Taking Stock #lifesstories

It’s time for another Taking Stock post – these are always fun 🙂

Taking Stock #3/2022

The way I approach these Taking Stock posts, is to write a response to the prompt without giving it too much thought, so be aware it’s usually the first thing that pops into my head. It helps to keep my brain nimble!

Starting in February, I’ve been trying to do a Taking Stock post early in the month and I’m alternating with the Taking Stock prompts – last month I used an earlier version and today I’ve switched back to the more recent alphabetic prompts – it keeps life interesting!

Let’s get into it!

Admiring: Resilience in all its forms – flood victims, those in war zones, parents of toddlers…

Becoming: A bit cynical with all the political stuff going on. But at least the election date has now been set!

Curious: Continuing to be curious about life is a great way to stay young at heart.

Delighted: To have a few days away in the city with some of my family. (Thanks to my daughter for this happy snap at our morning tea stop).

Early morning snack at the beach
Early morning snack at the beach

Excited: About further family visits coming up over the next few months.

Feeling: Sad at having to help prepare my late Mother-in-law’s property for auction – going through her life and deciding what to do with her things has not been an easy task for any of us.

Going: Quite well with my challenge to exercise more, drink more water and watch what I am putting into my mouth. There’s still room for improvement though.

Helping: Make the world a better place – in any way I can. (My ‘I am’ app gives me lovely messages throughout the day like this one below).

I am quote
I am quote

Imploring: Peace is what we need, not war.

Joking: Playing with my grandchildren and hearing them laugh. Even a simple peek-a-boo game can elicit squeals of delight.

Keeping: My equilibrium despite feelings of overwhelm that threaten me at times.

Loving: Our early morning strolls to the beach while away from home.

Making: The most of the warmer weather on the coast – frosts aren’t too far away at home.

Next: I think I’ll have another cup of tea.

Observing: Life in the big smoke – it’s so different to my usual lifestyle.

Pleasing: To see the sun and feel the warmth after such awful rainy times of late.

Reading: The Things We Keep by Sally Hepworth – With honesty and true understanding, Sally Hepworth pens this poignant story of one of today’s nightmares: early-onset Alzheimer’s.

Staying: In an Airbnb in the Northern Beaches of Sydney for an extra long weekend.

Trying: Not to be too judgemental – (my daughter told me I was being too judgy) – trying to see the reasons why people live in a busy city and pay so much for that lifestyle choice. It’s not better or worse, just different.

Understanding: That we have the best of both worlds – we live in a small country town and enjoy going to the city and the beach for a visit but don’t have to live there with all the traffic, people and expense. Yes it’s a much quieter life but it suits us just fine!

Viewing: The world from above in a hot air balloon – that was so much fun!

Official balloon photo
Official balloon photo

Welcoming: The opportunity to look after our grandchildren for the afternoon/evening while their parents attend a wedding.

X (our choice): Our family’s A Word a Week photo challenge has been going well with words recently being: Neighbourhood, Flora, Man-made, Buttons and Key – see if you can match the words to the photos below 🙂

Yes: To welcoming Autumn – it really is my favorite colour!

stunning autumn colours in Tumbarumba
stunning autumn colours in Tumbarumba

Z – (our choice): A day at Taronga Zoo with my grandchildren 🙂

How about you?

Are you going along OK?

How would you answer any one these prompts?

I always enjoy doing these posts and I’d love to hear from you 🙂

Have a great week.

Deb xx

Joining Denyse for her fortnightly #lifestories linkup

Life's stories linkup
Life’s stories linkup – more info here

Coming Up:

You can also find Deb’s World in lots of other places – stay in touch by clicking any of the buttons below.

Everyone has a story to tell!

