#ShoutoutSaturday 7 – IWD, travel, granny time and sisters

Welcome to shout-out #7 for 2021

It’s time to share something that’s made you happy!

welcome to #shoutoutsaturday
welcome to #shoutoutsaturday

1. Trek Bike shop in New Farm, Brisbane

A small technical issue with my Trek ebike, which the Mathematician couldn’t fix, had me heartbroken while away on holidays but a local bike shop recommended Trek Bicycle New Farm in Brisbane.

A quick phone call and a booking was made for it to be looked at a few days later. I could still ride it, just without the pedal assist, but it took the fun out of riding for a few days. The Trek technician took 15 minutes to diagnose and fix the problem and I was back to smiling my happy smile again! And afterwards, we stopped for a lovely ride around the Boondall Wetlands and to nearby Shorncliffe, despite it being a hot and humid day! I didn’t care, I was back in action 🙂

Shout-out to the great service we received – I admit to being worried for a while there! #gobybike

electric bikes poster
this says it all – electric bikes are fab!

2. Fanny Lumsden’s song for IWD

International Women’s Day was earlier this week and this song called Fierce, by local star Fanny Lumsden, hit the spot with me. Mainly because the words are so meaningful and she is an amazing talent. She also comes from a small town near Tumbarumba and we are all very proud of her! I’ll admit that I’m not usually into country music but I make an exception for Fanny. Listen to the clip below and let me know what you think. I’ve also included some of the lyrics.

To the women who raised me

Women who saved me

Women who pulled me into line.

Those who phased me

And those who betrayed me

May your pass be your wealth in time

To those who held out

Those who shout out

To those who cant but do it anyway

May you short-sheet the bed that they said you made.

Go be fierce you’re a force

Don’t let it run it’s course

Take up the space

Because this time is yours

Shout-out to Fanny for her words and music.

3. Happy Birthday to my sister

Every year on International Women’s day my (younger) sister also celebrates her birthday! She’s very special, so I think she deserves a shout-out don’t you? You can read her latest post on her blog here – Diary of a Distancer – week 53

There’s only 15 months between us so we’ve always been close. We often buy things that are similar without knowing the other one has done so and dress in a similar way without planning it. This birthday is a prelude to a special one and so we’ve had many discussions about ageing.

I love this meme, and although I’m ready to embrace it, she’s not there just yet!

4. Granny time

I have been fortunate, given the current travel restrictions around the world, to travel interstate to spend time with my grandson who turned 1 a few weeks ago. We had a great time with my youngest daughter and her husband for a few weeks.

We loved spending time with our grandson and celebrating his first birthday. My daughter took this candid photo of Patrick and I on the swing at a local park and it’s become my favourite shot from our time away. I think you’ll agree I look happy and my face just oozes joy and love. Patrick looks very comfortable and happy with Granny Debs too :).

Granny Debs and Patrick
Granny Debs and Patrick

Shout-out to my daughter for snapping such a lovely shot of us both and for being a great mother to Patrick. It’s not been easy with all the pandemic restrictions she’s had to deal with along the way and other issues as well, but she’s doing a great job. I just wish we lived closer so I could be more helpful and see her and Patrick more often. She’s been a great support to me in my blogging too and always reads my posts 🙂

What’s my Shout-out Saturday all about?

Shout Out Saturday is where I invite you to join me, by leaving a link or a comment, to something that has had an impact on you recently. Something fun, something you’ve enjoyed, what’s made you happy lately….

We need all the good vibes we can get at the moment, don’t we?

You can read more about #ShoutoutSaturday in this post

You can leave a link to a post on your blog, or maybe something you’ve read on someone else’s blog, or simply share some good news, something you’ve enjoyed, or watched or you can just drop in to say hello. Join me for #ShoutoutSaturday

Anything really – it’s up to you!

Thanks again for all your support, here’s wishing you a great week ahead!

Becoming bold is fun!

Deb 🙂

You can find all my Shout Out Saturday posts here

Linking up with Natalie’s #weekendcoffeeshare – where there’s always lots of great posts to read!

