Why August wasn’t a very #BOLD month

Hello to all you bold and beautiful people out there!

In some ways it’s been a real struggle to find ways of being BOLD during August. It’s been a month of lockdowns, restrictions, cancelled family visits, state border closures, postponed appointments, solitude and just doing the right thing by staying home.

Great for getting some reading done, riding my bike and spending time in my sunroom in the garden, all the while noticing the changes taking place around me. The whole countryside is coming alive, we’ve had lots of rain and a few warmish winter days so daffodils, snow drops, magnolias and blossom trees are starting to brighten the landscape – and lifting my mindset into the bargain!

My Word of the Year (#WOTY) for 2021 is BOLD. You can read my original post here – 60 years old and feeling BOLD – which sets the scene for my year!

How’s my bold year going so far?

The year is racing by isn’t it? So far, I’ve managed to keep track of my progress in posts during January, February, March, April, May, June and July, which means we are getting to the pointy end of the year. It’s been another weird year wouldn’t you agree?

I always enjoy writing these reflective posts, although I must admit this is the first month that I have struggled to write about being bold.

This comment left by by Carol from Reading Ladies, really made me smile when she left it on a recent post 🙂 Isn’t it just spot on?

We’re expert body surfers Deb, going with the waves and not fighting them! 

Carol from Reading Ladies Book Club

Showcasing my bold photo for August

Each month I try to have a photo that shows boldness. I couldn’t go past this beautiful late afternoon view from my verandah, the sunset behind me turning the hills in front of me red, along with the remnants of a rainbow. I was actually talking to my daughters on facetime at the time and had to pause the call to take the photo, they understood!

red hills of home in Tumbarumba
The red hills of home in Tumbarumba

Red is such a bold colour isn’t it, and even nature is getting in on the act of being bold!

So how did August go for being bold?

  • Lockdown restrictions meant no going out unless it was essential, no mixing with friends, no hair appointment, no massage and worst of all no planned family visits. My diary is full of so many things crossed out!
  • Lots of books plus the launch of our new What’s on Your Bookshelf challenge.
  • Bookclub in the park with my local book club friends – socially distanced of course!
  • My first Covid test with negative results thankfully.
  • My 2nd vaccination – all done for now!
  • Rotary meeting on Zoom to catch up with fellow members as we can’t meet in person.
  • Dottie my granddaughter turned 2 over in England but spent her special day in hospital!
  • Trying to support local businesses who are suffering – I wrote a post all about Ways to stay Afloat
  • Lots of Facetime chats with our daughters and grandchildren.
  • Many walks in the forest and riding my bike on the local rail trail.
boldness quote
boldness quote

I wasn’t going to do my words for BOLD this month but these words came to me after my first draft of this post so I’ve included them after all!

Bounce – I’m sure you’ll agree that life has its ups and downs and we really need to be able to bounce back. A few years ago I wrote a post about bouncing with my top 5 tips on how to keep bouncing along. Sure we can stay down for a bit but getting back up is important. It doesn’t matter how far you fall, what matters is how high you bounce back!!

Organised – If you saw my calendar(s) you would realise I am quite organised. Of late things have been more fluid shall we say, but generally I’m on top of things. We aren’t doing much out and about but I’ve still managed to maintain standards and use my skills. We got a new TV streaming thingy (very technical term) during the month and I had to set it up, linking all our apps, inputting passwords and following the quite complex instructions and yay I did it! If I wasn’t feeling bold I would never had managed I’m sure!

Laughter – when things aren’t going too well, laughter can be the best thing and this made me laugh. We do a lot of Facetime chats with our girls, as it’s the only way we can see them and our grandchildren at the moment, so I’ve shared this with them to give them a laugh 🙂

Do it – yes like the Nike ad, just do it! I’m trying to make some changes to things in my life -like different types of exercises, activity levels, eating plans – and I’ve learnt to just get in and do it, take the opportunities that present themselves and JFDI. Boldness is my super strength at the moment.

I was wrong

Here was I thinking that I hadn’t been very bold during August but when I sit down and look at it I realise I have been bold. Not in an earth shattering way but I’m reminded from my interview with Sue from Women Living Well after 50 last month, that bold things don’t always have to be big, they can be ordinary things that help us keep moving forward.

If you missed my recent chat with Sue, you can see it here:

How was your month?

What’s next?

I’m hoping the next few months will improve (for everyone) and I can continue finding the bold in the everyday. I love this quote from Wonder Woman and as I have been called WonderWomanDebz in the past, I couldn’t help but share it here to remind myself and anyone else who needs reminding, that we all have something to offer the world.

Only love can save this world.

So I stay, I fight, and I give.

This is my mission now.


