A long run


Today I ran for 11.3kms!  How amazing is that?  If you’ve followed my running progress to date you’d know what a big deal this is for me!

I’ve been following a training plan to improve my 5km running time and I’m determined to try to get below 30 minutes at some stage this year.  I’ve been committed and have followed the training sessions religiously.  I think I’m getting better but I’m still not fast.

Today’s run was the weekly long run and I was determined to give it my best shot.  I run on my own in the forest and my usual routes all include hills.  These always slow me down but I know that before I start. The forest is currently being harvested so the tracks are littered with branches, bark and as it’s recently rained, it’s also a bit muddy. There was a good frost on the ground this morning and I waited a while for the temperature to get above 5 degrees before venturing out. It was cold to start with but I soon warmed up.

I ran at a very slow pace – the 800 metre intervals were supposed to be at a steady pace and the 400 metres intervals were at a slow pace or walking pace if required. There’s not a lot of difference between my ‘slow’ and ‘steady’ pace but I only had to walk up the big hills. But you know what –  I don’t really care!

I ran 11.3kms, that’s the longest I’ve run in one session and I didn’t fall over or collapse at the end of it!  I am becoming a better runner, slowly but surely. It’s so good for my mental and physical health especially at the moment with so much conflict going on with my work situation.

The lovely photo I’ve included is from one of the high points on my running tracks in the forest.  I took the shot yesterday while out on a walk but wanted to include it so that you can see the breathtaking views and countryside around here.

There’s no stopping me! woo hoo 🙂

Deb x


17 Replies to “A long run”

  1. Go go Deb. Well done! I’m impressed.
    I trained for three Sri Chinmoy runs a few years ago but haven’t done any since. I am going to try to get back into it. Well done on staying upright given the conditions too. I will have to look at you running posts. I need to do one for my fitness theme.
    You do feel really good after runs when you have been training for a while and ironed out the aches and pains – so yes just what you need to come up fighting. Enjoy your week.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Well done Deb. You have put me to shame. I didn’t even go for a run at all today. In fact since my 10k a few weeks ago I have been taking it easy as my body does tend to get a few aches and pains after a ‘long’ run! This week I hope to get back on it again. I hope you don’t suffer after your long run. Well done for getting back to the running and for being able to run so far in one go. Brilliant:-)

    Liked by 1 person

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