Winners and losers #13 What were the good, the bad and the ugly for the week?

Friday Feature on Deb’s World

Winners & Losers #13

Welcome to Week 13 of my Friday roundup, where I share some of the good, the bad and the ugly ‘stuff’ I’ve taken note of during the week. I’m really enjoying this collection of bits and pieces and love getting your responses – thanks so much to everyone who reads, comments and shares. You are very welcome to join me in this quest each week by leaving me a comment with your own winners and losers. You can also leave me a link to your favourite post from the week and I’ll be happy to share.

Musings on a Monday quote 🙂

Laugh at yourself quote
Today’s quote suits me to a T

This week’s quote sums me up perfectly!! How about you? Do you laugh and give away the punchline in the middle of telling a joke/story, do you snort when you laugh, do you laugh at yourself too? I think there’s a time and a place for all the serious stuff!

Did you know I share a new quote each Monday on Instagram? Are you following me on Insta yet – click here to join in the fun!

Vivid in Sydney

Five years ago when I was attending the International Rotary Convention in Sydney, I went to Circular Quay and watched the annual Vidid light show. I loved it! I can’t believe I haven’t been back since. So I’m making a pact with myself that I will go next year with the Mathematician who has never been! In the meantime here’s a sneak preview.

Only in Australia v2!! 🐨

This week, instead of politicians, we have koalas on a cuddle-train! How cute are they?

And I thought I had a nice outdoor conservatory! 😮

My friend sent me this article and pic and I had to share!

Igloo in Finland
Igloo in Finland

I am known for my pride in my outdoor sunroom but this one in Finland takes the cake!!

For the love of tea 🙂 ☕️

A woman is like a tea bag – you can’t tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water….so very true! I love tea and my daughter suggested this could be our family motto 🙂

Changing lives – a post from Jon and Jo at JWalking

One of the best things about blogging is ‘meeting’ people who do amazing things and this English couple are a perfect example of how we can change our lives. I’ve been following Jonno and Jo at JWalking for ages now and love their adventurous spirit and the way they tell it like it is. They live an amazing vagabonding life and wouldn’t have it any other way. Don’t tell they’re lucky to do what they do though 🙂

How we changed our lives four years ago today

This recent post tells some of their story and I’ve included the link so you can pop over and have a read at your leisure.

A flamingo joke 🙂

My friend said I looked like a flamingo….so I had to put my foot down!!

Pink Flamingo fun in the pool on a summer's day
Pink Flamingo fun

A few Christmases ago we spent time together with a huge pink flamingo – this joke reminded me of some of the happy snaps we had taken with said huge pink flamingo!!

A Road Trip rant 😦

As I prepared for a road trip north to warmer temperatures, for my daughter’s birthday tomorrow, I couldn’t help but notice that it was actually snowing in parts of Queensland – it NEVER snows in Queensland. If I wanted snow I would stay where I am – in the SNOWY MOUNTAINS of NSW!!!!! Queensland is supposed to be sunny and warm all year round – please don’t disappoint me weather gods!

We’ve had a real cold snap here, so winter is definitely showing it’s colours – plenty of white stuff around!

Wish me luck!**

It turns out I didn’t need any luck – here we are arriving in Queensland to blue sky and warm sunshine… it’s so nice 🌞Goondiwindi is a lovely town, which we’ve never visited before- highly recommend it!

Goondiwindi in Queensland
Goondiwindi in Queensland

We’re away from home for a few weeks so my blogging schedule may be affected somewhat – it’s called being on holidays!!

This week’s posts:

If you’ve missed any of the earlier posts in my Friday Feature – you can find them here: Winners and Losers

What made your winners/losers list this week? Let me know if you have any suggestions for me on books, Netflix, movies, podcasts – anything!

Any thoughts on these winners or losers?

Keep smiling and thanks for reading. Enjoy the long weekend for the Queen’s Birthday, except it’s not a public holiday in Queensland???? Let’s just say it’s a long weekend for my daughter’s birthday shall we??

Deb 🙂

**This was written before we left home. We’ve arrived and I’m happy to say it’s nice and warm – to us anyway, the locals think it’s a bit chilly!!

Visit Deb’s World’s Instagram for photo updates

You can also find Deb’s World in lots of other places – stay in touch by clicking any of the buttons below.

16 Replies to “Winners and losers #13 What were the good, the bad and the ugly for the week?”

  1. Hi Deb I can’t believe you have been going for 13 weeks with this series – time does zoom by. Those koalas are just too cute aren’t they? I was born and raised in Sydney so certainly have a soft spot for the harbour. I’ve never been to Vivid so maybe I should try to get there next year. Have a great time in Queensland and I don’t think it will be as cold as where you live! Although we needed an extra blanket this week LOL:)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know Sue, I’ve had to check that I was right with the numbers a few times! Time flies 🙂 . I loved the koalas too and given the temperature at home I had to share them. I really recommend Vivid, even though I’ve only been there once, I think it just keeps getting better and better. Surprisingly I am feeling a tad chilly up here but it’s nowhere near as cold as at home! Hope to catch up with you.


  2. I want to see Vivid one day too Deb – and I like your sunroom better than that one in the snow (I felt cold just looking at it!) Glad Qld turned on the sunny skies for you – it’s blustery and rainy here in WA after a few beautiful Autumn weeks – Winter is definitely on the way. Now I’m off to check out Jonno and Jo x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Leanne, I am enjoying the change in temperature and the ability for some outdoor activity without wearing layers of clothing! It’s the simple things 🙂 Thanks for your visit and comment.


  3. Hi Deb, It’s fun to read the week’s recap. The Monday quote made me smile. Our news in Western Canada is picking up on the snow in Australia. Of course, Australia is a huge country, and like Canada the weather patterns can vary a great deal. Wow on the photo of the light show. And likely more spectacular in real life. Enjoy your daughter’s birthday and the rest of your holiday. I enjoy seeing the photos of your road trip on Instagram, too:)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Erica, it’s fun to share some highlights of the week and I’m happy that others enjoy it too. Yes Australia is a large place with many different weather patterns, and it never ceases to amaze me how far news travels! Lovely to be in touch with you 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Yep, it snowed in Stanthorpe the other day – the coldest town in Qld. I laughed at your flamingos. There’s a retired living community up here whose ad on the back of a bus has a lady in pink swimmers & a pink daisy swimming cap on a flamingo in the pool. The tagline is “We’re more flamingo than bingo.” Enjoy your road trip & your break.

    Liked by 1 person

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