Photo Rehab Weekly Photo Challenge: Cover Makeover #5

This week’s Photo Rehab Cover Makeover, (a fun challenge from my blogging friends Lucile and Desleyjaneis an album cover, Simply Red’s Simplified from 2005.

Simply RedI like a splash of colour and couldn’t resist using this photo from my recent trip to Australia’s Red Centre.  We stayed at the Sails in the Desert resort and our delightful room had this colourful carpet on the floor.  It was a very striking splash of colour-  so much so, that without fail, every time we walked into the room we got a shock at seeing it and wondered what had been spilt on the floor before remembering that it was the actual design!

I chose this photo because I like the design of the carpet (and wondered how I could ever use the photo) and the colours are just right for the theme!  What do you think?

I edited the photo a bit first then used the Over app on my phone to add the text to the photo, rotated the Simply Red text to fit next to the carpet design and then uploaded it to my media library.

In this challenge we are given the name of a book or movie every Thursday and shown the original cover.  We are then invited to share our take by making a new cover, using either an archive photo or shooting a new one to go with the theme. It’s great fun!

As always, I look forward to seeing what everyone else comes up with for this week’s challenge.


Deb 🙂

6 Replies to “Photo Rehab Weekly Photo Challenge: Cover Makeover #5”

  1. I would never have imagined that this was a carpet! I thought you had shot an abstract painting somewhere, until I read your post.
    It’s great that you made a photo of it and now can use it. Fabulous and very creative.
    And thanks for joining the challenge. We love to have you there!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow Deb, this is fantastic. I looked at your cover for a bit before reading the text and I could not figure out what it was a photo of! I though you must have drawn something in Photoshop or something. It’s awesome! And it’s carpet?!?! Wow, so cool. Great job.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha! I should have said ‘guess what this’ is as I’m sure no one would have guessed carpet. It was a huge splash across maybe half the room. Awesome indeed. Thanks, I’m glad it worked out.

      Liked by 1 person

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