What’s on your Bookshelf #2


It’s lovely to have you back for another month of the What’s On Your Bookshelf Challenge, #whatsonyourbookshelfchallenge, hosted by SueDonnaJo and yours truly.

We were all thrilled with our first month and loved having so many of you join in – many thanks for all the great posts and reading suggestions! I have to say my TBR (to be read) pile is growing astronomically as a result of all the great suggestions.

The simple purpose of this challenge is to share our love of reading.

Listening to a book as opposed to reading a book

I want to know what you think about listening to audiobooks. Apparently some people don’t count books they listen to as books they’ve read! What the?

I definitely count books I listen to as books I’ve read – just so you know where I stand on the issue.

My main problem with audiobooks is the amount of time they take. I look at books I want to ‘read’ on Audible, and the amount of time they say it will take, usually in excess of 13 hours, immediately puts me off. Now I understand that I would probably take that same amount of time if I read the book myself, but seeing it in print puts me off and it’s a completely different scenario in my head!

I will admit that I have trouble listening to books as opposed to sitting and reading. I am fine listening to books if I am walking, riding my bike, driving or doing something like cleaning or ironing but I can’t just sit and listen. I tend to fall asleep or go off into a daze and I miss some important aspects of the story and then have to re-listen which takes even more time. Is it just me?

So it tends to take me ages to get through a book on Audible, whereas I can read a book really fast and have it over and done with. I love nothing more than sitting in the warm sunshine in spring and autumn or rugged up cosy in my sunroom during the cold winter months. But listening to a book is a completely different experience. I do it but it’s not my preferred style.

Some people have the same problem with real books and ebooks. My mother for instance, likes to read in bed and some books weigh too much for her to hold up, so she prefers reading ebooks on her kindle. She is always looking at my recommendations to see what to read net! They’re also more portable on a smaller device aren’t they?.

What are your thoughts on audiobooks and ebooks?

So what’s on my bookshelf

Latest books Aug/Sept 2021
Latest books Aug/Sept 2021

I’ve had a fabulous time reading soo many books in a variety of genres – I don’t know where to start. Last month I wrote about the ‘Most…’ books so far this year and enjoyed sharing my thoughts and breaking down my favourite reads so far this year.

So this month I thought I’d focus on my recent 5 star rating reads.

  • The Little Cafe by the Lake by our very own Joanne Tracey (our spectacular co-host). Now this book isn’t out until November (but you can pre-order it here with Amazon) and no we’re not on a commission for telling you how good Jo’s books are! We were lucky to be given a copy to check over and we have all thoroughly enjoyed it. Set in New Zealand it’s a family drama that was well written and I couldn’t put it down. I actually got a bit emotional in some places I was so immersed in the story.
Jo's book - The Little Cafe by the Lake
Jo’s book – The Little Cafe by the Lake

I wrote a review on Goodreads if you want to check it out. Jo is a stellar author and in my mind deserves much more recognition than she gets. If you’ve not read any of Jo’s books before then I suggest you head here to check out what she’s written and how you can get a copy. Jo’s Books are all easy books to get lost in, with believable and real characters, great story lines, recipes and incredible locations and scenery. In the genre of chick lit but not in the too much basket, and usually with a happy ending (as Jo says herself, she loves happy endings).

  • The Huntress by Kate Quinn – after devouring The Rose Code I knew I had to read The Huntress and I wasn’t disappointed. Set in the time following WW2, it tells the story of hunting for war criminals, in particular a woman known as The Huntress. It was really good and had me hooked from the start. In this immersive, heart-wrenching story, Kate Quinn illuminates the consequences of war on individual lives, and the price we pay to seek justice and truth. 
  • The funniest and most surprising 5 star read was The Nancys by RWR McDonald. My review on Goodreads:

For the first few chapters I wondered exactly what I was reading but then I got into it and loved it! I keep changing from 4 to 5 stars but have decided it’s definitely a 5star read because of the quirkiness of it! It is hard to describe but the Nancy Drew connection got me into it in the first place, then the characters and their personalities captured my imagination and I ended up sitting near the fire all afternoon, (it was raining outside) until I finished it. It’s a story written from an 11 year old’s perspective with a mystery, family issues and so much more. I really really enjoyed it!!

The Nancys - a quirky read
The Nancys – a quirky read

The Nancys is gripping and glorious, a heart-warming novel for anyone who’s ever felt they were on the outside looking in. At its heart it is about the family we make and how we must summon the courage to face the truth, no matter what the cost may be. (Goodreads blurb)

This was a hoot of a read but a word of warning, it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. It has adult themes, language, and over the top quirky characters. But if you’re open to that and you liked Nancy Drew books when you were a kid, then you just might enjoy this one. I’m now ready to read the second in the series Nancy Business.

