Welcome to the first month of 2024 and What’s Been on Your Calendar #WBOYC?

Hello friends

January can be a bit hit and miss can’t it? Either really busy, or slow and steady, as we all return to something resembling normality – whatever that is!

Strap yourself in there’s a lot to get through – much more than I was expecting to be honest!

(I do apologise in advance if this sounds like I’m rambling but it has been quite a big month and I kept remembering things to add in.)

Welcome to a new year!

My January was hectic, fun, crazy, happy, sad and had a bit of everything in between! 

This was my last photo taken in 2023, just before the new year ticked over. What a happy snap it is too! Dottie finally made it to Tumba-bloody-Rumba and we celebrated the start of 2024 with my daughter and her family in the house 🙂

Dottie in Tumbarumba

A long drive home

We drove back from the Sunshine Coast, (only about 1300kms), where we’d had a magical Christmas with all our daughters and their partners, our grandchildren, plus my mother, sister, brother-in-law and sister-in-law. I also caught up with two of my nephews and their children so it was a big family affair! Lots of fabulous memories created.

The reason we wanted to get back in time was because our eldest daughter Melanie, son-in-law Craig and granddaughter Dottie (4yrs) were arriving to spend the week with us in Tumbarumba before heading back to England. They’d stayed an extra night in Brisbane with our youngest daughter to eke out their time together which is understandable. It’s been years since they’ve been together.

We arrived home, unpacked, checked the garden and then went out to a New Year’s Eve party with friends (as you do!). Melanie and co flew to Canberra, picked up our middle daughter’s spare car and drove the three hours to Tumbarumba. They managed to drop in to see us at our party on their way past, mainly it was her old teachers from high school and our friends – but they have all followed Dottie’s story and were thrilled to finally meet her (and to see Melanie and Craig of course). We then managed to stay up until midnight seeing in the new year and watching the fireworks in Sydney on TV.

Tumbarumba Time

We had a fun time showing Dottie all the sights of Tumbarumba including the annual Rodeo on New Year’s Day, local waterfall, cafes, shops, parks, forests, a bike ride on the rail trail, pool, pubs, looking for and finding kangaroos – meeting Melanie’s friends and being stopped as we walked down The Parade, as people wanted to say hello to Dottie the superstar!

Melanie hadn’t been ‘home’ to Tumba in 8 years and for Craig it was even longer between visits. And of course it was Dottie’s first time to visit where her mummy grew up. They all had a lot to catch up on and it was wonderful. 

After our lovely time at ‘home’ with superb summer weather we headed to Sydney for their final three days in Aus.

And the rest of the month…

The rest of the month has been spent getting back into ‘life’ with Rotary resuming, Australia Day awards to be sorted for Rotary, book clubs, watching tennis and cricket – what I call the sounds of summer – writing, reading, getting back into my exercise classes at Studio Drew, aqua aerobics, celebrating my grandson’s third birthday in Canberra and the Mathematician’s 67th birthday towards the end of the month. 

Car cake for 3yr old

My granddaughter, Miss E, will be starting school next week which is exciting, and a bit scary – just how fast time flies. She’s looking forward to it!

I also took the opportunity to go to Wagga to meet up with my aunt and my cousin as they were there for appointments. It was lovely to have my mother, her sister and her brother all together for lunch together with my brother and I.

Family catch up January 2024
Me with my cousin, aunt and brother – January 2024

I also had to buy a new dishwasher!

My skin is thriving

Note: This is not a sponsored post!

In Sydney, Melanie and I had a quick look around the shops in the Queen Victoria Building and we went into Mecca – a makeup/skincare shop, which I had never been in before, not being into makeup! 

Melanie was keen to try some of the Go-To range she’d heard about, so we both bought a mini pack called The Skintroduction apparently it’s the Bestselling Bundle for Skincare Beginners. Given I’m 63 and Melanie is 40, I hardly think we fit into the beginners category, but hey what do I know, and we were trying out something new so maybe we are beginners!

Anyway…we both started using our three basic skincare products that night and the next morning Melanie couldn’t stop talking about how good her skin felt and looked. I was a bit sceptical as it felt a bit oily on my face, and much different to my current skincare products. But after a few days I was sold, my face felt clearer, calmer and brighter and even one of my daughters mentioned how good my face looked (unasked) over a video chat. Melanie is now looking at how she get the products in the UK.

