Winners and Losers #5 – What made us laugh or cry this week?

Friday Feature on Deb’s World

Winners & Losers #5

I’m having fun with my latest weekly roundup, sharing some of the cringe worthy or laugh out loud ‘stuff’ I’ve taken note of during the week. You are most welcome to join me in this quest each week by leaving me a comment with your own winners and losers!

A winning meme considering we changed our clocks back this week. Thankfully I didn’t have to take the hammer to the oven after all! Also gratitude to my daughter who changed the clock in my car so it doesn’t show the wrong time for the next few months!

A fun evening out at our favourite Cafe on a mid-week night, saw us enjoying The Frank Burkitt Band, a folksy trio with double bass, guitar, mandolin and steel guitar. The music was original and the delicious supper a real winner! It’s so good to have these musical opportunities in our small, quite isolated town. I shared this photo from the night on Instagram.

Frank Burkitt Band
Frank Burkitt Band

A lovely sight – just the other day we saw the Principal of the Primary School, out with two young students. Just before the holidays, the Principal selects a few students who have made good progress during the term and she takes them out to a local cafe for a milkshake and a chat. The students were wide eyed and full of curiosity at being out on such a special date. It was so good to see the Principal interacting and the students reciprocating with enthusiasm. It made my heart sing 🙂

The biggest winner for the week was having our youngest daughter home for a longish weekend. It involved flights and hours of driving but it was well worth having her home with us. Just us, just her! She was able to catch up with friends, enjoy the beautiful autumn weather, sleep in her old bed with the comfiest pillows and see her father’s preparations for his upcoming Kokoda Trek. I cooked her some cracking meals , took her out for brunch and we simply relaxed ‘at home’.

We also FaceTimed her big sister in England so we had a full weekend ‘seeing’ all three of our daughters 🙂 Always a winner in my book!

Father and daughter
Father and daughter

Another fun time over the weekend was catching up with daughter no.2 and our baby granddaughter, even if only for a few hours. Here’s my favourite photo of Eliza engaging with her niece, by getting down to her level on the floor! Isn’t that a sweet shot?

baby niece fun
baby niece fun

You may not have seen this post Eliza wrote about me a few years ago. It always makes me tear up, I just love it – My daughter wrote this for me about me

Our Rotary Exchange student Anna, from Hungary, is now on a Rotary organised trip seeing parts of Australia that I still haven’t seen! The group is currently in Central Australia on their way to North Queensland and then working their way down the coast back to Canberra. It’s a wonderful opportunity for the students from Europe, Taiwan, Japan and Brazil. Here’s Anna with Lisa, from The Netherlands, just hours before they set off on their Safari.

Anna and Lisa - Rotary Youth Exchange students
Anna and Lisa – Rotary Youth Exchange students

During the week there were protests by Vegans, across Australia. It has been a source of many conversation with emotions running high in some cases!

Bluey is a lovely Australian children’s cartoon, which I’ve only just discovered, and this week it was announced that it’s set to go global. The amazing thing is they are keeping the Australian accents intact! Here’s a link to the ABC story I also suggest you do a search and check out some of the fun videos, they are very family friendly! I love the one about grannies 🙂

Another week, another political mention – this time it’s the fact that our Prime Minister has finally called an election for May 18 and we now have to put up with election advertisements in our faces for the next few weeks. None of them are terribly inspiring and I’ll try not to mention it again!

I’m getting a bit concerned about our ‘curated lives’, as opposed to our ‘real lives’ and I’m planning on writing a post about it soon. The latest cringe-worthy mention I heard was on a podcast yesterday where mothers who have just had a new baby, are posting photos of themselves on social media in bikinis with flat stomachs and looking glamorous. One also admitted to removing the pad for the few minutes of the photo shoot so that it wasn’t obvious she was still bleeding from having just had a baby!! I don’t get the purpose of these types of photos, is it to make them feel better, show they are still the same person despite having just literally given birth, show off, or is it getting to be all about how we look these days? I’m starting to unfollow some people on Instagram, those who only have photos of themselves in their feed, for no particular reason. I have one blogger friend who is a cancer sufferer and started a daily posting of her outfits of the day. This is different as she explains it’s for her to dress with a purpose, get up and get out each day and feel better about herself despite her massive number of facial surgeries. That’s a real reason to post a photo of yourself not just to try and sell sometime or get as many like as you can. I will admit to having taken a few selfies but I don’t share very many as I’m too embarrassed and it’s not all about me!

What do you think of our curated lives these days?

During the week our little town held its annual Welcome to Tumbarumba night. This is organised by the Chamber of Commerce and the Rotary Club cooked the bbq for dinner. The idea is to invite all new residents to town, those who have moved in within the year since last year’s event and provide them with information about services, community groups, and general information about our town. It is always a good night with speakers volunteering to speak about their organisation and how new people are able to join in, if it is of interest to them. The new families have the opportunity to tell the group of their story of how they came to Tumbarumba , they also receive a native plant for their garden and a gift bag of local information. I’m not sure if this sort of thing is held elsewhere but I always think it’s a real winner. As a member of our local Rotary Club I enjoy meeting new people and helping to welcome them to town.

Paddy's River Falls near Tumbarumba
Paddy’s River Falls near Tumbarumba

And the Big News is…..

