Taking Stock A-Z #lifesstories

Welcome to Taking Stock #5/2022

The way I approach these Taking Stock posts, is to write a response to the prompt without giving it too much thought, so be aware it’s usually the first thing that pops into my head. It helps to keep my brain nimble and stops me from overthinking!

Starting in February, I’ve been trying to do a Taking Stock post early in the month and I’m alternating with the Taking Stock prompts – last month I used the original prompts and today I’ve switched back to the more recent A-Z prompts from Denyse – it keeps life interesting!

Let’s get into it!

This month, as I’m away on holidays visiting family up north where it’s warm, I’m going to try to tie in the prompts with the theme of holidays/family/warmth. It will be interesting to see if I can do it!

Admiring: The Australian people for lots of things lately, including our gun laws (was that a bit heavy to start with?)

Becoming: A moon person – 2-year-old Patrick loves seeing the moon each night and then he waves goodbye to it as he goes to bed. So sweet!

Curious: Being curious is a good way to be.

Be Curious
Be Curious from The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and the Horse

Delighted: To be with some of my family again. We tried to get up here late last year but lockdowns put a stop to that.

Excited: To be here to celebrate my youngest daughter’s birthday this week.

Feeling: Much better after having a stomach bug as we started out on our road trip – NOT fun at all!

Going: For lots of bike rides in the sun.

Helping: Helping out with 2-year-old Patrick’s swimming lessons and other activities.

Imploring: Covid, MonkeyPox and all other such viruses to just go away and leave us alone.

Joking: I’m going to take a blogging break 🙂

Knowing: The Queen’s 70th Jubilee is a big deal in the UK – so lovely for her and the whole country gets to party too! This video of the Queen and Paddington Bear made me smile 🙂

Loving: The change of routine.

Making: Dinner every few days – we’re taking it in turns to cook.

Next: My mother’s birthday is later this month. She’ll be 84!

Observing: A LOT of people on their phones at the beach – in hindsight I think they were part of a ‘game’.

Posting: Not a lot this month due to being on holidays 🙂 Not sure if it’s going to work or not as I love my blogging community!

Questioning: Could I live in Queensland – probably not but I’m enjoying the visit!

Reading: Book 6 (of 9) in The Matilda Saga series – apparently it’s Young Adult fiction but I’m loving it. My latest What’s on Your Bookshelf post has more on. books I’m enjoying.

Books in a series
Books in a series = happiness

Staying: In the moment and making the days count.

Trying: To be a better person (it’s a long term goal).

Understanding: Why people go north for the winter.

Viewing: The beach rather than the snow capped mountains of home.

Snow on the main range
Snow on the main range in NSW

Welcoming: The warmth of a winter in Queensland – oh have I said that already??

X (our choice): 10 Little Patricks – a book I made for Patrick which he loves reading.

Yes: Let’s go for another bike ride.

bike riders
bike riders

Z – (our choice): Zoom zoom, beep beep – Patrick loves his cars and trucks and we’re happy to join him.

How about you?

Are you going along OK?

How would you answer any one these prompts?

I always enjoy doing these posts and I’d love to hear from you 🙂

Have a great week.

Deb xx

Joining Denyse for her fortnightly #lifesstories linkup – only one more to go on June 20 before Denyse brings it to an end.

Life's stories linkup
Life’s stories linkup – more info here

You can also find Deb’s World in lots of other places – stay in touch by clicking any of the buttons below.

Everyone has a story to tell!

Debbie - mother of a 40 year old

Deb is a young-at-heart & active 60+ blogger/retiree, after being made redundant from her 22-year career managing education programs in a men’s correctional centre (jail). She now spends her time reading, blogging, riding her ebike and travelling. Deb was awarded a Bravery Award from the Queen when she was 17 after a tragic accident – a definite life changing moment! She is married with 3 grown-up daughters & has 4 grandchildren. You can read more of Deb’s story here

Copyright © 2021 debs-world.com – All rights reserved

21 Replies to “Taking Stock A-Z #lifesstories”

  1. Pretty please, I need you to make a quick trip to Ft. Worth, Texas to teach my 11 year old granddaughter how to ride a bike without training wheels. She absolutely cannot seem to get it. I have tried twice. He mom and dad have tried. Her stepfather has tried. She is so scared. Can it possibly be that she will grow up and not know how to ride a bike?

