For the love of lava #SundayStills


I am taking this week’s Sunday Stills Colour theme quite literally by sharing some shots of lava, and its resulting landscapes, from New Zealand and Iceland.

We’ve been lucky enough to travel to New Zealand a few times where we enjoyed seeing the amazing geothermal areas with plenty of colour and accompanying smells!

Orakei Korako - a great place to visit in New Zealand
Orakei Korako in New Zealand

New Zealand

I wrote a post about the Orakei Korako geothermal fields in New Zealand’s North Island, they were a fabulous attraction a bit off the beaten track. The volcanic action over a long time has given this place the most amazing colours.


Pingvellir National Park in Iceland
Pingvellir National Park in Iceland – the crack in the earth

Our trip to Iceland a few years ago was a favourite trip with their lava fields and glaciers. Black sandy beaches are the norm over there and my orange gloves show the starkness really well as well as fitting in with the colour theme!

The lava tunnels were full of colour and it was great to take a tour to learn more about how they were formed. We loved everything about Iceland!

I wrote a few posts from our trip to Iceland but this one sums it up best – 10 reasons why you shouldn’t visit Iceland and a million reasons why you should!

Sunday Stills Photo Challenge

Black and orange go well together and Iceland shows these to full effect. I loved going back through my photos are looking for lava and volcanic action from our past trips. I hope you also enjoyed seeing some of these shots (again).

Terri, from Second Wind Leisure, hosts Sunday Stills photo challenge, with the prompt this week being a colour one – lava, black-brown, black and/or orange. You can read Terri’s post Colour Challenge: Lava and memories of a little brown dog. Feel free to join in, it’s a fun challenge open to everyone with a different prompt each week!

Have a great week!

Deb x

All my Sunday Stills posts can be found here – I’ve been doing these for quite some time now.

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Everyone has a story to tell!

Debbie - mother of a 40 year old

Deb is a young-at-heart & active 60+ blogger/retiree, after being made redundant from her 22-year career managing education programs in a men’s correctional centre (jail). She now spends her time reading, blogging, riding her ebike and travelling. Deb was awarded a Bravery Award from the Queen when she was 17 after a tragic accident – a definite life changing moment! She is married with 3 grown-up daughters & has 4 grandchildren. You can read more of Deb’s story here

.Copyright © 2022 – All rights reserved

44 Replies to “For the love of lava #SundayStills”

  1. Mother Nature is pretty amazing, isn’t she, Deb? We’ve seen volcanos up close in Hawaii and from a distance in Costa Rica. So impressive. You got some really gorgeous shots. Thanks for sharing them with us.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow.. What a lot of the world you have seen “in real life” and I love your enthusiasm in sharing with us all too. Thank you for sharing your post in the Wednesday’s Words and Pics link up for this week and being part of the #WWandPics Community.

    Hope to see you next week too.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m so lucky to have been to these places Denyse! I’m well known for my ‘enthusiasm’ so your comment made me laugh 🙂 Thanks again for your weekly linkup.


  3. Wow, you’ve been to some amazing places and had some fabulous experiences Debbie. Great photo’s! I think I’d be nervous around lava! We’re hoping to go to New Zealand next year so maybe we’ll see some when we are there!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. There was a picture doing the rounds on social media on the weekend of someone collecting samples of lava, breaking the dark silvery surface and getting some of the liquid. There was all sorts of analyses from people about what he was doing but all I could think of was my (now 11 year old) godson and this game he used to play called, “The floor is lava,” so you’d have to cross rooms without touching the floor!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Many thanks Toni, the lava was so interesting – one minute its all black then there are layers of colours. I do love red and appreciate your kind comments on how much it suits me. I always feels brighter when I’m wearing red/orange tones so they must suit me!!

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  5. Wow, Debbie, I hoped a few bloggers would share about real lava, something I haven’t seen in action yet. I knew you would enjoy this theme and I am so pleased you could add your love of orange with real lava for us to enjoy! So much going on under the earth’s crust and we get to see a glimpse into Mother Nature’s birthing process 🙂 Amazing gallery!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s really amazing to see how the earth has responded to volcanic action over the years Leanne, especially in Iceland! I loved sitting at the edge of the crack in the earth wearing my orange jeans! Apparently it’s a very popular spot for Game of Throne fans but having not seen the show I didn’t get the significance of where I was sitting!

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