These legs are made for running

I have been running for well over a year now.  I remember that I got impatient one day while I was out walking and thought that I could get it done quicker if I just ran.  So I did!  I then embarked on a Learn to Run program and built up from only being able to run for a few minutes without falling over gasping for breath to being able to run for 30 minutes or more. It was a great feeling and I now call myself a re-run.

I have another blog called My body is a work in progress where I’ve tried to record some of my experiences while on this journey.  I have neglected it recently in favour of this my main blog but I still pop over there every now and again.

By the way when I say run, I don’t mean in a professional way or anything, I mean in a fast walk/shuffle/jog/occasional sprint kind of way. I have managed a few 5km Park runs and fun runs but still have to stop and walk a few times to catch my breath. I’m in training again for a 5km fun run and have got more serious with my running.

I love it – I think while I’m running, it clears my head of work stresses, I plan things to blog about, I listen to music, I chew gum, I push myself, I feel free and young….and I’m getting better (slowly).   I run alone in the forest and love the solitude, the kangaroos, the rabbits, the occasional fox that cross my path. The track I use is up and down so really gets my heart going. Sometimes I walk up the hills but I am trying to push myself up them a bit more lately.  It’s a great feeling of accomplishment when I get home and check my run stats on my phone app.  I try to run 5kms a few times a week with walks or bike rides in between.  I have my daughter’s wedding in November and want to be as fit and healthy as I can be. (I’m also growing my hair and my fingernails – I certainly am a work in progress).

I’m quite pleased with myself and remember back to when I first started running in public and I would stop and walk when someone came near me, as I was very embarrassed.  Now I just keep running and smile 🙂

This photo was taken today on my run – my legs are made for running!

My legs are made for running
My legs are made for running

Do you enjoy running too? I’d love to hear of your motivation for exercise and what you do to keep fit.

Deb 🙂

14 Replies to “These legs are made for running”

  1. That’s impressive, Debbie.
    No doubts you’ll rock for the wedding!!
    It’s really distressing sport.
    I’ve always been sportive but running was not my thing although I did it for a while. I still do it occasionally.
    I now do race cycling, windsurfing and yoga.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Good on you Lucile! I like riding too but just for fun not racing. I’ve never tried windsurfing but do enjoy Pilates. At my age I’m pleased to be able to find something I enjoy that keeps me fit. Thanks for sharing.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I don’t participate in competitions though, and do it alone or with my husband. It’s kind of a national passion here in Holland and for that is a popular sport.
        I’d say that you’re being too hard on yourself. At your age? You’re a young and fit woman doing much better than many teens that I know.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Please don’t! There are already many people out there who make life around us hard enough. I think you have more than enough reasons (beautiful, clever, lovely, fit, great wife and mother, and a great blogger) to be a proud woman.

          Liked by 1 person

        2. Ok, ok!! I’ll take your comments on board. I am proud of what I have achieved and what I’m doing. I’m now off to work with a spring in my step after your lovely thoughtful and insightful reply. Thank you for that 😊

          Liked by 1 person

  2. I love running too, Deb. I don’t really know why. I was never sporty or athletic at all earlier in my life – but I guess what I love most about running is that feeling of achievement I get when I have been for a run.

    I too have music, but I don’t think about much. I just focus on the songs (mostly to distract myself from those thoughts telling me to stop) and try to get into some kind of rhythm. It’s time out from life. A chance to just ‘be’.

    Just ‘achieve’.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are right Jen, it’s an escape, a timeout and a real achievement when I’m done. I play mind games with myself when I’m running too to distract myself from giving up. Glad you can relate to what I was talking about.


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