Diana Prince. Wonder Woman.

I hope you’ve enjoyed my latest edition of Becoming Bold, although I really didn’t do anything very bold this month!

Let me how you’re going at the moment, I’d love to have a chat with you.

bold quote from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
bold quote from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Thanks for stopping by, I always appreciate your visits 🙂

Deb xx

Linking up with Denyse for #lifethisweek with the prompt of self care stories

Joining Natalie for #weekendcoffeeshare

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Everyone has a story to tell!

Debbie - mother of a 40 year old

Deb is a young-at-heart & active 60+ blogger/retiree, after being made redundant from her 22-year career managing education programs in a men’s correctional centre (jail). She now spends her time reading, blogging, riding her ebike and travelling. Deb was awarded a Bravery Award from the Queen when she was 17 after a tragic accident – a definite life changing moment! She is married with 3 grown-up daughters & has 4 grandchildren. You can read more of Deb’s story here

Copyright © 2021 debs-world.com – All rights reserved

61 Replies to “Why August wasn’t a very #BOLD month”

  1. Love the BOLD look of your blog. New colors, I think, and a new header with a BOLD font. Or perhaps that is just for this post but it suits perfectly.

    My word of the year was LIGHT and I have struggled to find light some days, to lightened up (weight) but I am working on lightening my possessions and seasonal decorations.

    Seems to me that August was a very successful month despite the restrictions Covid imposed. It is hard to be terribly bold when you are on lockdown and restricted to your house. But you have done so well.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Deb! Firstly, apologies for just getting to your post now. August and September for me have been so hectic I had to press the pause button. I always enjoy your BOLD posts and even though you didn’t think August held much boldness you proved yourself wrong by the end of the post. Your writing is an inspiration to me, Deb. I love your variety and how you can bring sunshine to a day even when there is gloom surrounding you. Thanks for the mention of our conversation on the podcast – I always enjoy chatting with you. We don’t have to set the world on fire and sometimes having a few quiet spots to reflect is just what we need. Enjoy your beautiful spring flowers and the photo you included of the mountains was one of my favourite for the month. Take care xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Many thanks Sue.I think you’re right to hit the pause button for a while and we all need to do that from time to time. Your words also lift me and you made me smile again with your ‘sunshine’ comment! We certainly don’t have to set the world on fire every day but I’m glad I managed to move forward through August and see the positives by the end of it. Love having you. on my cheersquad 🙂


  3. You’re so right Deb, bold things don’t have to be big, they just have to keep us moving forward and I also think being bold is also about doing hard things even when we think we can’t and/or don’t want to do them! Yay you with the streaming thingy, I’m very impressed and sorry about your granddaughter’s birthday – not a fun way to spend a special day! Absolutely loving the pics – you make a great Wonder Woman, the sunset is spectacular and OMG that tiktok made me laugh out loud! Hope you’ve had a great week x

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Sometimes bold is going with the flow, accepting the disappointments (like cancelled family visits), and carrying on. It sounds to me like you did exactly that. I hope Dottie is feeling better. I cannot believe it has been two years! Here’s to a bold September!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I can so relate to that feeling Toni. I keep reminding myself that this is part of my “real life” and trying to figure out how to make it a beneficial part. Sometimes it’s not easy though. xo

      Liked by 2 people

    2. It was fun to dress up as WonderWoman Toni, hopefully things improve for you in Canberra soon. We couldn’t get there to celebrate our granddaughter’s 3rd birthday on the weekend but we had a zoom party.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I haven’t watched the interview as I don’t tend to watch / listen to podcasts, FB Live and similar. Not sure why, but I will as I’m intrigued now.

    It’s tough for you guys down south at the moment and we are just so lucky in Qld. I’ll be surprised if our turn doesn’t ever come but we have been fortunate to date.

    I like the b for bounce as I need to bounce back better from things at the moment. And yes… I need to JFDI (re everything!).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for your honesty Deb! I try to listen to podcasts but run out of time unless I’m driving or walking which has me in one place for a set time. Yes bounce is a good word for all of us at he moment it seems! Take care and JFDI 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I love the Goethe quote. and the red hills photo. I don’t know if it’s boldness for me or just not caring if you fail? I have a few friends that have been disheartened with the rejection of their novels, where as I keep signing up and submitting regardless of failure. If I’d spent all that time writing a book, I certainly would give up after 2 or 3 rejections…!!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Isn’t reflection such a revealing process? You started thinking you weren’t very Bold this month, and yet, upon reflection, you were in fact. And all through the inconvenience & stressors of lockdown, cancelled plans, and other disappointments.

