#Top10 Tips for Two weeks of Travelling in Tasmania

Our Top 10 tips for seeing Tasmania in two weeks

Disclaimer: We are two recently retired teachers who have been to Tasmania several times but we still have lots to see and do.  These are our thoughts made from our notes and discussions as we travelled around.  We wished someone had paid for our trip but sadly that didn’t happen!

This Top 10 list was compiled after our 2 week trip in late May/June 2017.  We travelled in our own car, with our two pushbikes,  on the Spirit of Tasmania from Melbourne to Devonport.  After attending a family wedding we headed off on our adventure. We stayed in a variety of accommodation from houses, cottages, cabins, B&B and even a jail cell.  We had nothing pre-booked, we just decided on the day which direction we were heading and made plans on the run. It was good to be out of season and we managed to get some great specials along the way.

  1. Pack for all weather contingencies – layers are best.  Remember that Tasmania is quite south and therefore the weather is getting cool by this time of year.  I have also travelled in summer and been caught out with a cold snap, it’s very changeable. I took jeans, active-wear,  thermal singlets, long sleeved tops, vests, jumpers, lightweight coats and a waterproof coat. Shoes included walking boots, running shoes and casual ankle boots.  Beanie, gloves, scarves and an umbrella.  As we were hoping to ride our bikes I also took some specific riding gear but ended up wearing normal active-wear.  
    Bike, Tasmania
    My husband spent a lot of time in his long shorts. We were lucky to have the car so we didn’t have a weight limit 🙂  If travelling in summer this list would have to be revised to include sunscreen, swimmers, shorts, t shirts etc.  As I showed in this post, I’m not the world’s best packer.
  2. Phone reception – a lot of people don’t realise that phone reception in Tasmania is mostly provided by the Telstra network and as such Optus, Vodaphone and others may not work at all. We now understand why we were given a Telstra SIM card in the Welcome to Tasmania pack, as we left the boat in Devonport. A very thoughtful gesture, not to mention practical, from the kind tourism people.  We had patchy reception and were caught out at various times.  The worst time was a case of bad timing as it was our daughter’s birthday in UK and we couldn’t ring her until the next day – she wasn’t very understanding! WiFi was offered at several of our accommodation stops but was generally not much use.  There are several places in major Tasmanian towns/cities where WiFi is offered throughout the town area. I learnt to manage without it mostly) and saved notes for my blog updates at a later date.  It’s nice sometimes to be off the grid!
  3. Don’t rush – it may be a small island but there’s a lot of ground to cover and many things to see.  One visit can’t do it justice. We already have places on our list for next time. Travelling times aren’t always fast and roads signs were helpful in giving estimate driving times between major places.  We were pleased to have set a minimum of two night stays whenever we could.  The days are shorter too at this time of the year and the sun was setting quite early (like 4.30pm)  We always tried to be settled into accommodation for the night by 3pm so that we weren’t driving around in the dark looking.
  4. Shopping bags – in case you didn’t know most of Tasmania is plastic bag free which means you either provide your own or you pay for bags.  If you have your own vehicle it might be a good idea to put in a few shopping bags for any shopping you may need to do.  Good on you Tasmania!!
  5. Purchase a National Parks Pass beforehand.  We bought ours on the boat on the way over and it was well used. You would often need to display the card on your dashboard when in a National Park.  We also took a photo of the card on our phone in case we were asked for it while away from the vehicle. It cost $60 and was valid for 2 months.  Well worth the money!
  6. Get off the beaten track but make sure you have some cash.  We came across a ferry in the middle of nowhere, and knew there’d be a charge, but not how much.  It was $25 and thankfully we had cash on hand, as I don’t think card facilities were an option.  
    Tasmania Map, travel, touring
    There are many roads off the beaten track, it’s fun taking the road less travelled.
  7. Breathe deeply and relax – apparently the air in Tasmania is so good for you, every breath adds 10 seconds to your life!  It’s also good for your complexion!
  8. Be prepared to change your plans. We took our bikes with us intending to ride rail trails and anywhere there was a shared walking path.  We had a good first week of riding but the second week the weather wasn’t as conducive to riding, we even had a day of driving through snow!  So although we had plans to ride it wasn’t always possible and we had to look around for alternatives.  We also noticed that towards the end of our two weeks, into early June, many places were closing for the season and activities were limited so we had to be flexible.
  9. It was good to have a bag with basic food supplies and a thermos – I now sound like my grandmother – we were often caught out in isolated places without cafes or shops, so our bag of goodies was very useful.  We always had teabags, cups, plates, cutlery, crackers, vegemite, breakfast cereals, meusli bars and snacks on hand which not only was convenient, it saved us some money too.  I’m a frugal retiree now 🙂
  10. Enjoy yourself – this is not hard to do. The people, the scenery, the history – it’s all amazing!  Talk to locals, ask questions, get guidance on where to go and what to do.
  11. Take plenty of photos – even if it’s only on your phone.  The shots are useful for when you write up your Travel Blog or make your photo book when you return home. The light in Tasmania is beautiful and soft at this time of year and I am thrilled with my iPhone pics.  The immediacy of the internet, assuming you can get reception, is good for sharing your best shots of the day.  Try to find and use appropriate hashtags such as #DicoverTasmania #visitTasmania on Instagram or Twitter (if that’s what you’re into).

