Future Grandma – Baby Shower fun

Baby Shower/House Warming Fun

I can’t remember the last time I went to a Baby Shower.

But I won’t forget this one for quite some time as it was for my future Grandbaby to be.

Happy face of Future Grandma
Happy face with my Future Grandma badge

I’m happy to be writing about the joy I’m feeling and the fun I had attending my first Baby Shower as a Future Grandma 🙂 

I do feel for the other grandmother, Nanny in the UK, who due to distance couldn’t be involved today.  She will be an important part of Spud’s life and thankfully technology is very good at enabling us all to stay in touch these days.

My badge of honour from my daughter

Due to our recent travels which saw us miss 3 months of Spud’s growth, I must say I was thrilled to return home to the sight of my daughter’s huge tummy!  While we were away we also missed their house purchase and subsequent move.

The original Baby Shower/House Warming party was planned for our first weekend home but some sad news meant this had to be postponed for two weeks. Just as well too, as I wasn’t very well when we got home.

So today was the day and the extra good news was that our daughter from the UK was still home in Aus so she was able to be with us as well!

Because it was a combined House Warming and Baby Shower party it wasn’t just for the ladies, as per the usual Baby Shower. Instead it was a fun afternoon with friends, family, a bbq, lots of delicious food, presents and despite the coolness outside, lots of warmth and love for the parents to be.

We all had the chance to guess the sex, the weight, length and due date, plus the names – with prizes to be awarded to the most correct entry once the baby arrives.  It’s quite fun not knowing what they’re having or what it will be called, and everyone got into the spirit of guessing. For some reason I think it’s a girl but maybe that’s because I had three girls of my own.  She also reminds me of the shape I was in, all baby and all out the front.

She’s looking absolutely fabulous and so beautiful.  She is happy to have less than three weeks to go and I’m happy to be home ready for this exciting next stage of life.

With all the sadness we’ve had this year it’s just good to have something to look forward to. You must admit welcoming a new life into the world is right up there for happy news.

Baby shower
Baby shower gifts from around the world

While I was travelling around Europe I took the opportunity to buy baby things from most countries. I tried to buy local brands and in a variety of sizes.  It was great fun and it turns out I’m quite the shopper!  My daughter seemed very impressed with my collection of colourful items.

So that’s my happy post for the week.  My UK daughter says I looked happy enough to burst today and I must admit to feeling pretty good – except for the fact that my eldest girl leaves tonight for home. We’ve had over three months with her, on and off, while using her place as a base for our travels while in England. It’s been such fun spending time with her and we’ll definitely miss her.

As she often says, at times like this – don’t be sad it’s over, smile because it happened. She’s very wise my daughter!

Feel free to leave a comment below. I always love hearing from you and try to answer all your comments 🙂

Deb xx

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52 Replies to “Future Grandma – Baby Shower fun”

  1. Love your beautiful – and respectful! – celebration! I join Jayne in cringing at the “candy bar diaper” game – ewww! For my three daughters, we did the popular name pull from a box of pre-addressed thank you card envelopes – easy, fun, and dignified!


  2. I love your ‘New Grandmother Badge’, Deb. Congratulations!!
    I will be spending the end of this week babysitting my 3 year old grandson, as his daycare is closed this week. I am already looking forward to my ‘uninterrupted’ grandparent time.
    I look forward to your continued updates!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lucky you having uninterrupted time with your grandson and lucky them for having you around to help out!! I’ll be sure to share the news as it happens, within reason of course, I’ve been told I’m only allowed to put certain info out there.


  3. Wow, there sure is a lot to celebrate in your family….enjoy being a grammie! Nothing beats that feeling and it just gets better and better all the time.

