Sally D’s Mobile Photography Challenge: Rose bud

rose bud

Here’s a photo of one of my favourite rosebuds.  This particular rose bush has the most delightful fragrant yellow roses so I’m quite surprised that there is so much other colour in this bud.

As an aside we used some of these roses petals for my daughter’s wedding on the weekend.  My husband and I collected a heady mix of pinks, mauves, reds and yellows in just a few minutes walk around the garden before rushing off to the ceremony.  It was delightful being able to share our rose petals with guests and then joining with everyone in throwing them over the bride and groom as they walked up the aisle as husband and wife.

It’s the second Monday of the month which means it’s  Sally D’s Mobile Photography Challenge – and this week it’s Macro. This was captured with my mobile phone as per the requirements for this challenge.

Deb 🙂

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