Final Taking Stock for 2021 for #lifethisweek

It’s time for the final Taking Stock post of 2021 – these are always fun 🙂

Which means the year is almost over! Where has it gone?

Taking Stock 2021 blog header
Taking Stock in 2021

Taking Stock #5/2021

As I always say, the idea of these Taking Stock posts is to write a response without giving it too much thought, so be aware it’s usually the first thing that pops into my head.

Denyse is the author of these Taking Stock prompts and you can read her latest #lifethisweek post here.

You are more than welcome to join the linkup too. So many great blogs to discover!

Deb's World business card
Deb’s World business card

Let’s get into it!

Admiring: These nests made by the Fairy Martin swallows, they’re very clever little birds.

Fairy martin nests on rail trail
Fairy martin nests on the rail trail

Becoming: Quietly confident we will have a family Christmas after-all.

Curious: When will it stop raining? Thankfully it’s stopped now 🙂 but with La Nina on the job it seems like we’re in for a wet summer.

Delighted: My massage therapist described me as being most unlike her usual female clients, in that I’m not ‘soft and cuddly’ – all my exercise is paying off as my body gets toned.

Excited: We can now leave the country – but I won’t be rushing to do so just yet.

Feeling: Lazy – it’s raining as I write this and I am sitting snuggled under a blanket and was reading a book most of the morning as I can’t be bothered to do anything much.

Going: To need flippers if it doesn’t stop raining soon.

Helping: Loving helping out with our Rotary Club’s triobikes, I’m a support rider helping get the passengers comfortable and love seeing their happy faces as we ride along!

Imploring: Everyone to be kind to each other, there seems to be an increasing feeling of tension and division in the country at the moment.

Joking: I laugh a lot when telling a joke and rarely get the punchline out without spoiling it.

Laugh at yourself quote
Today’s quote

Keeping: On reading, it is so easy to get lost in another world.

Loving: My blogging friends around the world and our connection, despite not having met many in real life.

Making: I made Spice Biscuits this week for the first time. Our online Bookclub made Pears Belle Helene (poached pears with chocolate sauce). We always have a cooking session over zoom when we finish a book and Jo our fearless author/baker, leads us through a dish that would have been used from the time the book was written. We have just finished Charlotte Bronte’s Villette. The pears and chocolate sauce were delicious!

Next: Wondering what’s coming for us next? We’ve had bushfires, floods, unseasonal cold snaps, a pandemic….

Observing: How well I’ve settled into retirement – I wrote a post reflecting on the past 5 years since I was made redundant (I have to say, I’m very proud of this post).

Pleasing: Australia’s vaccination rates.

Reading: Well Hello by Annabel Crabb & Leigh Sales- fun!

Staying: Positive that I will try to see my daughter and granddaughter in the UK sometime next year.

Trying: To help my sister navigate the life of the newly retired – it wasn’t her choice to finish work!

Understanding: There are always two sides to a story.

Viewing: The latest episodes of Bluey – yes I know they’re for kids but I’m a big kid!

Welcoming: My birthday in the next few weeks – always a good sign!

X (our choice): Looking very carefully at the 21 candidates for our local election next month – we only have 9 councillors so need to cull a few!

Yes: It’s been a VERY wet spring so far!

Z – (our choice): What will my word of the year #WOTY be for 2022? A few ideas…

How about you?

What are you taking stock of – how is life treating you at the moment?

How would you answer any one these prompts?

I always enjoy doing these posts! I’d love to hear from you 🙂

Have a great week.

Deb xx

Taking Stock 2021

You can also find Deb’s World in lots of other places – stay in touch by clicking any of the buttons below.

Everyone has a story to tell!

Debbie - mother of a 40 year old

Deb is a young-at-heart & active 60+ blogger/retiree, after being made redundant from her 22-year career managing education programs in a men’s correctional centre (jail). She now spends her time reading, blogging, riding her ebike and travelling. Deb was awarded a Bravery Award from the Queen when she was 17 after a tragic accident – a definite life changing moment! She is married with 3 grown-up daughters & has 4 grandchildren. You can read more of Deb’s story here

Copyright © 2021 – All rights reserved

38 Replies to “Final Taking Stock for 2021 for #lifethisweek”

  1. Love the spontaneity of your words Deb, they’re fun and obviously straight from your head, no filter at all. Hope the weather clears, the smiles continue and you and your family have a wonderful end of year. Sending much love your way. xx

    Liked by 1 person

  2. That was a fun read, with some hope inside as well as some things to think about. Gosh, about ‘what’s next?’….a federal election I hope with some of the incumbents going “bye bye:…I so hope you get a family Christmas and to Qld. Then…OMG to the UK. Your enthusiasm has me smiling. Oh, that sounds like a good word of the year!! I will be thinking about whether I want or need one in 2022. I do think I will use Taking Stock from time to time in 2022. It was great reading your post today after linking up for #LifeThisWeek on my blog. Thank you! I can’t believe we are in December! Now “only” 3 more Mondays for #lifethisweek in 2021. See you next week too I hope. Denyse.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Joanne, I’m really happy with my new business cards – not sure who I’ll give them out to, but hey they look good!! The nests are so special and I’m very pleased to share them with everyone.


