Where the wildlife is really wild!

Australian Wildlife

I love our unique Aussie wildlife. It’s just so us!

Nice, different and unusual!

Did you know our Coat of Arms features two very special animals – the kangaroo and the emu?

Australia's Coat of Arms
Australia’s Coat of Arms

The kangaroo and emu are the native animals that hold the shield with pride. Some say the kangaroo and emu were chosen to symbolise a nation moving forward. This is based on the common belief that neither animal can move backwards easily. Source

Dangerous animals abound!

I think this road sign says it all.  You have to be VERY CAREFUL of miniature horses or giant wombats – depending on how you look at it!

Years ago this sign also included a kangaroo, but the kangaroo has now been given its very own sign further on up, as they are the most common danger on our roads.

The horse in the sign is pictured as a tiny little prancing animal, but in reality the wild horses around our area, called brumbies, are big solid creatures.  They are often black too, so blend in well at night.  Many people have been injured by colliding with one of these horses.  Again the horse or the wombat are also usually seriously injured if they are hit.

Danger sign for horses and wombats
Danger sign for horses and wombats

Home sweet home – where the wild things live

Wombats are low to the ground, nuggety little creatures capable of doing much damage to your vehicle if you were to hit one. They live in burrows like the one pictured below.

Sure they are cute but they are also solid as a rock.  They are nocturnal and can create havoc on the road on dark nights, as they are very hard to spot. Although they are usually slow moving, they can run very fast when they want to.

Did you know wombats actually have a large solid plate in their backside?   Their best form of defence though is when they are in their burrow. Here if they are cornered they can crush their would be predator/attacker underground using a large solid plate in their backside against the roof of their burrow. Source

I love the echidna and have written about them before – their babies are called Puggles and in mating season the lovelorn male echidnas often queue up behind a female, nose to tail, forming long trains, up to ten echidnas long. These trains are the first part of the strange echidna courtship and mark the beginning of the breeding season. Source I’ve actually seen an echidna train and it’s absolutely fascinating!

Blue tongue lizards aren’t dangerous and in all my years here I haven’t seen too many snakes – they tend to be more scared of us than we are of them.  That’s not to say they aren’t around, it’s just that they probably hear me coming and quietly slither away.

Indigenous Art

Years before European settlement, the Indigenous people of our land lived with many of these same animals.  They recorded them in pictures as rock art and engravings –  and they are incredible! These photos were taken, with permission, in the Flinders Ranges of South Australia while we were on an Outback Adventure.

Terri’s theme for Sunday Stills is Wildlife  and this is my take on the prompt. I hope you’ve enjoyed it!

Don’t worry, Australian animals aren’t all that scary, we’ve managed to survive them for many thousands of years!!

What’s your favourite Australian animal?

Deb x


All my Sunday Stills posts can be found here.

Linking up to #SeniorSalon

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G'day mate



50 Replies to “Where the wildlife is really wild!”

  1. What was the most exciting animal you had cross the road in front of you? In one 30 minute night drive heading out of Wilson’s prom we had deer, a brushtail possum, wallabies, kangaroos and a wombat! I couldn’t believe it!

    I love the aboriginal art. It looks very well preserved.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for finding my post Sue! I have only ever glimpsed a platypus under water, so really want to see more. I love Puggles, our mobile children’s library in town is called that 🙂


  2. Loved reading about your wild critters. I live near a US National Park that has black bears. They rarely attack people but are still dangerous, particularly mamas with cubs. But tourists try to get selfies with them. Sigh.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Debbie! I didn’t know about the name for the echidna’s babies – how cute! My favourite Australian animal is the kangaroo. When I go back home to visit (which isn’t very often), we visit some kangaroos because they’re just so cute! My French husband loves them too! You’ve featured some lovely animals, thank you! Visiting from Esme’s salon.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes kangaroos never cease to amaze me, although they can be a pest in some places. I love walking in the forest near home and coming across them and watching them hop away! Thanks for your visit 🙂


  4. Hi Deb! I loved learning a bit more about Australian native animals… my sixt years old is particularly interested in animals so it was my pleasure to read all this interesting facts with her. She was hit by the animal street signs! She loved the horse one and it was kinda hard for her to understand that wild animal could be dangerous for drivers😂😂😂!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes Leanne, there’s no stopping me and my bitmojis!!!!!! I’ve unleashed a monster 🙂 but it’s a fun monster I have to say. Yes I’m an advocate for all things Aussie. Thanks for commenting 🙂


    1. It’s actually not that common to see a kangaroo hopping down the road but I was able to capture the one in my post just as we waited for the school bus. Our exchange student thought all her Christmases had come at once.

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  5. It has to the Koala bear for me. I remember it was the first thing I wanted to see after landing in Sydney for hols. But I was surprised when we were told nobody is allowed to pet them as it disturbs their sleep (they sleep for 22/24 hours … talk about living the life!). I also found the cassowary quite amusing too!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. This is absolutely fascinating, Debbie. We’ve all heard of Crocodile Dundee and Steve Irwin, so it’s good to know that you have many benign species too! The indigenous art also helps to bring your words alive. #SeniorSalon

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  7. I can’t imagine seeing a kangaroo along the side the road! How awesome! We have those warning signs here for deer as they can really damage a vehicle!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Echidna trains sound so strange but fascinating. Similar to a queue of tongue-tied young lads lining up to chat to a pretty girl I suppose! Saw most of your wild animals when we were there but had a real soft spot for Koalas (soppy huh?)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are exactly right Jonno, a queue of tongue-tied young lads 🙂 I just love that analogy. Yes Koalas are everyone’s favourites but unfortunately we don’t have them where we live. Glad to hear you got to see most of our animals when you visited, they are all so interesting I think!

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Hi Deb, These are fascinating creatures, especially for those of us non-Aussies who have only seen them in zoos. What a unique environment you call home. Although, I’m sure there are multiple eco-zones that host different critters as Australia is a big continent!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes we’re a big country alright Nancy and it’s great to share my ‘home’ with others who may not get down here to see what we have to offer. They are just a handful of our unique creatures. I’m happy to hear you’ve enjoyed my post, so thanks for leaving me a comment.


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