Taking Stock 2/2021 for #lifethisweek

It’s time for another Taking Stock post – these are always fun to do!

Taking Stock #2/2021

This year Denyse has changed the Taking Stock prompts, and I’m happy to join her in using the new version. You can read Denyse’s latest #lifethisweek post here and you could always join the linkup too.

For me, the idea of these posts is to write a response without giving it too much thought, so it’s usually the first thing that pops into my head.

The beauty of life is in small details, not in big events.

Jim Jarmusch

Let’s get into it!

Admiring: The tenacity of my sister-in-law Carol and my husband, as we’ve been going through my MIL’s house and they have both taken on the brunt of the work. Although I must point out that Carol is more like a sister to me, as we met when she was only 8 and have grown very close over the past 45+ years.

Becoming: Tired of watching and reading the news….

Curious: Why do we all have so much stuff in our lives?

Delighted: My granddaughter told her mother (my daughter) the other day, I need my Deb – it just melts my heart!

Excited: I’m doing the MOJO May Course through the Australian Writers Centre – I thoroughly enjoyed MOJO month last November and it gave me a real lift with every day tasks and boosted my creative thinking. M is for mindset; O is for online; J is for juice and O is for Operation. Yes it cost me some $ but I see it as a great way to get those creative juices flowing

MOJO day 29 - telling stories
From MOJO November 2020

Feeling: More in control of things than I have in a while

Going: Home soon to sort out my own clutter

Helping: Whoever I can with whatever I have to offer

Imploring: Mosquitoes to leave me alone

Joking: What did Deb do? It made everyone laugh 🙂

laughter quote
laughter quote

Keeping: A positive mindset (I just checked and I used that in my previous Taking Stock post), so I’ll go with keeping active, on my bike, walking and adding in some stretching courtesy of my friend Sue at Women Living Well After 50

Loving: All the #brightsquare posts for Becky’s April challenge of bright. It’s been a blast!

Making: Notes for future blog posts – I’m not usually that organised!

Next: My three daughters all have their birthdays within the next 6 weeks – I still don’t know how I managed to do that!

Observing: That clutter and ‘stuff’ tell a life story and it’s sad packing it all up in a skip or sending it off to charity

Pleasing: I’ve spoken to my nutritionist and I’m back on track!

Reading: Just finished The Diamond Hunter by Fiona McIntosh and starting Debra Oswald’s The Family Doctor, plus Agnes Grey by Anne Bronte for my online book club and H.A.G.S with Attitude by Angelique du Toit – Angelique was a guest over at Leanne’s Cresting the Hill recently with a post titled Wholehearted Living – Cultivating new Directions

Staying: In the moment wherever possible

Trying: I’m VERY trying – just ask the Mathematician!

Understanding: Grief is a long and winding road

Viewing: Spicks and Specks on ABC TV – love that show!

Welcoming: New visitors and followers to my blog 🙂

X (our choice): Being brave and getting out onto some x trails on my bike, rather than sticking to the usual paved trails

riding the trails
riding the trails

Yes: To being bold!

Z – (our choice): Zachary is now 3 months old and is super cute!

Cuddle time with Granny Deb
Zachary having cuddle time with Granny Deb

How about you?

What are you taking stock of?

How would you answer any one these prompts? Did you notice that Denyse has made them all in alphabetical order?

I always enjoy these fun posts! I hope you do too, I’d love to hear from you 🙂

Deb xx

You can also find Deb’s World in lots of other places – stay in touch by clicking any of the buttons below.

Everyone has a story to tell!

Debbie - mother of a 40 year old

Deb is a young-at-heart & active 60+ blogger/retiree, after being made redundant from her 22-year career managing education programs in a men’s correctional centre (jail). She now spends her time reading, blogging, riding her ebike and travelling. Deb was awarded a Bravery Award from the Queen when she was 17 after a tragic accident – a definite life changing moment! She is married with 3 grown-up daughters & has 4 grandchildren. You can read more of Deb’s story here

Copyright © 2021 debs-world.com – All rights reserved

40 Replies to “Taking Stock 2/2021 for #lifethisweek”

  1. We have a lot of stuff over here, too, but like you said, that stuff – at least a lot of it – tells the story of our life. I thought I was ready to pack up a lot of the sentimental stuff and part with it, but on second thought, I will hold onto it a while longer.

    Your grandson is a precious angel. Three months already. How is that possible?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes stuff does tell the story of our life Leslie, I don’t think I can ever be a minimalist, no matter how hard I try! Zachary is growing up way too fast 🙂 Thanks for your kind words.


  2. Shooting from the hip is a great way to share your thoughts, Deb. I ‘get it’ on a sister-in-law who is more like a sister. I extra like the quote from Charles de Lint. The photo of you and Zachary is beyond adorable. Thank you for sharing a great post. You remind me how each year is filled with ups and downs and the lessons we learn along the way. xx

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Yay for you using my prompts. They read like a great deal of fun and reflection too. Glad they worked for you.

    I loved seeing you with Master Z. How perfect.