Debbie - mother of a 40 year old

Deb is a young-at-heart & active 60+ blogger/retiree, after being made redundant from her 22-year career managing education programs in a men’s correctional centre (jail). She now spends her time reading, blogging, riding her ebike and travelling. Deb was awarded a Bravery Award from the Queen when she was 17 after a tragic accident – a definite life changing moment! She is married with 3 grown-up daughters & has 4 grandchildren. You can read more of Deb’s story here

Copyright © 2021 debs-world.com – All rights reserved

46 Replies to “Taking Stock #lifesstories”

    1. The balloon was full but it didn’t feel too bad and we managed to get up and stay up so I was happy with that! I love autumn here, it’s always such a beautiful season.


  1. Oh I loved reading this. Thanks for using the A-Z prompts. You’ve reminded me that I took could do that. I recently saw a psychologist and said something about ‘trying not to judge’ so harshly or whatever and she said JUDGING is one of the hardest things to either reduce or overcome. It’s about keeping us safe I guess by comparing our situation with another’s. I also LOVE the word curious and think I need to find more use of it. Oh did you see I “dedicated” my blog background to you this week!! On home page. Thank you so much for linking your blog post up for Life’s Stories my fortnightly blogging link up at Denyse Whelan Blogs.

    I appreciate your support and continuing blogging connections and friendships.

    I will be back with the next #LifesStories link up on Monday 25 April 2022.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Denyse, the A-Z prompts are fabulous! Yes to your comment on judgement. Curiosity is so important to keep as we age in my opinion. I did see that you dedicated your blog background to me this week, many thanks for that!


  2. I really like how this one can stretch your responses. Sometimes I feel stuck in the format of what I write and do. So many of your responses really resonated with me. Well I don’t have any ocean and waves but many of the other answers really touched me. Bernie

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s lovely to hear Bernie. I always enjoy stretching myself with these posts and it gets me out of a rut sometimes. I’m glad some of my answers resonate with you!


  3. Hi Deb love your Taking Stock and you certainly are ‘living life your way’. It’s great that you have been able to spend time with family, spend time in my ‘busy but beautiful’ Sydney where I was born and spent the first 30 years of my life, and of course being bold talking a hot air balloon ride. So much to be thankful for. xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Sue, it’s a fun way to clear my head and think outside the square a bit. The time with family was really good as was the change of scenery! Sydney is a beautiful place to visit.


  4. I love A to Z things and appreciate your short and sweet responses. You told us so much in just a few words! I’m not sure I could be so pithy and interesting. Thanks for sharing what’s going on in your life.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi Deb – loved all the photos and the time you got to spend with family. Ours are coming down for a visit in a couple of weeks and it’s such a lovely time isn’t it? Your balloon adventure was amazing and it’s nice to see you out and about enjoying yourself (and I don’t get why people would choose to live in the city either 🙂 )

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Leanne, it really is a lovely time with family as the kids get a bit older and interact. I love it! I’m trying to understand the lure of the city but whatever floats your boat I suppose!


  6. Hi Deb – what a fabulous Taking Stock post to read. I love the A-Z version – I’ve not done that before! Still can’t get over how many people are in that hot air balloon basket. How does it stay up in the sky? Eeeek! What fun though! So lovely you’ve had some time away with family and I have to agree that Autumn colours are just so beautiful. I was like a kid at Christmas when we did a trip to Tasmania in late April/early may in 2015 – there were Autumn leaves everywhere. I was beside myself. We don’t see that much here in Brisbane so it was a beautiful feast for my eyes! Hope you have a wonderful week. xo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Min, the A-Z was Denyse’s idea and I love mixing the two versions, alternatively each month. The hot air balloon didn’t feel over heavy once we were up but I know what you mean! Brisbane doesn’t get autumn colours as we do down here, but I’m looking forward to escaping our winter with a trip up north in June!


  7. It is always just so sad going through a departed relative’s things. It is the sum of their life in material possessions. It makes you miss the person’s presence so strongly.
    You answers the alphabetic prompt so well and I am really looking forward to you joining in the Friendly Friday Challenge!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes it is a sad time and feels awful to throw or give their things away. I’ver written my Friendly Friday post so I’m all ready to go and looking forward to it too.


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