Some other almost 5 star contenders were:

What am I currently reading?

I have far too many books marked as ‘currently reading’ at the moment and desperately need to finish some before allowing myself to pick up a new one to start. Do you do that too?

I told you I was reading a lot and they are all so different too!

Up until recently, I was in the habit of writing a Friday Fiction post towards the end of each month, but from now on, I’ll be joining my friends to share What’s on your Bookshelf instead – on the third Friday of each month. Reading, like life, is always more fun with friends. I hope you enjoy our offerings!

Guidelines for WOYBS:

What: What’s On Your Bookshelf #whatsonyourbookshelfchallenge
When: Third Thursday PM (Northern Hemisphere)/ Third Friday AM (Southern Hemisphere).
Why: Share a love of reading.
Where: Blog, Blog Comments, Instagram or other Social Media.
Who: This linkup is open to everyone.
How: You can share in the comments, with a blog post, or on other social media of your choice. Include the special hashtag #Whatsonyourbookshelfchallenge so that we can find you and include your link in our posts.

But Wait, There’s (Even) More!

To show our appreciation to all participants, contributors are welcome to display a badge on their blog, website or social media. Let me know if you’d like to display the badge.

Now it’s over to you, will you join us?

Sue, Donna, Jo and I hope that you will join us in this new series! If you have any questions just ask us. You can also link to any, or all of our posts, with a pingback, that way we get to see your posts quicker!

Don’t forget to tell me about the book(s) you’re reading at the moment!

You can read more from my co-hosts here: Jo , Sue and Donna

Some other posts for #whatsonyourbookshelfchallenge can be found here:

We’re all in this together 🙂

Deb xx

Note: I’m sharing this for Natalie’s #weekendcoffeeshare

You can also find Deb’s World in lots of other places – stay in touch by clicking any of the buttons below.

Everyone has a story to tell!

Debbie - mother of a 40 year old

Deb is a young-at-heart & active 60+ blogger/retiree, after being made redundant from her 22-year career managing education programs in a men’s correctional centre (jail). She now spends her time reading, blogging, riding her ebike and travelling. Deb was awarded a Bravery Award from the Queen when she was 17 after a tragic accident – a definite life changing moment! She is married with 3 grown-up daughters & has 4 grandchildren. You can read more of Deb’s story here

Copyright © 2024 debs-world.com – All rights reserved

63 Replies to “What’s on your Bookshelf #2”

  1. I am SO glad that you count the Audio books! I know it is a different experience than maybe being curled up with a paper book or digital one – but Audio books have a place and as the podcasts keep rising in popularity I expect Audio books will too –
    And great selection of books this month- the variety shows your diverse interest – that
    One hundred years of dirt sounds good !

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Those look good. I’m kind of with you regarding audible. I can listen while walking, driving, flying, etc, but not just to sit and listen and I can’t be doing something else that requires attention, so sometimes even driving doesn’t work. I tend to read more physical or kindle books. I’ve read one of Jo’s books and I’m part way through another of hers.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Not sure if this will make you smile, but I apparently replied to myself a while back, when I meant for this to go to you.(that is what comes from rushing) I published my WOYB post with the badge and #, but didn’t send it to you (missed a step!) So, delayed but here it is. Have a good evening, blessings, Michele

    My September Reading

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thanks so much for the shout-out!!!! xxxxx I’m with you re audiobooks. They absolutely count but I can only listen while walking & not when sitting. I’m also better at listening to non-fiction than fiction.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I definitely count books I listen to as reading. When I began homeschooling my boys 8+ years ago we turned to audiobooks in the car and have listened to so many more books than I would ever have been able to read aloud to them. Funny enough though I don’t think I’ve ever checked out a book just for me to listen to though. I often will tune out parts of the book when navigating traffic or driving in a new area and depend on my boys to fill be in (I’ll actually pause the book and ask them to clarify whenever I get lost). I’ m just not as good a listener as I am a reader.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hi Deb, like you I tend to avoid audio books. My thoughts go like this. with an audio book, only my hearing is in use and all my other senses either starting searching for something to engage with or I fall asleep and if I try to listen while doing something mundane I tend to only pay half-attention and catch myself thought triggered by all kinds of things so I miss much of the book. So I still back in the dark ages of either a real book or my kindle tablet app.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. That is one big piece on reading..firstly I am glad you are talking about Audible (or any kind of speaking book) because they are the best for me. I listen in the car as I am 99% by myself. Love them. I am not put off by 9-11 hours. I found I had to “grin and bear it’ that Comfort was so short by comparison. Rick’s first book is hard in some parts. I guess you know from me that he’s a mate and his Mum was also one of my Women of Courage. If you can get through his book and there are quite a few academic pieces in between, then have a break…and eventually read/listen to My Year of Living Vulnerably. Rick & I caught up at the Newcastle Writers festival in 2019 after not seeing each other for some time and it was at that festival…on that day I think that he realised he had PTSD from the event of huge significance he outlines in 100 Years of Dirt. It wasn’t meeting up with me that it happened but when he was part of a panel. Do you follow him on social media? @squigglyrick? Now writing for the Saturday paper he is a full on “detective” in all matters social and health and the poor and marginalised. Sorry! Essay here!! Denyse #weekendcoffeeshare

