Blue is a colour as well as a feeling

Going Blue for #SundayStills

I never get tired of the blue sky.

Vincent Van Gogh

I’m with Vincent, I never get tired of seeing the blue sky either.

I’m happy to share some of my favourite blue sky photos for this week’s #SundayStills.

What is Sunday Stills all about?

In Terri’s words:

Sunday Stills is a photography challenge with a weekly theme (similar to the now-defunct WPC). Each Sunday I post the weekly theme with images of my own interpretation. Any blogger is welcome to participate and interpret the challenge with their photos, poems, stories, music, etc!

Source: Terri – Second Wind Leisure Perspectives
Sunday Stills photo challenge

I know I always enjoy seeing what others come up with for these weekly prompts 🙂

How about you?

What does the term the ‘blue’ mean to you? Do you have a favourite photo?

Have a great week. Make sure you look up into the sky and enjoy the colour blue.

Deb 🙂

You can see all my Sunday Stills posts by clicking here

Visit Deb’s World’s Instagram for photo updates

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31 Replies to “Blue is a colour as well as a feeling”

  1. Feeling blue means being sad, but seeing these pictures makes me say “When you’re sad, remember that this is the way of the universe. Sometimes you’re sad, and other times you’re happy.”

    Liked by 1 person

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