Forty years of married life – makes us sound old!

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It feels like just yesterday!

I seem to remember my grandparents and great aunt and uncles celebrating their 40th wedding anniversaries, many years ago, and my overriding memory is that they were all really old!

My siblings celebrated my parent’s 40th with a dinner but I didn’t seem to think of my parents as all that old at the time, maybe because I was older.

And now it seems I am old too, as the Mathematician and I celebrate our 40th anniversary today. It seems just like yesterday that we had the wedding!

But the funny thing is I don’t feel old, and I definitely don’t feel like I’ve been married for THAT long!

Then and Now…

Just this week I came across this passage about marriage, it jumped out at me:

Yes it’s boring and crazy and funny and sad….it’s also a lifetime together, a real commitment and well worth all the ups and downs.

You can read last year’s anniversary post here for more wedding memories and photos – 14245 days later

Celebrating 40 years

This year we are in London for our anniversary, at the end of our two months away from home visiting our daughter and her partner and our newest granddaughter Dottie. We fly home to Australia tomorrow. It is one anniversary we will always remember!

We are also counting our blessings, as of this moment, our house is still standing, despite three near misses with the ferocious bushfires burning in our hometown of Tumbarumba. I wrote about the fires recently and how hard it is to be on the other side of the world watching it all unfold from a wet, green country.

I’m thankful to have been able to spend so much time with our daughter and Dottie, who I am pleased to say is thriving. She’s now over 4kg and laughing and smiling at us all. Considering she was born at 25 weeks weighing 845grams, she is our little miracle baby!

Our daughters back at home have had their own issues with smoke and dreadful air quality, pregnancy issues and worrying about their Grandmother in the fire zone as well as fear for our family home and the community. They’ve been very brave and supportive and I’m very proud of them.

We have been seriously worried about our house and our town, and we’re thankful to all the brave firefighters, but also worried about the impact these fires are having on people’s mental health. The constant state of anxiety, adrenaline pumping and fear takes a toll. Our town is still cut off with locals not advised to return home any time soon, there’s no power, limited services and apparently we’re not out of danger of the fires just yet. It’s been very hard for everyone and it’s not easing from the sounds of things. But we know we are very lucky!


What exactly does ruby represent for a 40th wedding anniversary?

Enshrouded in traditional symbolism, the 40th anniversary is known as the ruby anniversary. When given for an anniversary, it signifies the loyal devotion of a long married pair.  Google Search

I think that sums it up very well and I’m tempted to look for a nice ruby ‘something’ for our anniversary as a token of all we’ve been through. Any suggestions?

Thanks for all your love – it certainly makes the world go round.

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Sunday Stills is run by Hugh this week, with the theme of OLD. This is one of my favourite shots from Glastonbury Tor, a very old and historical location in Somerset. It’s quite fitting that it’s a shot looking up at the sky through St Michael’s Tower – I’m all for things looking up!

And less of the OLD!

Stay well and hug those dear to you. Happy anniversary to us both 🙂

Deb xx

All my Sunday Stills posts can be found here

Linking up with Denyse for #Lifethisweek and Midlife Share the Love party linkup

You can also find Deb’s World in lots of other places – stay in touch by clicking any of the buttons below.

Everyone has a story to tell!

Debbie - mother of a 40 year old

Deb is a young-at-heart & active 60+ blogger/retiree, after being made redundant from her 22-year career managing education programs in a men’s correctional centre (jail). She now spends her time reading, blogging, riding her ebike and travelling. Deb was awarded a Bravery Award from the Queen when she was 17 after a tragic accident – a definite life changing moment! She is married with 3 grown-up daughters & has 4 grandchildren. You can read more of Deb’s story here

Copyright © 2024 – All rights reserved

91 Replies to “Forty years of married life – makes us sound old!”

  1. A ruby red lipstick encased in gold like a channel or Est`e Lauder. One he can leave on your pillow or he on yours for when has wish is to be Grant ed … did you see what I just did. I surprise myself sometimes🤣😄 congratulations 40 years is not to be sniffed at.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratulations, Deb! Forty years is a milestone Anniversary! I love your heading photo! I get it, on how I don’t feel old. For us, 41 years last November. I can remember our 25th Anniversary and then a total blur after that. I love the photos of the Then and Now. Not much difference.🙂 Yes, a complicated equation. Cute quote, yet poignant and true.