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Wow! that is a lot of reading. I will put Jo’s book on my short list to read soon. I had the 20th in mind instead of the 3rd Friday. My WOYS is almost ready, just need a little more editing and I will get it posted, hopefully tomorrow. Like others, I appreciate your affirming audio books as “real books.” I would be lost without audio books, but this challenge has also helped me do what I thought impossible hold a book in my hand, sit and read it. Thanks and blessings, Michele

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you for the welcome. The challenge has really helped me read more. I preordered Jo’s book. Haven’t read any of hers yet, so I may take the bait and read what came before the new one. It is extra fun to read a book written by a blogger that you “know.” Best, Michele

        Liked by 1 person

  9. Hi Deb, A great mix of books that you’ve read. I’ll add a few of them to my TBR list. I’ve read Jo’s Happily Ever After and look forward to reading her subsequent novels. I’ve been reading e-books exclusively (no physical book) since last summer. I rarely listen to books because while I’m outside cycling or walking, I prefer to have all my senses for nature and my surroundings.

    Here’s my contribution: https://natalietheexplorer.home.blog/2021/09/17/recent-reads-and-golden-finds/

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  10. Hi, Deb – Great discussion on Reading Books vs Audio Books. To me, a book is a book regardless of how you devour it (but not a movie or tv series…please don’t get me started on that comparison). 😀 Actually, I often mixed listening and reading the same book. I did that with Tenant and am now doing that with Villette. I find this method works well on longer classics. When I’m out walking, or otherwise unable to read in a regular fashion, I listen to the audiobook. But when I can read the print or digital form, I switch to that. That latter is WAYYYYY faster!
    I loved having a peek at what’s on your bookshelf. Amazing selection!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes I agree with you Donna, a book is a book regardless of how you listen! I did a similar thing, mixing the audio book and print book for one of our other Bronte books. It helps if the reader does a good job though. Thanks for being a great co-host of our challenge.


  11. Hi Deb, I haven’t read any of the books you’ve read this month but some of the authors are faves so I’ve added them to my list. Re audio books. I love them, but I can’t sit still and listening. If I’m sitting I’d rather read. Audiobooks for me are for when moving around. Seeing the time in print can be off putting I agree.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Jen, I’m with you, I can’t sit still long enough to listen to books. I’ve discovered I can listen while cycling up hills, as they help me concentrate on something else, other than the hard work!


        1. I just read and commented on your post! It was an eclectic mix of books which I enjoyed reading about. Thanks for joining us for #whatsonyourbookshelfchallenge


  12. Hi Deb. I just left a comment on Donna’s blog about two books that I’m currently reading, including Jo’s Happy Ever After. I’m so happy that some of the characters I enjoyed meeting in that book make a return visit in some of her subsequent novels, including her newest one. I’m always so impressed with the number of books you read! I don’t know if I’ve ever listened to an audible book but I enjoy podcasts so that experience is probably similar.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Janis, I’m sure you’ll enjoy Jo’s other books, she writes from the heat and her characters are real people through and through! As to how many books I read, I take any opportunity to sit and read 🙂


  13. I can’t believe it’s that time again! Some great books to review here Debbie. I’m not keen on audio books I love to see the printed word. I’ve been a bit slack on the reading front this month but I will be doing a post. Happy reading 📖

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Hi Deb, I enjoyed Jo’s book too although I haven’t written a review as yet. I haven’t used Audio books and actually have a e-reader. We started using one when we were travelling (did that ever happen?) and it was easier to load up books rather than carrying them as extra baggage. I do like the feel of a book though. At least we have options don’t we? What would the world be like if we didn’t have books to read?? It isn’t worth thinking about is it? Thanks for co-hosting #whatsonyourbookshelfchallenge and we are off to another flying start. xx

    Liked by 1 person

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