What were the good, the bad and the ugly for the week? Winners and losers #14

Friday Feature on Deb’s World

Winners & Losers #14

Welcome to Week 14 of my Friday roundup – yes that’s right, I’ve been doing these weekly posts for 14 weeks now! I can’t quite believe that. This is where I share some of the good, the bad and the ugly ‘stuff’ I’ve taken note of during the week. I really enjoy sharing this collection of bits and pieces with you all, and I love getting your responses – thanks so much to everyone who reads, comments and shares.

You are very welcome to join me in this quest each week by leaving me a comment with your own winners and losers. If you’re a blogger, you can also leave me a link to your favourite post from the week and I’ll be happy to share.

Musings on a Monday quote 🙂

we are family quote
we are family

This week’s quote sums up our family perfectly! My daughter, who we’re currently visiting, has this quote on her windowsill (I bought it for her years ago) and she said it just helps to explain everything. Especially to those who haven’t met us yet – I choose to take that as a compliment 🙂

Did you know I share a new quote each Monday on Instagram? Are you following me on Insta yet – click here to join in the fun!

Spinning round and round 😱

An elderly hiker had to be rescued and ended up being dizzier than they expected. I feel sick just watching this! Thankfully the rescue went well apart from the spinning round and round

Only in Australia v3!! 🦘😮

Last week it was a koala cuddle-train, this week it’s kangaroos….

Just a friendly reminder 🙃

Not that I’m the grammar police or anything! You’re welcome.

Isn’t this brilliant? Not sure where I saw it….

Are you a couch potato? 😂

This made me laugh 😂

Leunig's couch potatoes
Leunig’s couch potatoes

couch potato is someone who spends most of their time watching television and does not exercise or have any interesting hobbies. Source

The flamingo continues on 🙂 😀

In response to last week’s flamingo joke and photo, my friend Jo, left this funny comment:

I laughed at your flamingos. There’s a retired living community up here whose ad on the back of a bus has a lady in pink swimmers & a pink daisy swimming cap on a flamingo in the pool.

The tagline is ‘We’re more flamingo than bingo.’

Jo Tracey

Great sporting news x2 🎾 👏

In case you missed the news earlier in the week, 23 year old Australian Ash Barty won the Women’s singles trophy at the French Open. This article is well worth a read. She showed tenacity, resilience and a dedicated work ethic to get to where she is, and some other Australian tennis players could take a leaf out of her book. Well done!

Australian Dylan Alcott also won the first French Open Quad Wheelchair Men’s Singles title in a 6-2, 4-6, 6-2 victory over American David Wagner — his 7th Grand Slam title in four years. What a star!

Queen’s Birthday celebrations around the world 👑

Just in case you were wondering when the Queen’s birthday was celebrated around the world, here’s a useful graphic!

And my daughter’s birthday was very special too

It’s not very often, in recent years, that we’ve been able to spend time with our youngest on her birthday, so it was great to celebrate with her this year. I also made her a special birthday book covering her 31 years with special words from family and friends. She loved it!

A birds-eye view of Tumbarumba 📷 🌏

I know some of you just love the name of my home town Tumbarumba – so when I saw this amazing drone photo pop up in my Instagram feed this week, I just had to share it with you. It’s a photo from high above – Tumbarumba! How cool is it?


Away from home

We’re still away from home, and while I’m trying to stay up to date with my blogging schedule, and reading other blogs, I can’t make any promises! We’re doing lots of walking, bike riding and enjoying the warmth of Brisbane. Here’s a sneak peak of one of my pics from our 30km+ ride yesterday 🙂

Shorncliffe Beach Brisbane
Shorncliffe Beach Brisbane

I also caught up with one of my favourite bloggers Sue from sizzling Towards 60 and Beyond – how happy do we both look??

Debbie & Sue
Debbie & Sue

This week’s posts:

If you’ve missed any of the earlier posts in my Friday Feature – you can find them all here: Winners and Losers

What made your winners/losers list this week? Let me know if you have any suggestions for me on books, Netflix, movies, podcasts – anything!

Any thoughts on these winners or losers? I think it’s been a bumper week!!

Keep smiling and thanks for reading.

Deb 🙂

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Visit Deb’s World’s Instagram for photo updates

You can also find Deb’s World in lots of other places – stay in touch by clicking any of the buttons below.

