for looking after me. It’s been great to spend the week with you. Let’s do it one time when we’re both well!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It was my pleasure to look after you and yes we’ll definitely do it again soon, and when we’re both well is a great idea! Thanks to you and Tim for your patience trying to instruct me in the sue of the lens and editing processes. Thanks for your comment too on my photos, it means a lot!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Love the flower and how you captured it Deb. You could easily have done that photograph with your iPhone. Just learning how to have an eye for composition and the various settings. On my phone I can do photos in raw. Obviously some of my photos were taken a while ago with a SLR. Though many were not!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Lovely photos, and a new colour to me. Great news about Sharon, hope her recovery goes brilliantly well. And I now have that amazing guitar solo buzzing around in my head – I feel one of my songs of the day coming on 😊

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Good to hear that about Sharon, long may it continue! I posted Purple Rain as my Song Of The Day yesterday – the full version from the movie. But not on my blog – just on my Facebook page, where I do a daily song, share my posts, and any other rubbish that comes to mind. The link is in the right hand column if you’re interested.

        Liked by 2 people

  7. Many thanks Jonno I was using my camera with a special macro lens on it, with help from my sister and brother in law. I’m really impressed with the clarity and of course I have compressed them for posting on my blog, but they’ve still come out OK (in my opinion anyway). I love the colours too! I agree, it wasn’t Prince’s best work, it was the first thing that came to mind when I started writing the post!


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