#6 Tips on How NOT to make money or get a gazillion views in your first month of blogging

How NOT to make money or get a gazillion views in your first month of blogging – or even your first six years!!


Why are so many bloggers’ lives so skewed towards making money quickly or getting a gazillion views/followers in a short amount of time?

I am getting quite tired of seeing all these types of posts.  Pinterest is where they tend to hang out the most.

If I was making all that much money why do I want to tell you all about it anyway???

I don’t have an issue with people making money from blogging, it’s a natural progression for some and they’re really good at it.  It’s the way some of them have to continually sprout their successes and is it just me or does it seem like the time frames are getting shorter and shorter??  Started a blog today, then expect a gazillion views by tomorrow!

Are we all getting that shallow that we crave millions of  followers/likes/views and expect them in the first few months of a new venture? I’ve been blogging for over six years now and can hardly acclaim to be a prolific blogger, or even shock horror – an influencer – and you know what,  I happen to like it that way!!

And don’t get me started on the all the follow/unfollowing business that goes on!!

social media

My #6 top tips 

So in answer to these annoying posts, I decided to write my own silly, annoying (and sarcastic) post on the subject.

  1. Don’t sign up for any affiliate scheme – simple as that!  You definitely won’t make any money that way!
  2. Don’t fall for the quick get rich scheme – if it sounds too good to be true – in terms of gaining new followers, making money, sales, views, whatever – remember it usually is too good to be true!
  3. Blog simply because you enjoy it – there’s no pressure that way, except from yourself!
  4. Ignore social media pressures – the new Facebook algorithm is doing so many peoples’ heads in, it’s not funny!  But if you ignore all that and just coast along happy with your 80 views on Facebook for your latest post you’ve shared, then all’s well with the world 🙂
  5. Smile – life is far too short to get too wrapped up in all the angst – read point #3 again
  6. Remember you’re not the only blogger out there writing about food/DIY/yummy mummy/travel/midlife…*insert niche here* – and you’re all touting for the same business. It’s a dog eat dog world out there at times!  I’d much rather interact and engage with a few choice bloggers, a few Facebook groups who get what I’m all about and leave it at that!

I could go on and on and on….but I decided to stop at 6 as 6 is my favourite number – can you begin to see why affiliate programs wouldn’t want me, even if I wanted to join them?

I’ve also decided to stop getting upset by all these silly posts, really to ease my mental health, it’s not good for me!

If you are able to make money from blogging good on you, I wish you all the success in the world but just don’t write vacuous posts telling me how I should be doing it too.

Blogging for me

Blogging for me is a fun activity, one I’ve undoubtedly learnt a lot from and one I don’t take too seriously.  I rarely have a  schedule, I don’t like self promotion, but do the minimal I have to, and I enjoy having my own little piece of the internet.

I do, however, love engaging with other bloggers and reading and commenting on blogs.  Not for what it can do for me, but for what I get out of it – I learn from others, I’m interested in the opinions and views of others and I truly care about other people.  I’ve written posts before on being confused by all the hype and getting myself into a state about it.  Maybe it’s that time of the year again!

That’s it really – I share my thoughts, my photos and bits of my life – it’s fun, doesn’t hurt anyone and I’m a happy little Vegemite 🙂  Especially now as I’ve just racked up 6 years of blogging and over 1000 posts!!

Am I alone here??

What does blogging mean to you? I’d love to hear from you.

Deb xx

Tips on how NOT to make money on your blog

PS. Please don’t respond if you’ve taken offence at this – each to their own and just keep smiling, remember we’re lucky to be alive 🙂

Linking up with Denyse for #Lifethisweek – Selfcare, share your story

You can also find Deb’s World here – let’s stay in touch!

Everyone has a story to tell!

Debbie - mother of a 40 year old

Deb is a young-at-heart & active 60+ blogger/retiree, after being made redundant from her 22-year career managing education programs in a men’s correctional centre (jail). She now spends her time reading, blogging, riding her ebike and travelling. Deb was awarded a Bravery Award from the Queen when she was 17 after a tragic accident – a definite life changing moment! She is married with 3 grown-up daughters & has 4 grandchildren. You can read more of Deb’s story here

Copyright © 2024 debs-world.com – All rights reserved

107 Replies to “#6 Tips on How NOT to make money or get a gazillion views in your first month of blogging”

  1. I’ve been blogging for over a decade now {think I started in 2008 properly} and blogging has always been about engagement and connecting. I did do some sponsored posts in between but no longer do those. It’s also a way to improve my writing and connect with other writers. I think these days, it’s definitely changed with everything from blogs to instagram being about the money.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Interesting to read and see what others are saying too. I first began blogging in 2011 and as it was a very new medium and I saw money being made, I gave it a go when I sought sponsorship to attend a blogging course later that year. I got a generous amount, wrote some promotional posts and….realised I did not feel comfortable writing that way.

