Today’s daily words of wisdom, from one who’s not very wise and needs to listen to herself

I am enough

I am enough
I am enough

This morning I was chatting with my three daughters, as we often do when we’re all awake at the same time. We are spread over the world and take every opportunity to stay in touch online.

They like to laugh at things I’ve done, especially those that are classified as my D’OH moments and I really don’t mind at all. I laugh with them.

In fact I love it.

As I often tell them, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree and one day they will be like me in more ways than one! They already know this, as their partners have pointed out some of the similarities that are starting to show up bit by bit.

When you meet my family, you’ll understand – there never was a truer word spoken!!!

It helps when I share these type of graphics (see below) – How a normal person tells a story and How I tell a story. This just cracked them up as it could be me when I’m trying to tell a story or a joke and I get it all mixed up and usually laugh well before delivering the punchline.

I wish I could remember where I found this graphic to credit them with it, but it was done by someone very clever and unfortunately it wasn’t me!

How I tell a story
How I tell a story 🙂

Yes I am enough

But what it does for me, these lighthearted moments we share, is tell me that yes I am enough. I have a good relationship with my daughters, they know how far to push me, or they should do by now, and they know I’ll always have their backs.

It’s when I’m feeling confused or downhearted that I have to remember the smiles, the gentle ribbing, the chats, the calls for help, the timely messages, the smiles, laughter and love and I know I am enough.

Life isn’t easy for any of us and we have to work hard at building relationships.

It’s sometimes too easy to focus on our inadequacies, our imperfectness, our various faults and forget that if we are doing our best, then we are enough, just as we are.

The smile on my face
The smile on my face

Thanks to my lovely friend Sue at Sizzling Towards 60 and Beyond for editing this photo of me by adding the words as I was having trouble – true friends help each other out!

My blogging friend Leanne at Cresting the Hill wrote this great post with 7 fabulous quotes about becoming alive. It’s well worth a read.

OK, over to you, what are your wise words for #TuesdayTruth or #WednesdayWisdom or just for today – whatever the day is?

Let me know a quote you live by.

Yes, right now, I am enough, and I promise to listen to myself.

Deb xx

I am enough - pin post

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32 Replies to “Today’s daily words of wisdom, from one who’s not very wise and needs to listen to herself”

  1. Right now I’m liking that quote ‘Always be your own best friend.’ And the one about ‘Be the person you needed when you were a child’. They remind me not to be too tough on myself. I’ll be sharing on FB and Twitter for #MLSTL. Thanks Debbie.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. We are so in sync sometimes it is cray cray! I have never quite liked the I am enough thing…and I know Brene Brown tried to convince me of it back in 2016 when I did an on-line course with her. But, in the way of things with me, as I continue to get to know the me now, I see that I can stop being the striver….career is done….accolades won…and now what, I say? Well, the other night I decided it was me still ‘trying to be the D I used to be” that was part of my anxiety…so I made a meme for me. I am enough, I do enough and I have enough (but there was a rider on that last one, because I think I still want to Apple Watch …shhhhhh) Denyse #MLSTL

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You know what Denyse, I’ve never read anything by Brene Brown!!! I agree, as we get older it’s good to reevaluate things. I love your meme, especially the rider about the watch! Thanks for joining me 🙂


  3. Inspirational piece. Indeed, life is no bed of roses. There is no path that doesn’t have rocks and pebbles. The secret lies not in looking for a path that’s smooth as silk, but in getting around the problems and finding our way forward.
    Thanks for sharing this post.
    (#MLSTL visitor. Sharing the post on SM.)

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Deb thanks so much for sharing my quotes post – they do tie in really well with your advocating of us all being enough. The other thing that makes me laugh is that first story telling meme was so great that when I saw it a while ago I sent it to my Mum and to my daughter – it’s a generational thing in our family 🙂
    Thanks for linking up with us at MLSTL and I’ve shared on my SM 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It was my pleasure to include your post Leanne, you always have so much to offer. I did the exact same thing with that meme, I sent it to my daughters and they responded in fits of laughter as they recognised me so well in it. It’s great to have this interesting and on topic linkup, I just love it!


  5. Hi Debbie, What a great reminder to affirm our goodness. I relate to how it is when telling a joke, but I’ve been practicing and this past weekend I told a whole series of riddles without messing up. Live and learn are my words for today. Visiting you at the Midlife Share Party.


  6. Hi Deb,
    I love how you take every opportunity to connect with your daughters…and the story graphic gave me a good giggle.
    I also love the message of “I am enough”. Yes you are.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Oh the mother and daughter thing! Yes….I see so much of my mother in myself. And more so with each passing year.
    Hahaha….the story! My aunt starts a story and she ends up telling 4 mini stories in the middle of the main story. I always forget which story she began with. She’s so funny!
    My favourite quote. “Today is the day you worried about yesterday; and all is well.”

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I may be bonkers but … then all the best ones are. My grand children (those that can speak) call me grandma duck because I am quackers and have flat feet. My youngest son calls me the old fossil where my eldest just shakes his head in silence. Oh Mother is my daughters cry usually accompanied by laughter … on occasions with that look; she caught from me. The husband calls me Pooh or if I am with my girl and my best friend partying around the 45’s he refers to me as his psycho tigger on crack. I like the sound of your girls. 🤣

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Oh I love that diagram! That is exactly what I am like too! It is so true that we spend too much time dwelling on what we perceive as inadequacies or weaknesses and should spend far more time focussing on the things we do, and the things we do well.

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  10. You certainly are enough Deb and a wonderful friend. Today I spent the day taking Ethan to school and then Elliot and I hung out together. I thought how lucky I am and the joy that those two bring me is incredible. My daughter Rachel also said how she is happy and has a good life. Now there are times when I know that things aren’t perfect for her and she struggles like everyone else, but Rachel has matured into a beautiful women who is happy and content with her family, her home and her career. It makes me feel proud to know that I have such a beautiful daughter. xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks very much Sue! Sounds like you’ve had a lovely day with your grandsons today. They and Rachel are lucky to have you. It’s a lovely feeling to be proud of our children isn’t it?


      1. Hi Deb yes I’m proud of both of my children and grandchildren and I receive so much joy in return. This morning I ran with Rachel before Ian went to work. I spent a short time with Ethan and Elliot so had I love fix for the day. Ethan didn’t want me to leave. So precious. Thanks for linking up and sharing at #MLSTL and YOU ARE A WISE WOMAN! XX

        Liked by 1 person

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