I’ve had a great time with my series of Tour de Tassie travel blog posts highlighting our recent travels and still have a few stories to update. If you like reading about travelling or Tasmania, you may be interested in what I’ve written so far:

Timeless Tarraleah

Maria Island

Wordless Wednesday 31 May 2017

Wordless Wednesday 7 June 2017 

A circuitous route

Wild and Wonderful West Coast

Can you relate to this list, are there any other tips you’d add?

Until next time!

Deb 😊

Note: I hope you appreciated the alliteration in the title!  It doesn’t take much to amuse me.

If you enjoyed this post please pin it for later:

Top 10 tips for two weeks of travel in Tasmania

All photos are mine unless stated and were taken with my trusty iPhone!

Visit Deb’s World’s Instagram for photo updates

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104 Replies to “#Top10 Tips for Two weeks of Travelling in Tasmania”

  1. Hi Debbie, I love the list of tips you give for this destination, and as practical as they are – they (some) can be used for most destinations. I enjoy how you incorporated your experience into your list, very nice!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Great tips Debbie. I was talking to my Australian friend (from Melbourne) about Tasmania & how since your posts I really want to go. She said if I visit we’ll take a little trip over to Tasmania! I need to make this happen now! X

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for your comment Janet. I’m glad you have been to Tasmania too and enjoyed it, it really is a beautiful place. We will definitely go back again with thermos and snacks on board 😊


  3. Some great tips – I’ve passed this to a friend who’s tripping there in September. The phone & cash tips are particularly those things that you just take for granted on the mainland. #TeamLovinLife

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I agree with your travel tips on Tassie. We toured Tassie in late November and got caught out on the West Coast with freezing temperatures and even snow in the mountainous regions. We did not have enough warm clothing! My bathers were certainly not worn as the water temperatures were too cold for me! We toured around in a campervan and just winged it as well. It was a fabulous adventure and feeling of freedom. I love travelling this way. #TeamLovinLife

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Love your fabulous Tassie tips Deb. That B&B in Stanley looks really gorgeous. I’m so pleased to hear that Tassie is plastic bag free. Some other states could take a leaf out of their book! 🙂 #TeamLovinLife

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Many thanks, it was a fantastic place for so many reasons. The B&B was great. Yes we could all take a leaf out of their banning of plastic bags, hopefully soon!


  6. Great tips Debbie! In regard to wifi LINC Tasmania (aka the libraries) have free wifi operating that stretches far and wide (there are libraries in just about every small town and hamlet as well as large urban areas). For example here in Deloraine you can sit on the balcony at two pubs and hook into our wifi. TasGov_Free operates out of Service Tasmania locations just about everywhere and most local councils have a hot spot too. I have noticed that Tasmania isn’t all that good at promoting this fabulous free service. LINC Tas’s wifi can be accessed for four hours every day.

    Good suggestions with the layers and being prepared for every weather scenario all throughout the year. A pet hate of mine is seeing mainlanders and overseas tourists at places like Cradle Mountain without proper gear. Even on the loveliest of days a blizzard can set in.

    So glad you enjoyed your trip to Tasmania, next time I hope I’m actually here and I can show you the beautiful Meander Valley.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for the WiFi tips Annie, I wish I’d known that beforehand! We did manage to get into the TASGov free spots at times which was good. You are right too,as we mentioned it a few times, Tasmania is very low key about certain things, it should be pushing itself more. We wouldn’t change a thing though about what we did, except to have had you there to show us your area. That’s on the list for next time! 🙂


  7. Hi Debbie! Great to see you linking up with us at #overthemoon link party. Tasmania is such a beautiful place and your tips are appreciated. I’m sharing on social media. Have a lovely week and see you next week.
    Sue from Sizzling Towards 60 & Beyond

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Great tips Debbie. Not been to Tasmania YET but sounds very laidback and ideal for adventures! The tourism pack seems such a good idea – especially changing your SIM card. In the UK plastic bags are rarely used now – bags are chargeable here at the check out. In France, you put all your shopping in large cardboard boxes!!-No plastic bags there either. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  9. This is the place I need to go to get away from technology it seems like?? What an adventurous spirit you have to not have things already booked. But hey, since you were in your car, I guess you could always camp there too??!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes Jodie, that thought did cross our minds! It wasn’t very busy as it’s low season so we took a gamble on being able to find a place to stay. We did really well!! It’s a great place for a holiday.


  10. This is a useful post with good tips, Deb. I have always flown to Tassie and we have hired a car. Still have much more exploring to do there though. I was interested in reading you received a Welcome to Tasmania Pack. They are very switched on with Tourism. Also Arts Tasmania is very good, Arts and \crafts are well supported in the island. Love the photo on the Gordon on the top right. Look forward to reading more of your Tassie posts. Louise

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for the comment Louise, and you are right about arts/crafts being big there. They are ver low key in their tourism in some ways but in other ways they have it all worked out. I love the place!

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  11. Oh, LOLS, Debbie. Living here, we forget about phone coverage and plastic bags. In Hobart I think the weather is pretty good, but yes, it is wet on the west coast. Great tips for other mainlanders 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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