Weekly photo challenge: blurred vision

 A throwaway shot, or purposefully unfocused?

I took this photo last weekend at the Wedding Fair and had to retrieve it from my deleted album as I had dismissed it as too blurry.  The only editing I have done is to make it a black and white shot and now there’s something about it that grabs my attention.

I thinks she looks ethereal, floating down the catwalk in this gorgeous wedding dress. The crowd behind her also look lost in the moment due to their blurry state.

Floating down the aisle
Floating down the aisle

What do you think – does it look like a just another blurry photo to you, one that should be dumped into the deleted bin or is it OK?

This week, I have found beauty in a blur as per the weekly photo challenge prompt.

I’m also submitting it to Lucile’s Photo Rehab 101.

Have a lovely Easter break!

Deb 🙂

18 Replies to “Weekly photo challenge: blurred vision”

  1. Interesting photo, Debbie. It captures movement, I think, especially with the softness of her dress. Interestingly, I have a photo that I’ve been thinking about sharing for this challenge that I swing between liking and trashing. I’m glad you’ve kept this one.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Jill. I’m glad I retrieved it from the trash file too. I’m glad you see what I mean about swinging between liking and not liking it. I’d suggest you just give it a go and use the photo you’ve got in mind. There’s nothing to lose and just like this one, it may surprise you how many others end up liking it!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m glad you didn’t delete it. It’s gorgeous in monochrome and it looks ethereal indeed. Very arty, actually! It’s like a planned blurred photo, to indicate the movement and the focus of attention at the same time. Well done!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for the encouragement. It works much better in monochrome than colour. I love it a bit more each time I look at it. So glad to hear it could be considered ‘arty’. Very happy!


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