Sunset from the Sunroom for #SundayStills

Sunroom sunsets

I like alliteration – although apparently it’s not good form to use it! Bah humbug I say 🙂

Given the theme for #SundayStills is sunsets or sunrises this week, it was quite fortuitous that I was sitting in my delightful sunroom late yesterday afternoon watching the sunset over the paddock.

I took this shot from my sunroom and enjoyed seeing the sun drop lower and lower in the sky before disappearing from view altogether. How beautiful is it???

sunset from the sunroom
sunset from the sunroom

As we are in winter here, the days don’t last that long and once the sun goes down it’s time to get inside where it’s decidedly warmer.

Thankfully it was a crisp sunny winter’s day, rather than the foggy grey days of last weekend, and we managed to get a 50km bike ride in along the rail trail. In fact I was resting in the sunroom after a tougher than usual ride, due to battling the headwind on the way home.

I have power in my free standing sunroom, a day lounge, a colourful throw and some comfy cushions, so I was very comfortable reading my book, relaxing after an active day out and the sunset just topped off a good day.


Here are some of my favourite sunset shots from my archives.

It has to be said, I do love a colourful sky!

It seems I’ve written a whole lot of posts about sunsets, and my sunroom. Do you often look back at older posts on a particular subject?

Here are links to a few earlier posts you might like.

Some ‘sunset’ posts I prepared earlier for #SundayStills!

Worth a Word Wednesday: A Fijian sunset

 Wordless Wednesday – also known as Worth a Word Wednesday Bula! Our final night in Fiji was bittersweet. The sunset on our final night in Fiji was spectacular, which sums up our whole trip really!! It was paradise.  The sunset was glorious but saying goodbye to our daughters was hard. We all live so far apart…

Wordless Wednesday: NZ sunset

 Wordless Wednesday This sunset shot has literally left me speechless! As always I hope you enjoy your Wednesday wherever you are in the world. Feel free to join in with Worth A Word Wednesday, post a photo and use as many words as you like!  I only renamed it Worth a Word Wednesday because I just…

A sunroom with a difference

My delightful sunroom is perfect for self-isolation during these crazy days. Pop in for a virtual visit! #stayathome


My favourite place to watch the sunrise is at the beach or Uluru in Northern Territory. Amazing place!!

Sunsets and sunrises for Sunday Stills

I do love sunsets and sunrises, and trying to capture the various hues of the sky. I hope you’ve enjoyed seeing some of my attempts – and haven’t minded my alliteration too much!

Terri, and others joining in, all have some awesome photos of sunsets and sunrises, so make sure you visit Terri to see her informative post about the summer solstice plus her wonderful photos.

Next week’s prompt for Sunday Stills is the Great Outdoors.

Thanks for stopping by.

Debbie 🙂

All my Sunday Stills posts can be found here

Sunday Stills photo challenge
Sunday Still weekly photo challenge

You can also find Deb’s World in lots of other places – stay in touch by clicking any of the buttons below.

Everyone has a story to tell!

Debbie - mother of a 40 year old

Deb is a young-at-heart & active 60+ blogger/retiree, after being made redundant from her 22-year career managing education programs in a men’s correctional centre (jail). She now spends her time reading, blogging, riding her ebike and travelling. Deb was awarded a Bravery Award from the Queen when she was 17 after a tragic accident – a definite life changing moment! She is married with 3 grown-up daughters & has 4 grandchildren. You can read more of Deb’s story here

Copyright © 2021 – All rights reserved

48 Replies to “Sunset from the Sunroom for #SundayStills”

  1. Beautiful sunset shots, Deb! I do understand your love for colorful skies now. 🙂 And, of course, I am jealous of your sunroom. What a special and wonderful haven! It would be the perfect (writing) studio.

    I remember making it to Uluru once for sunset – sunrise was too early to get there. Once that sun is gone, the outback gets really chilly. But, the incredible starry nights make up for that. And, being able to sleep in a swag (do I remember that word correctly) is comfy cozy. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Liesbet, it’s great to share my sunroom with everyone. I have a desk in there and spend a lot of time in there at the moment, as winter rolls on here.

      Uluru is an amazing place and it was great to read about your memories of your visit there. Yes swag is the right word!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Lovely photos! You are very fortunate to have such beautiful room!

    I spent most of my life living on the island of Saipan. Our children and grandchildren are still on island. I miss the sunsets so much. My daughter is a photographer and I plan o featuring her photos on my blog when I write about home. Absolutely stunning photography of the island and our amazing sunsets.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Wow, Debbie, what amazing sunsets and sunrises! I saw your IG post, too! How amazing to have that view in the comfort of your sunroom! And I LOVE alliteration, too, we need more of it, especially in blogging! I really love the sunset peeking between the palm fronds–a truly inspired shot! Wouldn’t we have fun together on a photoshoot? Thanks for sharing and have a fabulous week. Enjoy your extra 2 minutes of light a day…you may notice the difference in a month, LOL!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks very much Terri, you’re not the first one to mention that sunset through the fronds photo, it seems to be very well received! I liked the different perspective when I took it and it’s so different from my usual views! I’m so glad you agree we need more alliteration, not less – we are definitely on the same wavelength. I’m going to enjoy those extra minutes of daylight don’t you worry 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Uluru was an amazing place to visit and we really want to go back out there one day. It took us years before we got there and then we wondered why we hadn’t done it sooner!


  4. I love sunsets more than I do sunrises, but the sunrises in winter can be spectacular, Debbie.
    Your photos of them are amazing. Mother Nature certainly loves putting on amazing displays for us to enjoy.
    Happy Winter Solstice for tomorrow.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes I think I’m with you Hugh, sunsets appeal to me for some reason and you might note I have a lot more photos of them than sunrises! Thanks for your visit and comment, enjoy your summer solstice and warm weather 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes taking photos through windows can show a whole different perspective can’t it? Enjoy your summer solstice as we experience our winter solstice.


  5. What a photo! Amazing. I love sunsets. I went to Greece a couple of years ago and watched the sun slip into the Aegean sea. Probably one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen.

    Liked by 1 person

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