    My heart goes out to everyone and the fires. I love seeing the updates on Instagram about Dottie. She is precious and perfect and I am thankful she is thriving. Thank you for sharing, Deb your thread of love. It helps me appreciate my marriage and my family.xx

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Congrats Deb, on 40 years with the same man…he must be a good one. 🙂
    1980 doesn’t seem that long ago, does it? I was just out of college and my daughter was born that year…so that makes her 40 in May, doesn’t it? I must be getting old…:)

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Congrats Deb, on 40 years with the same man…he must be a good one. 🙂
    1980 doesn’t seem that long ago, does it? I was just out of college and my daughter was born that year…so that makes her 40 in May, doesn’t it? I must be getting old…:)

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I’m sorry I’m a little late reading this but… HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! 🎉🎉🎉 I love the before & current photos of you both, that’s so sweet. It’s a big one to celebrate, so that’s wonderful to read about.
    I remember a family friend turning 30, then my brother turning 30, and me being younger and thinking ‘yikes, that’s old’. Then you turn 30 yourself… ‘What goes around comes around’ 😂
    Have a safe trip back today  ♥
    Caz xx

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Happy anniversary. 40 year does sound like a long time – but then I counted backwards and realised that just means 1980!! That truly wasn’t that long ago!! May you have many more years together exploring life.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Congratulations! 1980 was a good year (you can probably guess we married that year too!)
    I’m so relieved that your home is still intact although it sounds as if the town will look very different to when you left it.
    I am sure you enjoyed all those Dottie cuddles you had while you were here and it sounds as if you had a lovely extended holiday.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Hi Deb – congrats on 40 years – long term marriage is so special and it covers a lifetime of living together with all its ups and downs. So glad your home is still in one piece and awaiting your return. Hopefully things will improve soon – some much needed rain would be a blessing I’m sure. Safe travels as you return to the land down under xx

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I think you should find a pair of ruby slippers, then click their heels together while whispering “there’s no place like home” and before you know it, you will wake up in your own bed.

    Happy anniversary, Debbie. You guys were a cute couple back then but have grown together to be a stunning couple now. You both wear those 40 years well.

    Wishing you peace on your travels home, and once you arrive. And despite the sadness of leaving your daughter, Dottie and her dad, wishing you peace that comes from knowing how very far Dottie has come.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh Leslie, I love your idea of some ruby slippers so I can click my heels and travel backwards and forwards. I’m so pleased to hear you think we have worn our 40 years well, I don’t feel that old 🙂 . I so appreciate your support and love xx


  10. Congratulations!!! It looked like you had a lovely time away and what a great way to celebrate (and catch up with family of course!).

    I try to remember my mum and dad being my age and am sure they seemed so old. I suspect I’m a bit more immature or ‘less dated’ than they were, but time gives us all some perspective doesn’t it?!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes time sure does give us some perspective, especially as I remember my grandparents celebrating their 40th! Things have changed in the intervening years and we are much ‘younger’ in many ways these days IMO!! Thanks for your good wishes 🙂


  11. Congratulations to you both on the occasion of your ruby wedding anniversary, Debbie.

    I always say you’re as old as you feel. That’s why I still feel like I did when I was 23 years old. And you know what? It seems to work.

    Have a safe and restful flight home. I hope things are on the turn and that the terrible bush-fires have peaked and are on their way out. I’ve been heartbroken seeing all the devastation, especially of the wildlife.

    Thank you for participating in Sunday Stills this week.

    Take good care of yourselves.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Hugh, the theme was spot on for my post that week. I’m with you, we’re only as old as we feel and I definitely don’t feel that I’ve been married for 40 years! The fires have been devastating with the loss of life, property, wildlife and countryside. Really appreciate your concern.


  12. Happy 40th Wedding Anniversary, Debbie and Grant! Richard and I celebrate our 20th next week.
    So glad to hear that Dottie is thriving and that your UK visit went so well.
    Sending thoughts and prayers for all in Australia devestated by the fires.
    Have a safe flight home. Sending warm hugs your way.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Hi Deb … I was just thinking the other day that it’s weird being able to remember Nan and Pop’s 40th wedding anniversary and now it’s yours. Nan must have been about the same age you are now. Or maybe a year younger! My age. Goodness, and we did think she was old – although, to be fair, she was still working and still looked fabulous.
    I also seem to recall Aunty Lily and Uncle Joe’s 40th anniversary. And, of course, Mum and Dad’s.
    Great to see you carrying on the tradition!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, I remember both Nan and Pop’s and A Lily and U Joe’s anniversary parties quite clearly. They seemed much older than me but we were about the same age! I clearly remember mum and da’d 40th too with us going out to dinner with them. Thanks for your congrats.x

      Liked by 1 person

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