Wordless Wednesday: A touch of Autumn

Wordless Wednesday

A touch of autumn in Tumbarumba
A touch of autumn in Tumbarumba

May 8 2019

All my Wordless Wednesday posts can be found by clicking this link

It’s harder than you think to go Wordless, but I try to do just that each Wednesday, by sharing a photo that (hopefully) tells a story. Feel free to join in.

Debbie xx

It's time for Wordless Wednesday - a post without words, allowing the photo to tell the story
It’s time for Wordless Wednesday

Visit Deb’s World’s Instagram for photo updates

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35 Replies to “Wordless Wednesday: A touch of Autumn”

      1. I used to see snow on the southern alps from my home when I lived in NZ, and never thought anything of it. The things we take for granted eh! Now I think it would be amazing, so, lucky you!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. It’s always a lovely view – until the accompanying freezing wind makes its presence felt! We’re home now from our few days away visiting my mother-in-law and our daughter and granddaughter and the fire is on, so all is well!

          Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s great to hear my photo gave you that memory. I love kicking through piles of leaves after my husband has raked them up and he’s never impressed with me when I do it 😦 I don’t know why as it’s such a fun thing to do.


  1. Love the Autumn tones and the vintage bike Deb – I want to know where the rider is? So I guess that’s the story behind the picture?
    Thanks for linking up with us at MLSTL and I’ve shared on my SM 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes Leanne there are many stories in this photo! I wanted the viewer to find their own take on it and love the way a photo can appeal to everyone in a different way. (By the way, I’m the bike rider and stopped to take in the glorious colours, I just had to share them!). Thanks for your insightful comment and shares!!


    1. That’s great to hear Jenny! You can say Tumba-bloody-Rumba if you want to, there’s actually a poem with that line followed by chasing kanga-bloody-roos. I laugh when people ask we say it – exactly as it sounds Tumba-Rumba. It’s a fun place to live I can assure you!


  2. I love Autumn Deb and the colours are stunning. We don’t get the change of season as evident as you do unfortunately. Although, Queensland has beautiful Winters. There is something special about this time of year, days getting shorter, cooler and crisp mornings and evenings and a sense of comfort surrounding us all. Thanks for sharing and giving me your gorgeous photo to make my day. #MLSTL

    Liked by 2 people

    1. That’s my pleasure sharing our autumn with you Sue! The change of seasons is one of the things I like most by living here. We will be heading north to escape some of the winter so hopefully we can catch up.


  3. It’s so interesting to see because here in the US the buds are out and spring is here! It’s unseasonably warm here in the northwest as well. It’s supposed to get to 90 degrees. We are definitely not used to that.
    Thanks for the beautiful photo!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It is getting easier the more I do it Jennifer but I’m still tempted to use words to describe the photo and now limit myself to the title and photo caption. It’s such a lovely time of year up here and I enjoyed our bike ride but had to stop to capture this sight!


    1. I think we’re heading towards winter as the last few days have become a tad chilly but I’ll still keep my eyes open for autumn colour! Thanks for your happy wishes – enjoy your change in seasons too.


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