I’ve read 40+ books in 2017!

I’ve just been updating my Books Page and am pleased to see I have managed to read 43 books so far this year. I’m still reading a few but will have them finished by the end of the month.

Here’s my complete list of what I’ve read:  Books in 2017

I set myself a challenge of reading 45 books in the Goodreads Challenge, so considering the amount of travel I’ve done this year, I’m very happy with the result! It’s also been my first year of retirement and I thought I’d get time to read more books than normal but it seems I’m keeping too busy.

Once I’m involved in a book I get completely engrossed and surface only when I’m forced to. I can read anywhere – in bed, outside in the garden, in the hammock but not usually in the car, as I tend to get a bit of motion sickness.

I’ve read a mix of book types – on my kindle, real books and I’ve started listening to some audio books while I’ve been out walking or driving long distances on my own. I enjoy them too but find i need to be doing something, like walking or ironing,  while I’m being read to , I’m not sure why that is!!

It seems like I’m fairly consistent from year to year, reading approximately 40 books a year.

I will read just about anything as you will see by my list, from fantasy, science fiction, classics, young adult, crime, dystopian and contemporary literature.

I must say I really enjoyed 1984 which I couldn’t believe I hadn’t read before. It just rang true for some reason!! I’m also enjoying Saga Land at the moment by Richard Fidler and Kari Gislason.

It’s been a great way to keep a track of what I’ve read since I started compiling my lists in 2014/15.  In the beginning I wrote notes on each book but that fell by the wayside some time ago! I do try to leave a review on Goodreads if I’ve particularly enjoyed a book.

If you have any suggestions for books to read, just let me know.

What about you?  Do you have a favourite book you’ve read this year?

Debbie 🙂

You can also find Deb’s World here:

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48 Replies to “I’ve read 40+ books in 2017!”

  1. Debbie, what a lot of books to read, it is good to hear of so many people enjoying reading. Your post has been popular on the Blogger’s Pit Stop so we will feature it this week. All the best for 2018 and I look forward to hosting with you.

    Blogger’s Pit Stop

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Way to go!! I’ll be ending my year with only 27 books read when my goal was 50. It was a tough year but I plan on making my goal 50 again next year and really working toward it. Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Great accomplishment!! I wish I had kept better track of what I’ve read this year. I am determined that I will be more diligent next year. I’ve been using Goodreads regularly lately, but didn’t really track my completed books until just a few months ago.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Well done Debbie, you’ve read way more than I have this year. When I was younger I could never keep my head out of a book but these days I’ve slowed right down. Your post makes me want to go pick up a good book again.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi, Debbie – Congratulations on this accomplishment. That’s quite the list. I belong to two Book Clubs so I read at least 24 books a year (and even that is a struggle sometimes)! I am very impressed by your high number, especially with all of your travels and adventures. Impressive!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I’m on 33 at the moment. I had a quick look at your list to see if we’d read any of the same things this year, but we hadn’t. My favourite author of 2017 is Chimamanda Ngozi Adiche. We read Americanah at Book Group and that inspired me to read two more.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Debs I know maybe why you like to be doing something while listening to an audio book, as when we read we holding something turning the pages. When listening sitting down, it’s hard to not want to do something, so distracting doing nothing physical! Well done for reading so many books. I am terrible as I usually read at night and since travelling I fall asleep after a couple of pages. Not many books were read, though lots of blog posts were 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Suz, I tend to think you’re right! I usually read at night too and luckily it doesn’t put me to sleep unless it gets really late. You’ve been very busy this year so it’s not surprising and I think blog posts should count as reading 🙂


  8. I always set myself a 50 book challenge on Goodreads but this year I’ve lost my reading mojo! I’ve even written a blog post about it haha. I’ve only managed about 24 books and most of them were technical/non-fiction. Oh dear! Hope to do better next year x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You ave been very busy Shelley so it’s not surprising at all! I’m sure you’ll get back into it after all the excitement calms down for you. I think 50 is my new goal too. Thanks for reading and I seem to remember reading you post about it, I’m so glad your name is on my list for the year!!

      Liked by 1 person

  9. I love how there’s a bit of everything on the list of books you read!
    Saw you read A Court of War and Ruin by Sarah J. Maas. I’m currently going through her Throne of Glass-series and enjoying them as well – although I have to admit I’m missing Rhysand, ha.
    A Man Called Ove is on my wishlist. I’ve heard such good things about it!

    Happy reading!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Kathy – yes the list has a bit of everything as you say! I never get bored, that’s for sure! I enjoyed the Throne of Glass series too after my grown up daughters recommended them to me. I found Ove very sweet so I hope you enjoy it too.

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  10. wow! 40 books sound like a lot! Congrats! I think i must have read about 3 or 4! I love reading though i wish in 2018 i will have the time to read much more!
    Would also love reading your thoughts on my latest blog post.



  11. I love to read, though I never seem to get as much time for it as I’d like. I always read on my lunch break, though, and I managed to meet my 50-book goal on Goodreads. I think my favorite book this past year was “Born A Crime” by Trevor Noah about growing up biracial in South Africa. I actually listened to it as an audiobook. Like you, I don’t listen to those a lot, mostly when I’m driving long distance, but I’ve seen Noah on the Daily Show, and I figured his narration would be wonderful. I wasn’t wrong. It was so good. He can nail any accent, and his story is incredible. Plus, he’s so funny. I highly recommend it as an audiobook.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow 50 is a good haul, well done! That’s a great recommendation for Born a Crime Carrie,it sounds very interesting and I like the fact it’s read by someone who can do the accents and characters. Thanks very much! I’ll add that to my list 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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