  3. You know, ‘taking stock’ is not something I do. I just keeping doing stuff that keeps me busy and amused but I never think to write about it. Always seems to be too many other things to write about. Your post has assured me to stay away from massage therapists for a while! hahaha

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I can understand that! I always appreciate the time to pause and take stock of what I’m doing and what’s going on around me. It always amuses me that readers enjoy these posts as much as I enjoy writing them :). Thanks for stopping by.


  4. My grandchildren have just discovered Bluey, and it is new to me too, it always makes me smile! How great that your travel restrictions are lifting, and even though you have no plans to get on that plane, just knowing that you could if you wanted to is a good feeling isn’t it? Here’s hoping we all get to have that family Christmas that we were denied last year!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Isn’t Bluey a great series Deb? I’m happy you’ve discovered it over there too 🙂 Yes I think that’s the thing, I can get on a plane and leave if I had to now, whereas before I couldn’t – it’s a good feeling and I hope make plans to visit sometime next year. Wishing you all the best for family get togethers this year.


  5. I love your Taking Stock posts Deb. They are always fun to read. I hope you get to the UK next year for cuddles. My response to the prompt ‘Viewing’ We took out a subscription to Acorn TV this month so I now get to watch great UK shows on my 2nd monitor while I’m in my ‘cave’ on the computer.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I know what you mean about things feeling divisive at the moment.

    And I’m glad you’re feeling fitter and more toned. A massaged therapist would definitely call me squishy.

    And yes re the neverending rain. I don’t hate it but we had a dry day on Saturday and that’s been it for ages. (It’s raining as I sit at my desk today.)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Deb, we seem to have a few clear days then more rain but from the sounds of things this seems like it will be the way things go this summer. I make sure I enjoy the fine days when they come my way!


  7. Deb, there’s nothing wrong with nurturing yourself under a blanket with a good book. It’s becoming warmer and more humid here, typical Auckland weather. There’s usually rain associated with Ak, too though none at the moment, so you can send some over this way to cool me down; thanks 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I do too Sammie, they always make me smile and pause for a minute which is a good thing! Thanks for your birthday wishes, it’s not the big one like last year but it’s worth celebrating regardless!


  8. I ove the idea of your bookclub with the food from the novel aspect – we do that over dinner but the host cooks dinner, not a cooking class. I’m not a cook so what I actually mean is I like the concept, I’m not keen to join! HA!
    I need to vote – also need to remind eldest to vote. Feels like that’s al;l we’re going to do over the next few months!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Hi Deb – we’ve had lots of unseasonal rain here too – then bang! into Summer, then back to cool, then rain….. I’m pondering my #WOTY and think I’ll go with something fun this time. Glad all the exercise is paying off and that there’s hope of an overseas visit in the not too distant future. x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes we seem to be having a few good weather days then rain, and back to fine days….it seems to be the way the summer will be this year. Looking forward to hearing your WOTY.


  10. That is the question of the day as we stare down December in two days! I love your upbeat post today, Debbie, and it is always good to look back and see the good, bad and ugly–because they all exist. I hope your summer gets a good warm start (we are in full winter mode now with darkness at 4pm already!) and you can get outside and do what you love. I’m glad to read you are feeling fit and healthy, too. Love that business card in your favorite color! Have a wonderful week!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Terri! It’s fun to pause for a minute and share what’s been going on in my head and my world. Surprisingly others also seem to enjoy reading them 🙂 Stay warm over there.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Good to see Australia is picking up on vaccination rates and that things are going well there! But sad to hear about the tension and division – this seems to be going on everywhere.
    Interested to see what your word of the year will be next year. I wonder if I’d take inspiration from you, and do regular checkups throughout the year about my word or concept of the year. The times I’ve had a concept of the year, I think that follow-up was what I would have needed to stick to it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Susanne, I have had the best year with my WOTY (BOLD) and although sometimes it’s been a chore to do a monthly recap, it’s definitely helped keep me on track. I still have to choose my word for 2022.


  12. What a fun Taking Stock, Deb and I love your purple gumboots (I actually expected orange). The cooking session was so much fun and yes, we’ve had rain up here too although today something called the ‘Sun’ is trying to peek through. Here’s to a fabulous 2022 for you and a wonderful Christmas get-together (I’m crossing everything for you) xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Many thanks Sue, these are always fun posts for some reason :). Unfortunately orange boots weren’t available! I have everything crossed too for all of us to enjoy Christmas together. Take care xx


  13. We have so much in common, Deb! I am also currently reading, snuggled with a favourite blanket, as the rain continues to pour outside. And I wholeheartedly agree — how is it almost the end of 2021 already? Where did all of that time go? Happy, happy upcoming birthday!

    Liked by 1 person

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