    Wishing you a September filled with time for reflection, and good days to enjoy them!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Hi Deb. There really has to be something to be said for taking the world as it arrives engaging and making the best of things, being the active ingredient rather than just the result and you really do put flesh on this image.
    Thanks for the visit and refreshing point of view.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. It sounds to me like you’re still bold and getting bolder! I love these quotes, very inspiring for me too! The picture of the red hills is stunning.
    I’ll need to go listen to your interview this coming week!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. When I read about your month, I thought you had been very bold Deb. I think boldness has many different meanings. In these difficult times that are seeming to go on and on for ever, it takes boldness just to cope. Lets hope September is a better month for all of us.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Hi Deb – the mum/dad/son video gave me a laugh for the morning. I also agree with the “ride the wave” comment – my mum uses it a lot and adds “up and over” on the end – now when we get a bit stressed she just comes out with “up and over” and we all get it. Sorry it hasn’t been a great month, but there was still joy in amongst it all – and that’s pretty much life atm isn’t it? Spring is on the way and that will definitely lift everyone’s spirits. xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Leanne, the video really made me laugh and the girls have told their father he is not to emulate it when they call! yes riding the wave is good advice as is up and over. Yes I’m looking and finding the joy so it’s not all bad!


    1. Thanks very much Ali, this too shall pass! I am trying to keep myself positive and it’s working! The view from the verandah was amazing and I’m glad i managed to get it.


  12. Loved this post Deb, I always do, but it has been a while since I have visited. The picture of the red mountains is amazing. I have seen red clay before, but not red mountains. I love your boldness in tackling the technology set up, very bold in deed. Sorry to hear that Dottie spent her birthday in the hospital. Hoping all is well. I also love the quotes and the Wonder Woman picture; is that you? Best and blessings, Michele

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Many thanks for stopping by and reading Michele. I had a first draft that was really quite negative but I managed to turn it around. Yes that’s me in the WonderWoman photo, a few years ago at a dress up party. Dottie is doing well now thanks but it was scary for a while there. Take care x

      Liked by 1 person

      1. ell, I was Wondering about the picture and very glad that Dottie is doing well now, it is always scary, our Achilles’ Heel when one of our little ones or even our bigger ones are sick or suffering. Glad for the good news. Glad also that you are enjoying the approaching of spring as I am enjoying the approaching of fall. Do folks go nuts for Pumpkiin Spice flavors there in the fall, or is that strictly a US thing? Best, M

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Oh Yes! Fanatically so. I saw a Meme from the Episcopal Church, that I am sure was supposed to be funny, it was a box of communion bread, pumpkin spice flavored. I was going to share it but was afraid some would think it sacriligious:)

          Liked by 1 person

  13. Beautiful red hills and well done setting up your new TV streaming. I agree with what Erica and Donna’s comments. It must be a Canadian thing 🙂 You’re doing what you can to stay positive and healthy physically and mentally during a lockdown. That’s Bold. Thank you for linking up with #weekendcoffeeshare.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. BOLD is getting up each day when you don’t feel like it, putting one foot in front of the other when life is tough…and yes, just doing it. That’s why my year of B.O.L.D. used it as an acronym. I so understand the disappointments of course, but each time, you manage the sadness and disappointments you are showing yourself ‘you are bold’. Bold is often not seen, it can be a slight whisper too.

    Take care, Denyse.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Oh that’s a perfect description of being bold Denyse, many many thanks for this. I love that bold is often not seen, it can be a slight whisper… so very true! I think I’ll use your comment in my next wrap-up for September if that’s OK. You are a very wise and clever friend and i’m so happy to have you in my circle. xx

      Liked by 1 person

  15. Hi Deb, Carol’s comment is descriptive and wise “…body surfers…” A spectacular sunset photo of the red hills. A very challenging time right now along with many lessons. Good job on the ‘TV streaming thingy!’ A step forward is a good thing.

    You remind me of one of my mantras “ If you believe you can or cannot, you are right” I believe this falls under the category of being bold.

    You are surrounded by people who care about you, Deb! xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am so pleased to have met people like you Erica, wonderful, generous souls who uplift me! I’m also of that mindset ‘If you believe you can or you cannot, you are right!’ It makes complete sense to me, many thanks for the reminder. I am lucky to be a part of some very special circles and value each and every one of you, more than you can imagine xx

      Liked by 1 person

  16. Hi, Deb – As soon as I read your title, “Why August Wasn’t a Very #BOLD Month,” I planned to argue with you in the comments. But then you came to the same conclusion that I had — so no need for me to (respectfully) disagree. Despite all of the restrictions and setbacks, you’ve accepted what you needed to accept, then creatively modified what you could and continued to remain active and put yourself out there (all with a very positive attitude, I might add). If that isn’t being BOLD, I don’t know what is! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

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