Autumn colours of a different kind – Week 41 of 52 week photo project

A different look at autumn colours

Welcome to this week’s wrap-up post 

The theme for Week 41/52: Autumn

A different sort of Autumn colours
Autumn colours

This week was all about Autumn, or Spring for our UK member of the group.  If you’ve been following me on Instagram (come join me!) you’ll have seen a lot of Autumn shots already with the colourful leaves, the lovely light and the odd self portrait.  It’s true to say I love autumn and I think we are kindred spirits as I mentioned in Week 39’s self portrait post.

So this week I tried to look at autumn in a different way. I love this scarf I bought on my last trip to the UK and the colours are just perfect for me.  As we were showing visitors around our area for a few days I decided to take my scarf along as a prop and try my hand at being creative.

In the Sugar Pine Walk amongst the big old pine trees and the amazing atmosphere, I had my mother float the scarf behind her, then my husband secured it to a tree and tried to hoist it like a flag, then he held onto one edge and sort of tossed it out to drop ‘dramatically‘.  I liked the illusion of it floating in the breeze except there wasn’t much breeze about!! I decided this shot was as good as I was going to get and after cropping my husband’s shadow out I sent it in with these words.

A different look at autumn with a few of my favourite things – my favourite autumn colours in a favourite scarf taken in one of my favourite places in my favourite season with some of my favourite people visiting. Autumn is awesome.

Photos from the group

The photos from the others in the group were great this week!!! 

Here’s a summary (in my words) – you really need to click the link to read their words as well as see their photos for yourself!  We always appreciate hearing your thoughts 🙂

Daniel’s shot was the beautiful night sky in Brisbane – honestly it could be used in a tourist advertisement.

Grant’s photo was a great capture of the vista luring them into the mountains on an early morning walk.  Really quite eerily beautiful.

Melanie’s photo was a drop of water in the forest which she said could be fairy wee 🙂

Sharon says that autumns means pears to her….and leaves.  I can assure you these poached pears were delicious.

Tim’s photo matched his shoes to the autumn leaves.  Fashion at its best!

You can read more about the story behind the project here: 52 week photography project  – but basically I have joined with 5 photographers, of varying experience, to take a photo every week for a year, one theme at a time. That’s 52 weeks of photos!

 Autumn colours are the best!

With each photo we also submit some accompanying words, which can be just as interesting as the photo itself some weeks! This can include the subject, the setup, the story behind it and even the process we have used to get our photo for the week. It’s certainly extending my creative thought processes!

How did you like our interpretations this week? Let me know as I always appreciate hearing from you.

I tend to share my wrap-up post on the Saturday after the main post goes live on Sundays.  It’s so good to be involved in something creative and gets the mind ticking over.

Are you into being creative?

Feel free to pin for later:

Autumn colours with a difference for 52 week photography project

Next week’s theme is: From the hip – no peeking at the viewfinder as we take a shot :0

Enjoy your week ahead.

Deb 🙂

Let’s stay in touch. You can also find Deb’s World here:

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43 Replies to “Autumn colours of a different kind – Week 41 of 52 week photo project”

  1. Beautiful picture, Debbie. I love the change of seasons and all the spectacular color changes that come along with it. Thanks for sharing yours and the others with us!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I saw this when you shared it on FB Deb and thought it was a really pretty take on Autumn – not an orange leaf in sight, but still with an Autumny feel to the photo (I had to laugh when I thought about your mum and husband trying to make it float artfully in the “breeze”)

    Thanks for linking up with us at #MLSTL and I’ve shared this on my SM xx
    Leanne |

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Leanne, it was quite funny at the time and my mother was thrilled to be involved. It’s been fun to continually have to think outside the square and I’m glad you noticed no autumn leaves were in my shot, that’s what I was trying to highlight, the colours in a very different way. So happy to have your thoughts and thanks for sharing 😊


  3. Love Autumn colours and they suit me too – as I think they suit you by the gorgeous colours of your scarf. What a great idea to use it as a prop in the forest for a photograph. I love the pop of colour and focus it gives to the photo.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Melanie! I had some inspiration ht me last week but you’ll be disappointed with my from the hip shot, it’s nothing much at all because I couldn’t look at it while taking it 🙂


  4. I love the changeable seasons of Spring [umm more like our winter 🙂 ] and Autumn, though my favourite is Autumn as the colours go well with a fading redhead 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Best thing about both seasons is change in colours. Autumn for the leaf displays. Something magical about those and in spring after months of dank grey weather, the greens start appearing again. Both are significant moral boosts… just winter, dark nights and bleak landscapes I’m not keen on…caveat, really crisp frosty days where cobwebs lie frozen in time. Something about those I find absolutely stunning.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re right Gary the colours in the changes of seasons are delightful! I love frosty mornings for the crisp and crunchy start to the day, and frozen spiderwebs are amazing. I feel sorry for people who don’t get to experience the changes in seasons as it’s either always summer or always winter. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Too right. In this part of the country it’s exactly that, summer or winter. Granted the colours do show, but the seasons seem more blurred and rolling into just two. Might be my perception mind!!

        Liked by 1 person

  6. I love your scarf Debbie, and the way the light catches the colours! I am an Autumnal palette fan anyway, they are the colours that suit me!!! And I love Nature’s autumn hues too!

    Liked by 1 person

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