An extra chocolatey treat for Easter…and a special chicken

Double Chocolate Hot Cross Brownies

A few weeks ago I saw this delicious recipe on Sammie’s The Annoyed Thyroid blog and knew I had to try them when my daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren came for their annual Easter visit.

For the recipe click on the link below and give it a go – you won’t be disappointed!

I had my 3yr old grandson to help measure things out (and lick the spoon), it was so cute as he was standing on his little step stool so he could reach the bench! But I was too busy doing it all that I didn’t get any photos of him helping me!!

The recipe on Sammie’s blog was very easy to follow and turned out perfectly!!

We had a fun weekend with our family – we played shops, rode our bikes, enjoyed the playground, went to the waterfall, had an Easter egg hunt…and did lots of other fun things!

One happy occurrence was finding this chicken in my cupboard, it was a gift from Anna, our Hungarian Exchange student from a few years ago. Apparently it’s a Hungarian bread basket but I decided to use it as an easter egg receptacle. The flaps on the side open up and allow easy access to whatever is inside. isn’t it lovely?

The funny thing was I put a real egg in the bowl and surprised my 5 year old granddaughter, and she believed the chicken had laid it 🙂 She was amazed!

What's on your plate contributor

I’m joining Canadian bloggers Donna and Deb for their What’s on Your Plate linkup #WOYP – always the first Wednesday of the month and loads of yummy posts to enjoy!

Wishing you a lovely week ahead!

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Debbie - mother of a 40 year old

Deb is a young-at-heart & active 60+ blogger/retiree, after being made redundant from her 22-year career managing education programs in a men’s correctional centre (jail). She now spends her time reading, blogging, riding her ebike and travelling. Deb was awarded a Bravery Award from the Queen when she was 17 after a tragic accident – a definite life changing moment! She is married with 3 grown-up daughters & has 4 grandchildren. You can read more of Deb’s story here

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46 Replies to “An extra chocolatey treat for Easter…and a special chicken”

    1. Yes Janine the magic of childhood! It was a fun timer and we were so lucky with the weather as lately it’s turned cold with snow falling in the mountains today!


  1. I followed thru to the recipe, and I am hmm… conflicted as to why one would add hot cross buns to brownies. You would lose the spices. Plus, my brownie is perfect, according to my family, so i think I will just skip this one. Although perhaps I will make hot cross buns this weekend, seems last weekend was a bust due to a stomach bug.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s a bit of fun I suppose Bernie, using extra hot cross buns in the mix but i wouldn’t make it all that often. I don’t make brownies as a rule so it was a bit of a different recipe to try out. Hope your hot corss buns turned out well, I don’t think I’ve ever made them.


    1. Hi Marsha, I love the fact that the little ones get so much enjoyment from their Easter egg hunt each year – I know one day they won’t want to do it but for now we enjoy every minute of it!


  2. Hi Deb. I love that trick you did with the chicken. I saved that recipe of Sammie’s and was planning to make it. It looks so yum. We ended up eating much too much chocolate so gave it a miss. However I’ve kept a few hot cross buns in the freezer and will make it when we’re over chocolate. I love Sammies recipes and am making one today

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It was a great fun idea to pretend the chicken had laid the eggs and she fell for it hook line and sinker!! The brownie slice would be a good one to use at anytime and like you I had put some hot cross buns in the freezer. Sammie’s recipes are always well worth trying.


  3. Oh those brownies do look incredible! I am sure that added to your family’s enjoyment this weekend. Your chicken is so cute and such a fun idea for Easter egg storage.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. They were very yummy Joanne and easy to make. we all enjoyed the weekend and I gave my daughter and son-in-law some valuable time out while they were here. The chicken was a great find!


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