Time for some Tumbatrek therapy

Tumbatrek 2022

At the beginning of February each year, Tumbarumba plays host to walking enthusiasts for the annual Tumbatrek. In case you don’t know anything about Tumbarumba, let me just say it’s a very small town, punching above its weight in many ways!

In previous years it has been used as an opportunity for politicians to join the masses and enjoy a change of scenery, with vast contingents of media coming along to record the event. This year we had a smallish group of politicians, with State Members Justin Clancy and Dr Joe McGirr, Federal MP Kristy McBain, plus local council members Mayor Ian Chaffey, Julia Ham and Brent Livermore. The event is hosted by Snowy Valleys Council. Thanks go for all involved for their organisation of another great event.

The Mathematician and I have participated in most of the walks over recent years and always enjoy the scenery, the company and the opportunity to share our beautiful area with others.  There are usually about 100 walkers of all ages and fitness levels who join in the trek. In past years there’s also been a dinner the night before for politicians and locals to get together in a relaxed environment. The cost to walk is a modest $10 and we are supplied with snacks, morning tea, lunch, water and support.

Covid restrictions have impacted the event to some extent and this year the dinner was scrapped and numbers limited.

Did I tell you my husband was the trek leader? That’s him on the far left in a green shirt 🙂

How did Tumbatrek start?

The late Tim Fischer, former National Party leader and Deputy Prime Minister, started Tumbatrek in 1985 to promote summer tourism in the NSW Snowy Mountains, particularly on the ‘less fashionable’ Tumbarumba side, which at the time was in his electorate of Farrer. It continued with Tim at the helm until 2007 and was resurrected in 2012 with then Federal Member Michael McCormack taking over. At one stage Tim Fischer was Acting Prime Minister while on the trek and had to respond to something big from a friend’s paddock.

The Walk – 16km

Tumbatrek 2022 guide
Tumbatrek 2022 guide

According to the 2022 Trekkers Guide:

Tumbatrek 2022 will take us on a 16km walk in and around Tumbarumba and showcases the progress and developments of the township and highlights assets that Tumbarumba has become renowned for.

It will include some interesting talking points…

The walk started at 7.30am and took us from the Creekscape, up Hospital Hill and onto the Tumbarumba to Rosewood Rail Trail. After about 4kms on the rail trail, we took the stock route and then crossed over to the popular Masons Hill Mountain Bike Trails (MTB), an initiative of Cycle Tumbarumba. This took us on a weaving walk through the bike tracks surrounded by pine trees (I walk through this area on a regular basis). The last part of the walk took us through the Tumbarumba Common MTB tracks, onto a shared pathway back to the Creekscape for a picnic lunch at about 12.30pm. A big circuitous route of approx. 16km. My feet and legs were quite sore afterwards and I certainly knew I’d walked more than my usual few kilometres. (If I’m being honest, I’m still sore!)

As I walked and talked, I stopped and took photos every now and again, which I included into this quick little video made by an app on my phone called Relive.

Considering Tumbarumba is a small town, you might think I’d know everyone, but I don’t, so I made sure I chatted to a variety of people as I walked along. I had some great conversations and there were a lot of interesting chats going on from the buzz!

In regards to the word ‘therapy’ in my title, I have had a big week in some ways and the walk was just what I needed to get our of my own head. On top of the 16km walk on Saturday, I rode my bike almost 50km on Friday (it was going to be just a short ride when we started out!), then today I met some friends and we had a Social Sunday ride of 30km! I’m feeling a tad tired now.

Thanks for joining me for Tumbatrek this year, I hope you enjoyed it!

Coming up at the end of February we have Tumbafest, so it’s a non-stop month of fun here!

Deb 🙂

Joining Denyse for her #lifethisweek link party

life this week icon 2022
Life this week

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Everyone has a story to tell!

Debbie - mother of a 40 year old

Deb is a young-at-heart & active 60+ blogger/retiree, after being made redundant from her 22-year career managing education programs in a men’s correctional centre (jail). She now spends her time reading, blogging, riding her ebike and travelling. Deb was awarded a Bravery Award from the Queen when she was 17 after a tragic accident – a definite life changing moment! She is married with 3 grown-up daughters & has 4 grandchildren. You can read more of Deb’s story here

Copyright © 2024 debs-world.com – All rights reserved

38 Replies to “Time for some Tumbatrek therapy”

  1. A tad tired, hey Deb. I imagine a lot with what you have been up to. Can’t keep a busy woman with a community spirit in her heart away from events like these. I knew I had heard of TumbaTrek before knowing of you and your connection to Tumbarumba and it was about the Deputy PM and Nationals leader. A true countryman! Thank you for sharing your post for Life This Week. I enjoy seeing your blog’s post pop up in the link up. Warm wishes, Denyse.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Denyse, I’m just starting to relax a little now but it’s a full-on month here in Tumba town! Tumbatrek doesn’t get the media coverage of years gone by anymore but we appreciate the fact that it’s still going and like to get involved!


  2. Hope this week is a better one Debbie. the trek sounds indeed like a great way to recharge and as you say ‘get out of your head’. What a fabulous initiative to bring folks together. We would love something like that.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Tumbatrek looks like a wonderful event to be involved in. How great that so many people get involved.Your town has so much going on and so many supportive people like you. Roll on Tumbafest.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Tumbatrek sounds fabulous Deb and a great community event. The walk sounds lovely and I enjoyed your photos. You’ve reminded me that it’s a long while since I’ve walked 12k, so I need to do something about that. I’m pleased you included the history of the event. I enjoyed reading about it

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi Deb – I love how involved you and Grant are in your community – the input you both have and the love you have for where you live really shines through. I also like how your little town has so many events and interesting activities to bring the community together and foster a sense of oneness – it’s so lovely to see.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. What a lovely walk, Deb and so good to see the large number of participants. It is lovely walking and talking and the beautiful surroundings would have made it perfect. Mike and I went for a bush walk last week and it was so calming being surrounded by nature, especially listening to the birds and the waterfalls. #lifethisweek

    Liked by 1 person

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