Congratulations…but who’s counting?

I am upset that I have missed a bit of a milestone!

I have now surpassed 400 posts – yay me 🙂  This time last year (almost to the day) I received a lovely message from WordPress congratulating me on posting my 100th post on my blog since starting it in 2012. That means, if my feeble maths skills are correct, that in the last year alone, I have made 300 posts.  

That’s incredible says I, but my husband contradicts me with the comment that I’m obviously addicted to blogging.  What do you think?

I must also admit to being a bit miffed that WordPress didn’t remind me by sending me an encouraging congratulatory message like they did when I hit 100 posts.  Am I old hat now? Or did I miss it – where do they put that sort of thing these days?

There always seems to be something to remind me of an event whether it be Facebook memories, apps like TimeHop, reminders of all sorts – are we losing our own memories and have to rely on an outside app to remind us of how long ago something momentous happened?  But I digress…..

Here’s my post from this time last year as I celebrated my 100th post with a look back at my blogging experience to date.

Much of my blogging topics and comments are still much the same from rereading this post.  I think the main difference now is that I have built up a more supportive community of blogging friends and enjoy other blogs far more than I did then.

I even have regulars who visit my blog and comment regularly (you know who you are) and I thank them for their support and encouragement, despite my husband thinking that you are all tattooed, drug crazed truck drivers who are stalking me for whatever nefarious purposes. Only joking 🙂

Happy 100 to me!

It's official!!
It’s official!!

At the time I was doing a round up of my week every Friday with my 5 seconds on Friday project. This was a 50 word summary of my week and keeping it to 50 words was very hard at times.  

I am now onto my Every day is an adventure project which sees me post a photo every day showing how the everyday can be an adventure.  I’m really enjoying it although posting every day for 365 days is a big commitment.  I am getting organised and love the copy post feature (although it took me ages before I found it) and the scheduled post feature is great when I know I am going to be away or out of range.  So far I haven’t been stuck for an adventure.

The photo I post might be mundane, it might be exciting, it might be obscure, or it might be just a different take on something relevant to that day!!  I always use my iPhone for my photos and edit them sparingly.

Here’s a link for all my Every day photo project photos in one place if you’d like to see what I’ve been up to.  When I’m finished I’m planning on putting them all into a book so that I can look back on them. I’m also enjoying taking note of the small things in our day that bring happiness, beauty and a sense of achievement.  It’s made me look at life differently already.

I can honestly say that I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my experiences and am thrilled to notch up over 400 posts with new followers joining me regularly.  Thank you one and all!

As I’m being nostalgic – a year ago today I was in hospital having an emergency appendectomy just weeks before heading off on a cycling tour of Croatia and trip to Europe to see friends and family.  I can’t believe it’s a year ago – what a tumultuous time it was for us wondering if I’d be well enough to travel let alone cycle around the islands of Croatia. Here’s a link to this story as well, in case you missed it the first time around! A ‘cute’ Appendicitis (The photo I’ve used is from last year when I received some lovely ‘get well’ flowers from my work colleagues).

Thanks again for being with me, I know many of you are well ahead of 400 posts but for this little old duck it’s quite amazing!

Deb 🙂

You can also find Deb’s World in lots of other places – stay in touch by clicking any of the buttons below.

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