    Interested in this writing course…may have a look. I am always needing something to challenge intellectually and I am a former Grad of AWC having done “writing for magazines and newspapers” back in 2012. Did not love it though.

    Thanks so much for linking up for #lifethisweek. I am always grateful to see your blog post there. Next week my guest poster is ready to comment…I have done one training session with him…and I will be there too. Cheers, Denyse.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Denyse, I really like the A-Z prompts and they really make me stop, think and reflect! Master Z is perfection except when he should be sleeping more at night. Looking forward to next week’s guest 🙂


  4. That was a great read Deb! Your Mojo May Course sounds intriguing. I might have to look at that next year. I love doing things to get the creative juices flowing. I’m doing an Art Mentoring Program at the moment and loving it! Speaking of loving it – I love that quote about laughter!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for your comment Min, the MOJO course is well run and fun to commit to. Your art mentoring program sounds good too! Well done. I love the laughter quote and had to share it!


  5. Good on you for doing MOJO month this month! I might have to do that sometime. 🙂 That’s really cute what your granddaughter said! Go you for being brave and going trail biking. Hope you have a lovely month ahead, Deb!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Stuff… I was just digging through suitcases (where I store what passes for winter clothes in Brisbane) this morning to find my dressing gown and I have piles of stuff I don’t use. And I dislike shopping a LOT so it baffles me how I end up with excess.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Now that we are cleaning out our spaces after living in this house for over 30 years, I am curious too – why did we accumulate so much STUFF? 🙂

    Your 3-month-old grandson is adorable! What a great photo!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Love those alphabetical prompts – you’ve been a very busy reader, I’m so impressed, my reading these days goes at two speeds, slow and stop! How cute is little Zachary! Enjoy the birthday festival – so much to celebrate!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The A-Z prompts are harder than you think at times but I’m enjoying them Sammie. Zachary is super cute and i’m not biased at all 🙂


  9. Quite a positive list this month Deb (and thanks for the shout out re: HAGS with Attitude). I absolutely loved that last pic of you and Zachary – gorgeous! Glad things seem to be on a continuous upward trajectory for you and may they continue to stay that way xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes Leanne, there was a mix of emotions in this post but I tried to be honest in my responses. I’m still reading H.A.G.S, happy to shout out my friends whenever I can!


  10. I am with you regarding reading the news, can be a tad depressing if not uninspiring! Good to see you both out cycling. Which obviously means that a new bike was purchased 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes we are both going well on our bikes, Grant got a new one after his was stolen and he is much happier now :). The news is just awful at the moment.


  11. I’ve actually just signed up for the MOJO May course this morning. I had the tab open all weekend and just didn’t really get around to it and today I was procrastinating about writing a blog post and doing an assignment (and book reviews) so that decided me. I’ve done the day one exercise, but will leave day two for when I leave the house. I’ve got day three open now to do.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s great to know someone in the group Deb! I always enjoy the ideas and tasks as it helps push me along, getting me out of a rut. I’ll look out for your entries.

      Liked by 1 person

  12. These are so good, I love how positive you are, I need to take note! I have just discovered Fiona Mcintosh..through you maybe? I’m on the third Myrrins Gift ..cannot stop reading
    Also decluttering that never seems to end does it, it breeds in the dark at the back of cupboards.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Alison the prompts are good aren’t they? They really get me thinking when I sit down todo the post. I try to be honest and I’m glad my positive attitude shines through despite some of my not so ‘happy’ responses. Yes I have recommended Fiona McIntosh a few times lately and have enjoyed all the books of hers I’ve read so far, I’m glad you too are enjoying The Quickening trilogy, it got me in!


  13. There’s a lot there – I’ll just touch on these. Feeling in control is important and much harder than people realise, so well done. I just finished The Family Doctor. Found it really engaging, and while not my usual thing, would recommend. Lastly grief – in the last Anthology, someone wrote this fantastic poem about grief lurking in the shadows like a sniper taking a shot. You feel that punch out of no where when it hits. I thought that was the best summary – for me the big dates – the anniversaries or birthdays you can prepare for so I don’t find them as hard. It’s when it hits you out of know where that I flounder. Good luck with it all. A difficult part of living.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I appreciate your thoughts Lydia, I’m looking forward to reading The Family Doctor but understand the subject could be confronting. I love that grief summary and it is so true, it’s a very difficult time but we will get there eventually! Thank you.


  14. Deb, Good for you to stay active physically and mentally and taking care of your nutrition. Love the photo of you and Zachary. Have a lot of fun and laughter at your daughters’ upcoming birthday celebrations. #lifethisweek

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Natalie, thanks for your good wishes! I agree it’s important to stay active and eat well, but it’s sometimes easier said than done isn’t it?


  15. I love your responses to the prompts Deb. I’m sure you’ll be glad to have you MILs house finished so you can get back home. Well done on going off the beaten path on your bike. It’s a different kind of riding and fun

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Jen, the house will be a work in progress for many months as neither of us live nearby and have to arrange times to travel down to continue the job, but we’ve made a start and that’s promising! I always enjoy these posts as it gives me a chance to stop and take stock.


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