Contact Deb here

You can also find Deb’s World in lots of other places – stay in touch by clicking any of the buttons below.

Everyone has a story to tell!

Debbie - mother of a 40 year old

Deb is a young-at-heart & active 60+ blogger/retiree, after being made redundant from her 22-year career managing education programs in a men’s correctional centre (jail). She now spends her time reading, blogging, riding her ebike and travelling. Deb was awarded a Bravery Award from the Queen when she was 17 after a tragic accident – a definite life changing moment! She is married with 3 grown-up daughters & has 4 grandchildren. You can read more of Deb’s story here

Copyright © 2024 debs-world.com – All rights reserved

40 Replies to “#ShoutoutSaturday 7 – IWD, travel, granny time and sisters”

  1. What a wonderful week!
    I love the music video – the cinematography, the images, the message. I called up Fanny Lumsden on Spotify – listening to Fierce again.

    Love your tribute & photos with you sister. Makes me miss mine very much (she lives in Arizona, I in Singapore)

    Your grandson is such a cutie! That is a lovely capture your daughter caught of the moment!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Deb. I had to think about this one because my shout out is to my mom who is no longer with us, but she was an amazing personality. I captured one of her wildest stunts which is a family favorite. It’s only 10 minutes but I think is really fun to look back on how one spunky woman took on a very large business and brought them to their knees. You’ll quickly see why she’s my hero. Here’s the link:

    The Insurance Company Adventure

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Deb, I am happy you were able to get your bike fixed. I know how biking is a big part of you staying fit and having fun. I appreciate you sharing the lyrics to Fanny’s song. Powerful words. Adorable photos of you and your sister! I always love the photo of you and your grandchildren. My shout out is to the friends who come to help my husband build our gazebo. Priceless!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Erica, I really was worried about my bike for a while but was over the moon it was nothing major. Fanny’s songs are all very real and her local knowledge makes her resonate with many in our area. I can’t wait to see photos of this amazing gazebo 🙂

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  4. Granny time is the best, isn’t it? That photo of you with your grandson on the swing is so good! Your daughter is a talented photographer. She caught you at just the right moment. The photos of you and your sister through the years are wonderful too!
    I found a website linking to 13 poems by Amanda Gorman, the talented poet who stunned our country at Joe Biden’s inauguration with the rendition of her poetry. That made me smile! https://www.scoopwhoop.com/women/powerful-poems-by-amanda-gorman/

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes Laurie, Granny time is the best and it does wonders for my heart! My daughter did capture me at just the right moment didn’t she? Thanks very much for your kind words. I loved the site you linked to here, many thanks for joining in.


  5. Hi Deb, I’m really happy to be back catching up with you. I love the photos with your sister. and of nanny Deb on the swing. Good news on the ebike. My partner has an ebike gathering dust in the shed. On your recommendation of ebikes I’m going to get it out and maybe take it over. I never ever thought an ebike would sound like anything I’d want to ride, but they are starting to look tempting. #lifethisweek

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  6. Love those pics of you and your sister and of course, the one with you and Patrick, you look so happy and relaxed! I’ve never been one to lie about my age because getting older is a privilege denied to many. Looks like you had a fabulous trip away!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Sammie, I really was happy and relaxed and my daughter captured it perfectly! I agree getting older is a privilege denied to many, so I’m always grateful for birthdays. Our trip away was fun and helping celebrate Patrick’s first birthday was pure joy.


  7. Deb, You’ve got excellent reasons to shout out. Glad to hear your e-bike is fixed and you’ve had happy visits with your family. Thank you for linking up with #WeekendCoffeeShare.

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  8. Thanks for the shout out Deb. I have an organising committee planning something for the big one next year so keep it in your diary. I am ambivalent about the age thing. If I ever do mention my age, people invariably say that I don’t look it (I’m sure they’re just being nice) and when I hear about a person who’s my age I always imagine a much older person. It seems, from people’s comments to me, that they do too. It’s funny, the images we carry around in our heads, and how wrong they can be.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I will note my diary now so I don’t miss a thing! Yes to having different images in our heads. I know I’m a certain age but I can’t equate it with what I think a 60 year old should look like, especially when I think of our ‘elderly’ (my age) relatives as we were growing up.

