Mundane Monday Challenge – straight lines


Straight lines and blue sky

This was the view that greeted me this morning as I returned from my run in the forest. I see these poles in the paddock every day but today they looked like they were all lined up, marching off into the endless blue sky.

Mundane but yet beautiful in their own way!

Mundane Monday Challenge is hosted by PhoTrablogger on a Monday.  There are always interesting links to other Mundane Monday posts to have a look at in his weekly post.

It’s…a challenge created to find beauty in everyday mundane things…capture the beauty and upload the photographs.

Hope your Mundane Monday has been kind to you. (I know it’s now Tuesday but I’m running late!)

Deb 🙂

9 Replies to “Mundane Monday Challenge – straight lines”

    1. That’s so true Dawn, I see these scenes every single day and today I saw them in a completely different light. I’m finding that my blogging is a form of mindfulness and love these sorts of challenges which make me ‘see things’ in more detail and actually take notice. It’s great isn’t it?


    1. I’m glad I noticed them enough to take a photo too. It’s funny that these challenges make us take notice of what’s around us everyday and to appreciate it all the more. I’m more than happy to share my lovely morning with everyone out there. Thanks again for the support and putting together the challenge 🙂

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