What lifts your spirits? #SundayStills

Autumn colours lifts my spirits

I think it’s the range of colours that attracts me to Autumn – the reds, oranges, yellows – and the gentle light.

I’m very lucky to live in a place that has four distinct seasons.

Just a few of my favourite things 🙂

What lifts your spirits? We all need a lift at the moment don’t we?

I hope these colourful shots have helped raise your spirits today.

Leave me a comment to let me know how you’re going.

Deb xx

Lifted Spirits is the prompt for Terri’s Sunday Stills this week.

Denyse’s #Lifethisweek prompt is Share Your Snaps

Sunday Stills photo challenge
Sunday Still weekly photo challenge

All my Sunday Stills posts can be found here

You can also find Deb’s World in lots of other places – stay in touch by clicking any of the buttons below.

47 Replies to “What lifts your spirits? #SundayStills”

  1. Exceptionally beautiful photos, Deb! I love the great variety of colours. We are very fortunate we live close to nature. My spirits were lifted hanging out with a crane the other day. Today, hanging out with a duck. Lol. Take care! xx

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    1. That sounds so lovely Erica! Nature is so uplifting, even when it’s raining like now and I can’t ride my bike, it’s giving me time for a rest and catch up on blog reading. Sending positive thoughts your way and thank you for your beautiful comments, you never fail to make me smile:)

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  2. What wonderful consolation ‘prize’ Autumn brings for you whilst you cannot travel far. The colours are a delight. Now we cannot drive anywhere unless for essentials there will be no chasing Autumn trees as I have in the past up here.

    Thank you for linking up for Life This Week. Next week, the optional prompt is 16/51 I Heard 20.4.2020 …hope to see you there too. Denyse.

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  3. Stopping to take time to look for that perfect photograph is a grand distraction right now. So thankful for Sunday Stills. Autumn is my favorite time of year and your photographs share just why that is so. The grand variety of colors, the textures, the contrasts. Terrific photo of the sun peeking through the crack in the brown maple leaf. Beautiful!!

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    1. Thanks Leslie, I agree the distractions are what I need at the moment too, as I can’t seem to focus on too much else. I loved sharing my autumn shots with you all especially getting lovely comments like yours 🙂 So many thanks x


  4. Very nice collage of autumn colours, Deb. I’m happy to see spring flowers and spring colours where I live. Being outdoors and observing the changes in nature always lift my spirits. Have a great week! #lifethisweek

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    1. I know, it seems weird to me too Sam, especially as we were in England earlier last year for autumn then winter! I feel out of sync. I wish you well for Spring. We’re well and enjoying our time at home, we’re so lucky to have so much space around us. Hope you are going well too!


  5. I have to admit it doesn’t feel very autumn-y here. I wonder if that’s a Qld thing. I must check what other Qlders (Jo, Jan etc say). I definitely noticed it more when I lived in Canberra for eg…

    It feels like we leap straight from summer to winter!

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  6. Lovely shades of Autumn Deb – and with a nice little personal twist of you peeping through the foliage! Autumn doesn’t seem to have reached us in WA yet – we don’t have a lot of Autumn colours showing thru, but it’s a bit cooler this week, so maybe it’s just around the corner.

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    1. Thanks Leanne, I wondered if anyone would notice me peeking through the leaves! No I can imagine autumn isn’t as early for you as it is for us. We are still having lovely days and spending as much time outside as possible.


  7. Might I first say I like your bio very much! Secondly I shall gaze at all of those gorgeous colours and ignore the snowstorm raging outside my window. We think Mother Nature is truly testing us these days. After all if you have autumn should we not be graced with spring? Sending very best wishes and thanking you for brightening a dreary day.

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    1. Yes my new bio reads really well doesn’t it, many thanks to you! Snowstorm in spring?? Now that’s getting a bit crazy. Wishing you better spring weather to come and soon! Our nights and mornings are quote cool and we have the fire going but I think we’re just trying to feel cosy as it’s not that cold yet! Thanks Sue, I’m pleased to have brightened your day a little 🙂

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  8. Oh you’re so lucky to get all four seasons in all their splendour and glory – there’s not much I miss about living in the UK but the changing seasons is definitely one of them. Your gorgeous pics definitely added a splash of colour and joy into my day, so thank you!

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    1. Yes I agree Terri, Spring is my favourite too! When I’m in autumn it’s my favourite and then when spring arrives i shift allegiances. Thanks for the chance to share my favourite autumn photos in Sunday Stills.

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    1. Hi Donna, thanks for your Easter message, we have had aa quiet time, no chocolate and no family/friends but we’ve been out in the fresh air cycling and enjoying ourselves as much as possible. Enjoy your coming spring/summer and stay well 🙂


    1. I’m sorry to hear you can’t go to the bird sanctuary at the moment, it’s hard now with the things we tended to take for granted isn’t it? The freshness and cooler temperatures are quite invigorating here at the moment. Thanks for stopping by!

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      1. It is getting cooler here too and I am glad we aren’t all frying like we do during the summer months. Our winters are also quite nice and not to cold but they make a change from relentless heat. It is a bit tough to be forced to stay home all the time.

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