Voting is now open in The Annual Bloggers Bash Awards. Deb’s World is thrilled to be nominated in the Best Lifestyle Blog category along with some of my favourite bloggers. Here’s the link to the voting – it’s so easy to do! I would appreciate any votes 🙂 Bloggers Bash Voting is Live

Voting is NOW open!

Award statue

So that’s week #5 of my new Friday Feature done and dusted. I like that I have more winners than losers again!

Do you have any thoughts on any of these winners or losers for the week? Let me know what you think.

What made you winners/losers list this week? Let me know if you have any suggestions for me!

Have a lovely week ahead – it’s coming up to Easter very soon and the autumn weather continues to fill me with joy!

If you missed earlier posts you can find them here – Winners and Losers

Keep smiling.

Deb 🙂

Visit Deb’s World’s Instagram for photo updates

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31 Replies to “Winners and Losers #5 – What made us laugh or cry this week?”

  1. I am really enjoying your winners and losers series, Deb. This week I particularly enjoyed the photos of your grandbaby and the falls. Beautiful, both of them! I took a mental health day off work yesterday. I slept in a little, went to the gym, got my toenails painted, went to my grandson’s high school soccer game, and then out to dinner with my husband. The whole day was full of winners!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I really appreciate your comment Christie! Yes my daughter and granddaughter had a lovey connection, we’re limited with what photos we can share of Emilia so I’m happy to get permission to use the odd one from time to time.
      I like the sound of your mental health day, they are so beneficial to us and it sounds like you had a lovely time.
      Mu husband is away walking the Kokoda Track in Papua New Guinea with school students so I’m home alone for 2 weeks – day 1 was busy and I’ve made a list of jobs to do. It’s good to tick things off a list – that’s a winner to me! Thanks for joining in 🙂


  2. A great week with your girls. Someone told me once that it’s true, you do actually lose an hour every time the clocks change, and that’s because it takes you an hour to change all the clocks! I’d love to have that problem. WA doesn’t have daylight saving,

    Liked by 1 person

  3. My goodness what a week it has been.

    The best was the visit from your youngest. That picture of her with your granddaughter is priceless! I also really loved that image of Paddy River Falls.

    The worst is curated lives. I think the reason I prefer the WordPress Community to other social networks is better stories and less bullshit

    As I said on my blog, your name popped off that long list of Lifestyle Bloggers for 2019. Great to see you up for an award again this year!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes indeed Lisa, it was a big week! I loved having my daughter home and spending time with the girls and baby Emilia too, she’s adorable.

      Thanks that photo of the falls is pretty special. I agree the curated sort of life on social media is getting to be out of control and I too love our blogging community, everyone is much more genuine.
      I really appreciate your good wishes about my nomination, it’s an exciting time!
      Thanks for popping by and leaving me a lovely comment, I really appreciate it.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Great post Debbie. I remember when the headmistress of my primary school took me and another pupil to London’s Festival Hall in her car to listen to a classical music concert. I’ve never forgotten it. Not sure why we were singled out, but glad we were! Your little granddaughter is very cute!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes we’re so lucky here Jennifer, it’s a great community. You’ve made me happy knowing my weekly feature is interesting, especially as you’re on the other side of the world!


  5. I love your list – I love the principal date & the welcome to Tumba. I’m totally devo (not) that I’ll be out of Australia for a whole 2 weeks of the advertising. Re curated lives, I’m an instagrammer, as you know. It’s my fave form of social media. I have an inate distate ​for influencers & those who do curate their lives. I like to think that I know the difference but I’m sure there are lots who don’t. Have a great weekend.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lucky you Jo, being away from the electioneering for 2 weeks!!! I’m also on instagram but neither of us seem to do the whole influencing thing or only show a curated version of our lives. Thanks for commenting in my post, it’s great to have you join in. My husband has just left for his Kokoda trek so I’m home alone for a while now.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Another great list Deb – and I don’t use IG for exactly the reason you just mentioned. I really don’t need to see the highlight reel of other people’s lives – comparison is such a killer for me and I steer clear of all those “look at me” pictures – I just don’t get it I’m afraid.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Wow Deb! What a post and so much to take in. Great to have your daughter home, mine went back to work this week after 10 months parental leave and I miss her already even though she only lives 10 minutes away 🙂 My grandson, Ethan loves Bluey and so do I. His parents limit TV time but as Bluey is his favourite he gets to watch that. We don’t have daylight saving in Qld because it will fade the curtains, the cows won’t milk and the kids won’t go to sleep. It never seemed to worry my children when they were little and living in NSW with Daylight Saving. I would love it up here but it isn’t meant to be. Congratulations on the ABBA awards, so many of friends are in the same Category so at least I’ll have a good chance of being able to say I’m friends with the Winner 🙂 Have a great weekend. xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Sue, I hope it’s not too over the top! My daughter just watched Bluey with Emilia after reading my post, and she thought it was great, so I’ve managed to introduce her to a new show 🙂 . It’s always been odd about the whole curtains fading rationale against daylight saving, I’m just glad we’re all on the same time now. Yes I agree, there’s so many of us in the same category, we’re in good company aren’t we?? Have fun packing up 🙂


    1. Thanks so much Donna, I’m so pleased to hear that. I must admit it takes a bit more work than some posts but I’m enjoying noticing things during the week and making notes so Friday doesn’t sneak up on me. Have a lovely weekend 😊


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