    So since then I wear the cost of the blog and it is for the connections and conversations with others. I am going to add, I cannot stand having to trawl through posts via google ads. Makes me cross!

    Thank you for sharing on #lifethisweek. Next Week’s Optional Prompt: 29/51 Winter: Like/Loathe 22/7/19. Hope you link up again too. Denyse.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Denyse, it’s always interesting reading the comments on posts and this one collected quite a few! I’m not comfortable writing that way either but for some it’s a real winner. I wish them well! Always good to join up for #lifethisweek thanks so much for the opportunity.


  3. So many truths. I couldn’t care less about popularity. I realised long ago that you’re not going to reach fame levels unless you’re a looker! (Actually, seriously!)
    I have been blogging since 2013 and am yet to reach 5000 FB followers. Clearly I am not a looker! I do enjoy writing articles and love the process of running giveaways which leave some followers in tears of happiness. It’s quite touching.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Huge yes to this. I started blogging a decade ago and after a few years monetization became the big thing. I remember going to conferences about ‘making money’ from blogs but at the time it was very ‘mummy’ (parent) blogger focussed, so of little use to me. I did a few sponsored / paid posts back in the day (not many) but decided I much preferred to have control of my own content.

    I’d write elsewhere for money and (within reason) say what people wanted me to say, but my blog / my website is sacred for me. It’s where I share my thoughts and unleash my creativity (and insanity).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes I think the mummy bloggers have a lot to answer for! It’s always interesting to hear from other bloggers so I appreciate you sharing your thoughts with me 🙂 I’m all for keeping our blogs our very own place for our creativity and yes even our insanity!!!


  5. I love this and can totally relate! I never started blogging to get rich quick and still don’t blog to get rich quick although my life is definitely richer for the experiences I’ve had and the wonderful people I’ve met all because I blogged! That said, I do have advertising on my blog but the revenue barely covers my hosting costs etc. I’ve been blogging for almost 8 years now and I still have no idea of what I’m doing or how to make money but blogging and the connections I’ve made make me happy and you can’t put a price on that!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I giggled at the title. The whole influencer scene annoys me. The ones that particularly annoy me (nervously looks around to see if any are lurking) are the linen wearing, life’s a photoshoot, yummy mummys who parade their kids on social media while at the same time sprout on about how they limit their kids screen time. Then there are the holiday photo shoots and then…see, now you’ve started me off on a soapbox rant!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m with you Jo!!! I read an article about just that over the weekend which reminded me of this post I wrote last year! The hypocrisy of them galls me re screen time and sharing their kids all over the internet. They also need to add some colour to their boring linen, perfectly matched looking clothes – but that’s just me – see now you’ve got me started!!!!

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  7. Hi Deb, First and foremost, thank you for sharing this post today at SIPB. I value you as a member, your posts and interaction. This is a great post and I have read all the above comments, and my feeling about blogging – It’s for fun and I have not monetized, and am unable to see me doing that in the future, because then the FUN part will be gone and it will become a JOB and that’s not what I want from it. I have met so many great and wonderful people through blogging, and only been blogging for 3 years and a bit. I still love every minute of it although posting less and actually prefer to share, care and inspire by promoting others

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Esme, I hoped it was OK to post this on the Facebook page as sometimes I feel we can all get a bit precious and serious about what we’re doing it for! We need to lighten up and this was my take on it all a while ago. I agree it doesn’t need to become a job. Thanks for all you do in offering support and encouragement and a place to share -it’s a great resource and I’m happy to be involved when I can.


  8. Debbie thank you! I loved this, and it brought a lot of clarity for me. I started blogging in January this year and I love it! It is so funny though, because I have ran into negative people discounting the type of blog that I started. I love retro, so I started a retro blog. People in my circle think I am crazy, but I just love it. Your insights are appreciated and congratulations on your 1000 posts! I just hit 100, so 1000 is super strong! Go girl!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad you enjoyed this post. Thanks for commenting and letting me know your thoughts. All the best with your blogging journey, do what makes you happy is my only advice. 😊


  9. Loved this post. I started my blog around 6 years ago and the only people who read it were my mum and my granny (who, fyi thinks I am hilarious). I had about a year off while my two small people were super tiny but I’ve just started again and got the bug. It has even spurred me on to start writing a book that I’ve been meaning to get round to for years.

    Look forward to more of your posts 😘

    Liked by 1 person

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