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  4. Exciting times ahead for you all! My grandparents played a huge part in my life, and I don’t know what we would have done without my own mum & dad when our 3 cam along. Everyone teased my hubby when we moved into the same road as them, but they have played a huge role in the kids lives not to mention being fab babysitters! Baby showers weren’t really a thing in the UK when I had mine so feel I missed out!!!! But…..some of my antenatal friends have become friends for life (kids now 22). Looking forward to hearing who got the nearest weight, sex, name when the bump arrives xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know what you mean Claire, I don’t remember having Baby Showers for any of my three girls either!! That’s so lovely that you have remained friends with your antenatal Mother’s after all this time. I read an article the other day that says grandparents living near grandchildren have a longer life expectancy and are happier as well, so well done to your parents (and you) for having the best of both worlds. I’ll be sure to share the news when it happens.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Wonderful! Though once the little one starts talking you never know! My mother in law was meant to be Dadima (paternal granny in Punjabi) Lil Man couldn’t say it and she became Dama! And it’s stuck. 13 years later she’s still Dana and that’s what Lol Princess says too!!!

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  5. First of all, congratulation on the new baby. I have an 18 month-old grandson and, as so many other grandparents will attest, the honor is so precious and a way to experience each moment and accomplishment from an outside perspective. Babies and children are gifts to be cherished!
    I appreciate the opportunity to celebrate a new and precious life coming into this world by attending a baby shower. From your post, it appears it was positive and joyous. However, I personally dread going to most of them here in the U.S. as so many harken back to the years gone by when the games were so silly that it made women look as if they “enjoyed and reveled” into guessing what type of melted candy bar was melted into each diaper or smelling/tasting baby food to guess what it is. How long ago did womanhood/motherhood equal absurdity?
    With most women and mothers holding responsible corporate positions; managing the duties required for their jobs/ their children, their spouses, their families, and the community: and trying to carve out time to be personally healthy and enriched why must we revert back to a time when we were “required” to squeal and giggle and coo” at each opened package of baby bottles and wet wipes presented?
    At a recent baby shower I attended, I thought about the little girls attending that day with their mothers. The “games” seemed more appropriate to their age level. But is this the type of role modeling we should be having our daughters — or sons — experience?
    I am not suggesting that we do away with the celebration of this miraculous life event, but let’s just do it with a level that respects each woman/man who participates.
    While spending time supporting motherhood, in the support of parenthood, in the support of family, in the support of the community of those personally connected to each other, we should consider doing so in a positive and forward thinking manner.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Jayne. I enjoyed your comment and can relate in many ways. Here in Australia there are still some Baby Showers that run like that but generally we have moved on and celebrate the impending birth with dignity. I enjoyed my daughter’s party mainly because it was a mixed group and we didn’t have any silly games, instead it was full of love and best wishes with due respect to both expectant parents.


  6. Hi Deb! You deserve this joy at the moment and I can tell you that there is nothing like the love you will feel for your grandchild. I know you will be a wonderful Grandma and I hope that you have as special a relationship as I have with Ethan and hopefully Elliot when he is older. So, so happy for you all and can’t wait to hear of the arrival in a few weeks. Wishing your daughter the best and sending love. xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for the continued support Sue 🙂 It’s been a lovely time baby shopping, partying and helping her to get organised, although she really doesn’t need my help. The only sad moment was saying goodbye to our eldest daughter as she flew back home to the UK. We’ll head home (finally) tomorrow to snow…

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Christine, it’s not too bad as we’ll only be three hours drive from Canberra, so visiting won’t be too much of a struggle 🙂 You are very fortunate living so close to your three!


    1. I was starting to wonder if it would ever happen so I’m very excited to have it so close now. A new house and a new baby is certainly a lot to celebrate and it’s made the last few weeks a lot lighter to bear 🙂 I’m sure you’d make a great surrogate grandma to some lucky child 🙂

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  7. Such a happy time! We now wonder what life was like before the arrival of our granddaughter. So much joy ahead for you in a year where you have had to deal with much sadness. Sending hugs to the shopper!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. What a wonderful day for you all Deb – and to have all the family together for it is extra special. You are going to be over the moon when this little one arrives (speaking from experience). We’re heading off to meet our Number 2 granddaughter tomorrow and I can’t wait to hold that darling little girl (and her big sister too!) Congrat to you all and will be waiting to congratulate you in a few weeks xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I saw your happy news today Leanne and feel so excited for you and your family. We’ve been so up and down over the past few months, it’s nice to start feeling that growing excitement in the future. I’m sure I will be bursting out of my skin when it happens 🙂 Thanks for your comment and ongoing support xx


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