Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. What made us laugh or cry this week #1?

Announcing a brand new Friday feature on Deb’s World

Winners and Losers of the week

I often like to share things I see, so I came up with the idea of a weekly roundup of ‘stuff’ I’ve taken note of during the week. I’m thinking articles, blogs, videos, memes, photos, podcasts, memories, news, funny, sad, weird…it could be anything! Please note this is a work in progress and I’m still not too sure where I’m going with it yet.

If you’re like me, you see hundreds of things from a variety of sources throughout the week, and then can’t remember where it was you saw them. Or is it just me?????

I’m determined to try to make myself accountable and I’d love you to join me. Feel free to help me out by leaving a comment with your own winners and losers for the week and I’ll try to include them in future posts (keep them clean!!)

Week 1 Winners

  • My new red ‘Wonder Woman’ reading glasses are a definite winner in my eyes!!!! 🙂
  • Sue, my blogging buddy from Sizzling Towards 60 and Beyond, and another bloggy friend Leanne from Cresting the Hill, provide a weekly linkup called Midlife Share the Love, where midlife bloggers hang out and share their interesting posts, all with a midlife theme. It’s always an interesting, encouraging and supportive network of midlife bloggers. Anyone who blogs over the age of 45 is welcome to join in. We’re all winners here 🙂
  • I’ve thoroughly enjoyed listening to a podcast ‘Who the Hell is Hamish’ from The Australian newspaper and researcher Greg Bearup. It’s a true story of deception, deceit and loss. It’s been great listening to the podcast while out on my daily walks, each episode is about 40 mins long and I get so engrossed in the story the time just passes so quickly. It’s painful listening though, hearing of the sheer evilness of the man and how he managed to con so many people – Hamish would definitely fit into my Loser of the week category.
  • On International Women’s Day (IWD) I went out shopping on my own for the day, in the big smoke of Wagga Wagga. I bought a little something at the Body Shop and I was given a free gift for IWD, with a printed postcard poem called Let Your Light Shine by Montana Lower. The poem is lovely, as is the image of a sunflower on the card and I wanted to share it with you. The wording on the card states: ‘Shine’ highlights the enormous power of journaling and morning rituals. One of Montana’s poems, filled with self-acceptance and positivity, is peeled back on the pages of a journal to reveal a dream state of sunflowers, smiling as they burst through the pages and spread their light.

I am myself
I love me for me
there’s no one else
I’d rather be.

In all my colours
And my seasons
I deserve love
For lots of reasons.

I care for others
I am kind
I only share
Good thoughts
on my mind.

And that’s enough
To not compare
And spread my light

  • Another winner for the week was my father – he passed away in January 2018 and it would have been his 81st birthday during the week, just days after my sister’s birthday. I love this photo I found of my father and my sister in happier times and she was delighted when I sent it to her last year (and in tears too). My sister wrote a lovely piece on her blog last year, about the weekend we had together celebrating what would have been Dad’s 80th birthday. My sister is battling her own issues at the moment and she’s real winner to me in every way. Here’s her lovely post: The Consolation of Trees
Sharon and Dad
Sharon and Dad
  • I just love this meme about telling a story and it has been very popular on my Facebook page, I just wish I knew where I found it! Does it resonate with you too? This is exactly how I tell a joke!
How I tell a story
How I tell a story
  • Facebook and Instagram (and other platforms too apparently) went ‘down’ all over the world for hours and at the time of writing the issue hasn’t been resolved. At about the same time my TV reception was lost and now I’m starting to have conspiracy theory thoughts, as is most of Twitter! Is this the end??????
  • My final winner for the week is SPONTANEITY – some good friends spoke to us over the weekend about a quick overnight trip to a nearby Rail Trail area. Within hours we’d decided to go later that week and are currently enjoying a lovely AirBnb, with good friends and we get to go bike riding in the fresh autumnal air (temps of 29C are not very autumnal I must say) and I just love that we are flexible enough to just go!
Bike riding Debs

Week 1 Losers

  • Anyone in the news lately on child sex offences – I don’t need to name them!
  • NSW State Elections and the possible Federal Election in May – stop with the awful advertising already!!
  • All the depressing news on TV and radio – show us the good news stories for goodness sake!
  • Brexit!!!!
  • Those who Shaved their Head for the World’s Greatest Shave for Leukaemia and blood cancer research this week – of course they’re really winners but they did lose their hair for a great cause! To me they’re the best sort of losers to have. My brother-in-law died tragically at the age of 55 due to Leukaemia.
  • Mean and nasty people who make dreadful comments on social media – my mother always taught us that if we didn’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.
  • Phones – well, not all phones obviously. I occasionally work with school groups as an Outdoor Activity Leader and have been surprised (and annoyed) at the number of students who have phones clasped in their hot little hands – all the time! The teachers say they are often powerless to do anything due to the parents being the ones who want to stay in touch with their children. One student had her phone taken off her, only to tell the teacher the battery was flat – she said she felt better just holding it in her hand even though it was dead! That is a sad indictment on today’s use of phones. The ironic thing is that the activity I was in charge of was all about communication, and with their heads in their phones, I had to work hard at even getting their attention to tell them what fun activity they were going to be doing!!!!

OK so that’s week #1 of my new Friday Feature done and dusted. Let me know what you think and if you have any suggestions for me!

You can see all my Winner and Losers posts here – Winners and Losers

Deb 🙂

Visit Deb’s World’s Instagram for photo updates

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42 Replies to “Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. What made us laugh or cry this week #1?”

