Bucket list images of New Zealand

I rarely offer advice on my blog, instead I like to provide information and let the reader make up their own mind.

This week Terri’s prompt for Sunday Stills Photo Challenge is all about Bucket List Images

But if I was to offer advice….

If I was to offer advice I would gently suggest that New Zealand should be placed on one’s bucket list.  Australia is generally just a short flight from New Zealand and it’s a popular destination for snow enthusiasts, cyclists, walkers and adventurers.

We have been fortunate to travel to New Zealand twice in recent years – in November 2016 and again in November 2017, with the same good friends.  We predominantly went to cycle on the vast network of Rail Trails in both the North and South Islands,  but also to take in the superb scenery and natural wonders on offer.  The people are welcoming and it’s very easy to get around. We thoroughly enjoyed out visits and are planning to go again one day soon.

Given that it’s November again, and we’re not in New Zealand this year, I have compiled a gallery of my favourite New Zealand photos to share for this week’s Sunday Stills.

Stop dreaming about your bucket list and start living it.

Annette White

New Zealand

One day you will wake up and there won’t be any more time to do the things you’ve always wanted. 

Paulo Coelho 

Do it now! 

I have written a variety of posts of our travels and, if you’re interested, they can be found here by clicking this link – New Zealand.

Feel free to leave a comment below. What’s your favourite photo from my selection of New Zealand photos?

I always love hearing from you!

Deb x

All my Sunday Stills posts are here

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Midlife is an adventure

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61 Replies to “Bucket list images of New Zealand”

  1. wow! what an amazing photos you have. I really like the view from the top in Queenstown. although I have never been to NZ, but It is defiantly in my future plans. thanks for sharing these photos with us 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks very much for your comment on my post. We’ve been in November each time which is spring time and the weather was good but still on the cooler side of temperatures. We had a great time and a lot of people go in winter (May, June, July) for the snow sports. Hope you get there one day.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Those photos are so beautiful they almost don’t seem real. What an excellent eye you have. And, New Zealand is definitely on my bucket list! The sooner the better, though I am not looking forward to the LOOONG flight. But, if I get to have adventures and see what you’ve seen-I’m in!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Hi, Deb – That first sentence in the Paulo Coelho quote scares the heck out of me. So much so, it has caused me to put my Travel Bucket List on my fridge so that I never lose sight of it! Great post and photos! I completely agree with you about New Zealand!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Hi Deb, Would love to visit NZ…halfway around the world from me. My niece did a semester of university in Australia and took a side trip to NZ and sent back the most amazing pictures. I’m not sure if we will get there, but you never know. In the meantime, viewing the gorgeous pictures will have to suffice.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. I love New Zealand Deb and we have visited three times. The first time we did a driving holiday around the South Island and fulfilled a dream of seeing Milford Sound. The second time we drove the North Island. A couple of years ago we cruised from Brisbane over to NZ and was fortunate enough to have gorgeous weather as we sailed through Milford and Doubtful Sounds. It is truly a gorgeous place to visit and not a long plane ride for us Aussies either! xx

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks Sue! We didn’t get to Milford Sound in our previous trips and they are definitely on our list for next time we go. NZ seems to be a popular place with lots of people joining in the conversation! I love getting comments.


  6. Love to visit NZ Debbie. Maybe take in that LOTR scenery too. Hard to pick a favourite photo too. I have a natural affinity to water and mountain vistas. They all look good in my book! I also find personal accounts of experience in other places way better than the travel agent bunkum. You get a better feel for what’s there in terms of people and things to do. Keep it up!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Gary, the LOTR scenery is awesome and they ‘do’ tourism really well in NZ. Thanks for your great comment, I really appreciate it. I also enjoy reading personal accounts over travel bunkum, you usually get a much better idea of the ‘real’ place.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. New Zealand is definitely on our list for future travels. I very much appreciate trusted advice so when the time comes I will definitely be returning for yours. Did you take your own bikes to do the rail trails? Is it easy to do cycle there without a guide? Not sure what a trip to New Zealand might look like but cycling was not something that was yet on my radar.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sue, it’s a great place for cycling. We didn’t take our own bikes but hired them from Trail Journeys, a great company we used when we did the Otago Rail Trail on the South Island. It’s very easy to cycle without a guide and our accommodation was pre-booked with our luggage moved on each day. There are lots of rail trails and cycling is a big tourism drawcard. Feel free to contact me if/when you get around to planning your trip. We could even join you!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That does sound super convenient and of course what fun it would be to connect on the trails! Really appreciate your offer of help Deb and will be tucking that away for future planning. Thanks so much. Xo

        Liked by 1 person

  8. I wholeheartedly agree, Deb. We first went in 2012 and still can’t believe it took us so long to go somewhere so close. We went back in 2014 and did a 2 week cruise out of Brisbane in 2015. For such a small place there is so much to see and do. We have more trips to take.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I’m so glad to hear that Jenny! We have been to lots of places around the world but were well and truly blown away by New Zealand and wondered why it had taken us so long to get there too 🙂 Thanks for your visit!


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