I rarely wear makeup but I have tried to look after my skin, it’s quite smooth but I do have some spots/pimples that come up from time to time and I have always had dark circles under my eyes, so concealer and sun protection are all I usually wear plus a bit of lippy. Sometimes if I’m going out I wear a light foundation, either cream or a mineral powder, and a bit of blush. But apart from that no serums, special frogs tail concoctions or heavy duty makeup for me. I do consider myself quite lucky that my skin is still pretty good, all things considered!

My skin feels like its thriving!

Debbie's summer glow
Debbie’s summer glow

My take on THRIVE for this month

I came up with this list for THRIVE for the next few months and will look at it periodically – it helps me to maintain focus.

T…think before you act

H…humour helps

R… reflect on choices

I…interested in others

V…value the little things

E…exercise more regularly

Thrive WOTY2024

What’s Been on Your Calendar plus Word of the Year 

As I’ve mentioned before, it’s all about thriving for me this year, so what better way to recap my month than in this monthly linkup with friends – Jo, Donna and Sue – where we look at what’s been on our calendars (#WBOYC), what we’ve been doing and updates on how our word of the year (#WOTY) is going, if we have one. You’re very welcome to join us, copy your post’s URL and add it to the linkup below.

Hosted By: 

Hosts for WBOYC
Hosts for #WBOYC

What: 2024 Monthly Wrap-Up Link Party – To stay true to the purpose of this linkup, please ensure that your linked post is focused on what’s been happening for you this past month. 
When: Last Thursday PM (Northern Hemisphere)/ Last Friday AM (Southern Hemisphere) of the month. The link will be open for 7 days. Note: Next month it will be Feb 29/Mar 1
Why: A space to share highlights from your past month, your Word of the Year updates
Where: Link Party, Blog, Blog Comments, Instagram or other social media.
Who: This linkup is open to everyone.
How: You can share in the comments, with a blog post, or on other social media of your choice. Include the hashtag #WBOYC so that we can find you and include your link in our posts.

WBOYC Co-host

Dates for 2024 are:

  • Jan 25/26
  • Feb 29/Mar 1
  • Mar 29/30
  • Ap 25/26
  • May 30/31
  • June 27/28
  • July 25/26
  • Aug 29/30
  • Sept 26/27
  • Oct 31/Nov 1
  • Nov 28/29
  • Dec 26/27 2024

A quote to live by:

As I walked around Circular Quay recently I saw some of this quote on a tile on the pavement and made a note to check it out. I thought it fitted in well with my WOTY THRIVE. Isn’t it great?

I would rather be ashes than dust!
I would rather that my spark should burn out in a brilliant blaze than it should be stifled by dry-rot.
I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet.
The function of man is to live, not to exist.
I shall not waste my days trying to prolong them.
I shall use my time.

Jack London

Oh, I almost forgot…we celebrated our Wedding Anniversary too!

Our wedding anniversary was in the month too – and I discovered that the modern gift for 44yrs is Groceries – which of course I had to write about!

Then and Now anniversary pic
Then and Now anniversary pic

When you put it like that I’ve had a phenomenal month!

How was your January?

Happy Days 🙂

Deb xx

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

You can also find Deb’s World in lots of other places – stay in touch by clicking any of the buttons below.

Everyone has a story to tell!

Debbie - mother of a 40 year old

Deb is a young-at-heart & active 60+ blogger/retiree, after being made redundant from her 22-year career managing education programs in a men’s correctional centre (jail). She now spends her time reading, blogging, riding her ebike and travelling. Deb was awarded a Bravery Award from the Queen when she was 17 after a tragic accident – a definite life changing moment! She is married with 3 grown-up daughters & has 4 grandchildren. You can read more of Deb’s story here

Copyright © 2024 debs-world.com – All rights reserved

56 Replies to “Welcome to the first month of 2024 and What’s Been on Your Calendar #WBOYC?”

  1. I love the acronym you came up with for THRIVE! It’s such a great way to stay focused on more than just one aspect of it, but not so many that it becomes overwhelming. I’ll probably try to create an acronym at some point for my word Curiosity, but it’s quite long. lol.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Happy anniversary! 44 years–wow! And you two still look like lovebirds.

    Sounds like you had a joyous and fulfilling start to the year with fun family time. And yes, your skin looks amazing, much better than mine, and I’m a few years younger than you (but then my idea of skincare is to wash my face every morning and… that’s it. That’s my skincare.)