  1. I absolutely love that meme about how people tell a story. We are two complete opposites in this household. I will keep my comment short so that you know which one I am 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Deb, what a great idea for a new feature and I’ve no doubt it’s going to be a big hit. I love the meme and the poem you included and have to say, once again, we have a bit in common. My dad’s birthday would have been this week too and even though he hasn’t been with me for many years he was a special man. My sister is also battling serious ill health and she’s handling it in such an amazing way, she’s a definite winner in my book. As for losers, there are loads in the news at the moment but to be quite honest I’m a bit over it, I tend not to watch it these days. Too gloomy!! Have a great week ahead Deb. xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much for your encouragement Miriam. I’m sorry to hear you also have issues with your sister’s health. I’m off to Melbourne for a week on Friday. I’ve turned off the news a number of times this week I just can’t deal with it all. Take care xx

      Liked by 1 person

  3. If I knew how to join the group you mentioned Deb, I think I’d give it a go. Perhaps you can show me when you’re down next.
    Winners for me this week: My daughter Emma, her husband John and their 3 year old Lincoln for taking such good care of me. I know I miss not having my kids closer, but it’s times like this that I really (really) notice the physical distance between us.

    Loser for the week: those who peddle hate in whatever form, and particularly those in public office who use their profile as a platform to promote hate-filled views and to try to legitimise them.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes I will definitely show you how to join in, you’d be a great addition! We’ll make it a special project for my visit. I agree with your winners and losers for the week. Well said!


  4. Hi Deb,
    Love this idea…and totally agree with #MLSTL as a “winner”…I get so much out of participating with that group of women.
    I have a personal addition this week to the “winner” category – that would be my brother who is handling his health struggles with courage, poise, and humor. He’s amazing and a total inspiration to me.
    I sympathize with your missing your dad on this anniversary – I would look for a cardinal here, maybe in Australia that would be butterflies or another Aussie birdie. Our loved ones are always with us.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for your comment and sharing your ‘winner’ with me too Nancy. I hope your brother continues to do well with his ongoing issues. My sister is also battling health issues and handling it as well as can be expected. She’s an inspiration to me too. Yes birds and butterflies are aplenty down here and you’re right our loved ones are always with us. Great to have you join in.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. OMG, the phone situation. I feel like a winner every time I drop my kids off at school sans phones. (They both don’t own phones and their school doesn’t allow phones–so, win-win!) Here’s hoping next week is more wins than losses!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for joining in! I like your winners for the week, I admire anyone who can grown anything!! Hopefully you’re not so tired after some early nights and have more en energy for the things you love doing.


    1. Thanks for your ongoing support and encouragement Sue, it came to me after listening to a podcast from a comedy show and they finished with a round up of winners and losers for the week, so I thought I’d give it a go. So much just flashes by during the week, I’d like to retain some of it!!! We thoroughly enjoyed our spontaneous adventure and I’m sure I’ll post about it soon 🙂 Take care xx


  6. What a great idea. Interesting to see that all those miles away, Brexit made it onto the ‘loser’ list, I cannot tell you how fed up I am about it! Every. single. news report. It’s interesting to see that it’s not only us Brits who are annoyed with it. Also good to see your comments on phones. When I worked at the school I used to help with arranging work experience for our Year 10 students (15 – 16 year olds) and we would call the students to the office to ask them to phone the placement for information. They hated it. Speaking to someone on the phone? What? They spend all that time with a phone in their hand, yet the thought of using it to speak to someone was so intimidating to a lot of them!
    Love that poem, and also the graphic of how to tell a story – that is definitely me as well!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Deb, thanks for your lovely comment, I’m always so excited to get comments especially from another Deb! As lour daughter lives in England we find oursleves trying to keep up to date with the news over there but Brexit is just doing my head in, so I can’t imagine living there and trying to deal with it!

      Phones are a necessary evil I believe and isn’t it weird how the kids don’t actually like calling on a phone???
      I’m really happy to hear the poem and graphic resonated with you too. I hope you’ll be back for week #2. Have a great week and try not to get too fed up with Brexit, keep breathing through it all!


  7. This series reminds me a little bit of my Saturday Snippets posts. It’s always lovely to share the stuff that makes you smile with others. Thanks so much for the #MLSTL shout out. Sue and I often congratulate ourselves on finding such a great tribe of Midlife bloggers who share posts we actually want to spend time reading. Happy birthday to your Dad – lovely that you have such special memories of him xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Leanne, your Saturday Snippets are always a fun read and I know what you mean about sharing things that make us smile. I’m hoping for more winners than losers each week. I LOVE MLSTL, the group is always so interesting with posts about things that matter to me and are from like minded and similar aged bloggers. It’s a fabulous tribe to belong to. You are both to be congratulated for creating this space for us all. Thanks also for your thoughts on dad’s birthday, it was nice to share a happy memory. xx


  8. Hi, Deb – I LOVE this new feature. I totally agree with your choices and was delighted to see #MLSTL included in your ‘Winner’s Circle’. I know I’m late to the table, but I just discovered Clare Crosby – who became a singing sensation when she was barely three-years old. She is now six and plays the ukulele as well. I simply can’t watch her without smiling!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much for your support Donna. I hadn’t heard of Clare Crosby, so I’m even later to the party than you are! What a little sweetie she is!! I’m looking forward to sharing bits and pieces so it should be fun.


    1. Hi Michell, I’m the other co-host of Midlife Share the Love Party with Leanne. Great to meet you and I’m sure we can make an exception. As Leanne wrote, we encourage women who blog about their lifestyle rather than recipes. Check out the link up because there are some fabulous Women Bloggers there and we have a great community. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

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