46 Replies to “What were the good, the bad and the ugly for the week? Winners and losers #14”

  1. Love the kangaroos, the visual on the ‘there’ spellings and of course the beautiful photo of you and Sue! Sounds like you’re having lots of fun and good exercise! #MLSTL

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Love this Deb, The grammar picture, love it! So nice you got to see Sue, such a lovely picture of you both. The Queen’s birthday, I’ve always had the burning question, Why doesn’t everyone just celebrate it on her birthday? I’m sure there’s some insane reason somewhere 😂 Great post, (missed you on Saturday!)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Many thanks Sam, the graphic really spoke to me 🙂 I’m so glad you missed me at the Bash, I felt weird not being with you all this year. Yes Sue and I had a great time together as I’m sure you can imagine 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. So, the kangaroos got jealous of the attention the koalas were getting? And I saw that video of the poor woman being rescued, I got dizzy just thinking about it. I’m more confused than ever about the Queen’s birthday. And you and Sue look fabulous! What a week.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes Jennifer, something like that – there’s a lot of competition between koalas and kangaroos! The Queen’s birthday confuses everyone, so don’t worry! Thanks for dropping by and for your lovely comment about the photo of Sue and I! What a week indeed 🙂


  4. Week 14 already Deb! I can’t believe it either. There are so many interesting snippets in this pist. I do feel sorry for the spinning hiker. And I love the idea of giving your daughter this special book #MLSTL Will share on SM

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Aww, so fun to see you and Sue together–great pic! I had to chuckle at some of your links, Debbie. The kangaroos were adorable. I didn’t realize you were on the road, love the pic of Brisbane and the bicycle. Reminds me so much of how San Diego looks! Visiting from #MLSTL and beyond!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Fantastic post Deb – I loved it all! Love the ‘their, there, they’re’ explanation – so good! So annoying when people get it wrong! Wonderful you got to meet up with Sue. Lovely photo too! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Michele, I love sharing those Aussie animal shots because you never know who might be reading my posts – people like you!! I’ve been lucky to meet a few of my blogging friends over the years and it’s always been a real pleasure. My husband is often a bit sceptical beforehand but once he meets them he’s fine 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!


  7. Hi Deb, The kangaroos are priceless. Inspirational people in the sporting news. I love the picture/books as gifts. I saw the Debbie/Sue photo on Instagram. I will repeat my comment: you ladies rock!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Erica! So glad you liked the kangaroos, that pic is so good isn’t it? We always make photo books of our holidays and I make them for my major birthdays. I agree with you re the photo of Sue and I – we definitely rock 🙂 . Thanks so much for your comment, I love hearing from you.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Well I’m glad you said “one” of your favourite bloggers for Sue – otherwise my heart would have been a little bit more crushed (it was already crushed from missing your lovely catch-up!)
    Also had to laugh at people liking the name Tumbarumba – I’m writing a post atm that mentions you and I commented on how much I love the name of where you live – funny co-incidence! xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh you were with us in spirit Leanne, we talked about all our favourite bloggers so of course you were mentioned!! Wouldn’t it be fun to get us all together one day ❤️
      I’m intrigued about your upcoming post now!! Tumbarumba is always one of those places with connections and coincidences happening! Centre of the universe 😂 obviously.


      1. Hi Deb – back for #MLSTL. Next Monday’s post is the one where I mention you and your home town – stay tuned xx
        Thanks for linking up with us at MLSTL and I’ve shared on my SM 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Miriam, we had such a good time together and I just had to include that photo of us. Grant was useful for something otherwise he was left to his own devices as we chatted away. 😊 enjoy your weekend too. x

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Hi Deb it was so special catching up with you and glad that the weather has been great but of course it is Queensland! I can’t pick a favourite this week as I loved all of your thoughts although ‘we are more flamingo than bingo’ is a classic isn’t it? Enjoy the rest of your holiday and look forward to next week’s Winners and Losers. xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s such a classic line about being more flamingo than bingo!! I loved it when Jo sent the comment and has to share!! Lots going on this week in my world and meeting up with you was a real highlight. Enjoy the week ahead my blogging friend. xx

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hi Deb it was the highlight of my week catching up with you and could have stayed for hours chatting. (poor Grant!). I’m going to steal that image explaining there, their and they’re it really annoys me when people get it wrong. Thanks for sharing at #MLSTL and this series of yours is definitely a winner!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. It was a highlight for me too Sue, we could have talked on for hours! Grant was OK, it’s good for him to meet my friends and see us so excited about our blogging journeys.

          I love that image of the various spellings of they’re, their and there, so feel free to use it! It’s a fun series for me each week and I’m not getting tired of it anytime soon 🙂


    1. Thanks – Sue and I had a great time catching up on all things blogging and our families and life in general!! My husband said we could both talk underwater and at one stage pulled out his puzzle book and left us to it!


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