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks for the congrats Janet, we have our moments!! The start to the year was fun and exciting and since then it’s been a bit flat as real life mode kicks in! But I’m rallying 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. It certainly was a big start to the year Janis!! Not sure how the other months are going to compare to this one 🙂 Dottie is definitely a superstar and such a fun little character.


  3. You two love birds look better than ever!! Happy anniversary!! Hope the whole fam was there to celebrate with you.

    I am still winding up my month in review post. It is the only thing I have kept up with as far as blogging goes. Hope to at least be able to do that much. If the link up is still open on 02.01, I will try to remember to join you gals.

    How grand to have Dottie come ‘home’ to your house for the first time. Looks like you had a fabulous visit. That little doll is such a little miracle. 

    THRIVE is a good choice for your WOTY. I am still pondering mine. Will try to have that figured out by the end of the month, too. Some days I just hope to survive.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are the sweetest Leslie. I’ve been thinking of you and PC and your family and really hope you get some news soon. It must be so hard for you all. Dottie really loved her visit to Tumbarumba and wants to come back, she’s saving her money for a return trip already! Take care xx


  4. How lovely to have your grand daughter over for Christmas (and your daughter of course) and I’m off to check out that skin care range. I do love your meanings behind THRIVE. I think it will help you thrive…all those little steps.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi Deb, you’ve certainly started 2024 thriving and full of life and fun. Not sure how you will top January with all your highlights but knowing you, you will. Such a delightful post and I really enjoyed reading everything that you did in the month. Dottie of course was the cherry on the top of a wonderful month of celebrations. As always you are a fun and inspiring co-host and I’m looking forward to sharing 2024 with you. Have a fabulous weekend, my friend. x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes Sue, it’s been a big start to the year and I’m wondering if I’ve peaked a bit early :) Dottie was the icing on the cake and I wish they lived closer but that’s not going to happen anytime soon so I just have to make the best of being a long-distance Granny. You always cheer me up with your comments, many thanks xx

      Liked by 1 person

  6. What a memorable month for you – so many family get togethers. The skin products sound like the Holy Grail! I had fun in Jan too, forgot to mention WOTY so will edit!! Thanks for the linky.  

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Great to have you join us Gail and I’ll pop over and have a read shortly. Love the new skin care range and what a huge month I had, the next few won’t be like that I’m sure.


  7. Oh, what a grand beginning to a new year you have had! And, how wonderful that Dottie was recognized by so many during The Parade! I’m sure that made her day. I haven’t seen my sisters and brother a for a few years, and they only live a couple of hours away. It’s just the organization of it all, right?

    You are definitely thriving this year, Debbie! I love reading your monthly recap. I will link mine after it is published.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Marsha, it was so funny, she wasn’t upset with people talking to her at all and loved it! A real star. Getting everyone organised is the hard bit but it’s worth it I find, especially as we’re all getting older. Thriving is going well so far!


  8. …special frogs tail concoctions… — ROFLOL!!! Too funny. I love how you broke Thrive down into action words. Such a great idea. But what I loved best was the picture of you and Dottie in your bed together. So precious. What a fabulous January you had. Thanks for sharing it and for hosting. Hugs. Bernie

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes Barbara, so much fun and many things to celebrate. We’ve just had another lovely weekend with my sister visiting and visiting mum, talking over the loss of our dad 6 years ago. Lots of family stories and photos came out!

      Liked by 1 person

  9. I’m exhausted reading how busy January was for you. I can also see that it was extra joyful. As usual you’re photos are great and I love your Thrive words

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Happy 44th Wedding Anniversary Debbie & The Mathematician. You’ve had a full-on, thriving January. I especially enjoyed reading more about your Tumbarumba Time. Your photos are gorgeous!

    I hope you are continuing to enjoy ATOTC. I have re-picked up my copy yet but am looking forward to doing so soon. :D

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Donna, congrats to you and Richard on your wedding anniversary too! I’ve read up to our next ATOTC position :). Hope all is well with you. x


  11. What a delight it was to catch up more via this blog post about a VERY special January. Loved reading and viewing it all. What a time to thrive Deb!!

    Thank you for your bloggy friendship extending into substack recommendations too!!


    Thank you to all at WBOYC for the link up!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Denyse, it’s been a mammoth month and still not over yet as we have the Mathematician’s birthday this week! Great to have you join us for #WBOYC and Substack seems to be going well for you.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks so much Deb. I just did a count too, and in 3 weeks we are having an early family afternoon tea to celebrate, amongst other things, B 75th!! 75 yikes…ha! HB to the Mathematician.

        Liked by 1 person

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