A snow day on the Tumbarumba to Rosewood Rail Trail – Wordless Wednesday

A snow day is exciting, regardless of how old you are ❄️❄️❄️

You see it’s not every day we get snow that actually settles on the ground for too long!

And my favourite photo from the day is this one – taken by a passing walker, a very hardy soul who dismissed the snow and just continued on with her walk as she does everyday!

snow day
A fun snow day

I hope you appreciate my bobble beanie! It was one of Carrie’s Beanies 4 Brain Cancer from a few years ago. I have great memories of me wearing it around Iceland – where it really was cold!!

Deb xx

Also linking this post for Sunday Stills as the prompt this week is Winter. Cathy at Picture This is hosting while Terri is away.

All my Wordless Wednesday posts can be found by clicking this link

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24 Replies to “A snow day on the Tumbarumba to Rosewood Rail Trail – Wordless Wednesday”

  1. It snows a lot where I live. I typically enjoy the first couple of snowfalls of the year, and then the shoveling, car scraping, and sliding around get old quick! Still, few things are more beautiful than fresh snow fall. I’ve always said I’d love it if winter lasted just until Christmas and then magically faded into spring by January 1. So far that hasn’t happened! Thus the house in Saint George, where it is warmer and snow is a rare sight.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Christie, we don’t ever have enough snow for all that so we can enjoy it for the short time we have it! It’s such a novelty whereas for you it’s hard work!


  2. Hi Deb
    Oh how I would have loved to have been there..saw the snow pics on the RT page also. Envious but I did have a 3 day ride in the cold with the westerlies blowing us from the tablelands to the coast so almost as good! Great shots..

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I grew up in snow country, and I loved that as a child. It rarely snows where we live now. One day we got a lot of snow, and our school was the only one open in the county. I had seven kids show up that day. They were al pretty resentful about having to go to school. I ended up taking them outside, and we built snow forts and snowmen together. That is a special memory.

    Liked by 2 people

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