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  9. What a great photo! Both of you look like you are having lots of fun!
    The thing that had the biggest impact on me this week was getting my first vaccinations 🙂
    Your comment about telling your age made me smile, when my mother in law got older she would almost add time to her age, by telling people she was 92 and a half for example! I have a birthday tomorrow, that big one you refer to already seems quite a long time ago for me 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Deb, I just love that photo of me and Patrick! I’m so pleased you have had your first vaccination, it will be a while before I get mine, maybe later in the year I think. Happy birthday to you! Your comment about your MIL made me smile 🙂


  10. For the longest time, my grandmother’s age was a closely guarded secret. Even my mom didn’t know how old her mom was. Then when grandma hit 85, she began telling everyone—even people she didn’t know.

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  11. Great to see the photos of you and your sister Deb and also the Granny Deb swig shot. Excellent service on the bike repair too – nice that you’re back pedalling your little heart out again x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Leanne, I had a few photos with my sister, in my media files so thought I’d share a few! I love the photo of Patrick and I on the swings too. I’m happy to be back out there pedalling away!


  12. Hi Deb, my sister and I were only 18 months apart so I know how special that closeness is. I still miss her after 9 years. My shoutout is a farewell to my Exercise physiologist Charlotte. She has moved to another practice. She’s brought me so far in my rehabilitation that it’s a shame she won’t see me “graduate “. Have a lovely weekend, Christina

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad you understand the closeness Christina and I’m sorry for your loss. I hope you manage to get someone just as good as Charlotte to look after you, you’ve done so well to get this far!


  13. Happy Birthday to your sister. I hope she is well. I loved seeing your updates from Qld. Not so much those ones from the M1 near my place…

    I feel well at 71 and tell people my age without a thought. My dad does too…”well I am 97 you know, precedes most things!!”

    See you on Monday at Life This Week.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Denys, it’s an auspicious day to have a birthday on! Yes it’s been a great trip away and we’re now home again safe and sound. I love that your dad prefaces things by saying how old he is!! I slow give my age away very easily, I’m not too daunted by the numbers!!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks so much for linking up for Life This Week #231. Glad to have you add your post as part of the community here. Next week. the optional prompt is Good. Hope to see you there. Denyse.

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  14. HI, Deb – Thank you for sharing Fanny Lumsden with us. Very powerful words and music!! Your week away sounds awesome. Your granny-time pic is gorgeous.
    My shoutout today is to a new monthly (quite informal) linkup that I am co-hosting with another blogger. You can find more information here: https://widowbadass.com/2021/03/10/whats-on-your-plate-trying-to-do-a-thing-here.
    Or here: https://retirementreflections.com/2021/03/10/whats-on-your-plate-your-ideas-are-kindly-requested/. The goal is to simply get a no-fuss, no-muss recipe share going (it can also be a meal that someone else made for you, or that you had in a restaurant). Hopefully, it will be good at providing some extra meal-prep-inspiration! Thank you for allowing the share!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m so pleased you enjoy Fanny’s music Donna. I do love that pic of me with Patrick! Good on you for joining in on hosting a linkup!! I’ll definitely be by foe a look-see. Thanks for your continued support and it’s my pleasure to help others share their words.


  15. What a lovely week Deb and I actually drive past that shop at New Farm after my run each Saturday. I’ve never worried about my age and actually feel pretty good for 63! So lovely to catch up with your beautiful grandson and that photo is certainly one to cherish. Have a lovely weekend. My shoutout this week is to my daughter and Saturday Sister, Caz who ran with me last weekend in the IWD Run for 2021.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Sue, isn’t it funny how connected we are with you driving by the bike shop each week?? You are amazing with all you do so no need to worry about your age!
      Thanks for sharing your shout-out and well done to you all for the run.


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