    I see Patrick and think we have surely missed the boat with teaching Cady. He is a bike-riding pro at a third her age.

    Whole-heartedly approve of your cooking schedule. Taking turns. My youngest and her husband have a routine like that. Francisco has become quite a cook. And it has been a great example to my granddaughters to have a cooking dad. If my PC decides to cook it means he is stopping at Taco Bell on the way home from work. Maybe someday he will find his way into our kitchen.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh Leslie I hear you on the bike riding! Our little ones are on still in balance bikes which we find are great for them until they get their balance and confidence then they’ll move to a balance bike with pedal. They may not need training wheels depending on how they manage. Many kids have trouble getting past the training wheel stage so it’s a case of keep on trying!
      Thanks for your lovely comments.


  2. Hi Deb, I am happy to hear how you are finally able to visit more family. Exceptionally cute about Patrick waving to the moon. I am a huge fan of “The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse. It has been a favourite book to gift the past 2 years. I follow him on Instagram, too, if you are interested or maybe you are already following him. He is working on some animated projects.

    I especially like your “Staying” prompt. Thank you for sharing your updates. They always put a smile on my face. xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Erica, thanks so much for your lovely comment. I agree the book is beautiful and will be a great gift to give for sure. I’ll have to look for him on Instagram, thanks for the heads up. I love putting a smile on people’s faces 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m in awe of your A-Z taking stocks – you are so clever! How cute was that sketch with Paddington and the Queen?! And you are so right about the book series. I will have to check that book out because I love some YA fiction. So pleased you are having fun in the sun and finally got to enjoy some family time!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Sammie, I enjoy the various prompts and always have fun doing them. The Queen and Paddington was the cutest thing ever! It’s so nice being up here away from the cold at home and with oodles of family time.


  4. Thanks for the shout out Deb and keep on using that Taking Stock any time. I am so glad you are treating your trip to Qld as a holiday. So needed. Just because we are retired does not mean we don’t need breaks. I love how you now have a tradition with Patrick. When he is older, you can share with him how he used to do this and how when you see the moon, you are reminded of him! My grandkids all had cute things that were traditions and we remember them but until kids are 4 or 5 they don’t have that recall…so YOU are his memory for these special times.

    Thank you so much for linking up your blog post for Life’s Stories this week.

    As you probably know, the last link up date here on Denyse Whelan Blogs is Monday 20 June 2022.

    I do hope to see your post there too. Of course, if you cannot link up, I so understand and want to thank you for the support of my blog and the link up over the years.

    You’ve been (and still will be) a very special blogging friend. Thanks Deb for the years of support… see you on 20 June, but only if it doesn’t interfere with your holiday

    Warm wishes, and take care.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Denyse, it’s always fun with grandchildren and we’re making the most of our time and making memories. I will join you for your final Life’s Stories on 20 June!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi Deb, Lots of bike rides in the sun sounds great. The prompt I would answer would be Delighted – that we are in the process of making life changes that make me happy. More news to come on that. The Matilida series is fantastic. Pleased to hear that you’re enjoying it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So pleased to hear your exciting news Jen – delighted is a great way to be about changes. I’m glad you enjoyed reading the Matilda Saga too – they’re such good books that keep me intrigued.


  6. Hi Deb – so happy for you to be able to spend time with your family. Covid made us appreciate our family time even more didn’t it? I just started a new fantasty/dystopian series that I’m enjoying – and yes it’s great when there are more books by the same author – it saves me hunting for new ones for a while. And thank goodness for free downloads!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s so nice to be up here and spoil the family in lots of ways while we can 🙂 Patrick is so sweet and has grown up a lot since e saw him at Christmas. Love a good series!


  7. I’m loving these A to Z taking stock posts. I’m still doing the regular/original type (quarterly). It must be such fun to have your grandchildren to enjoy. I hope I get one/some some day! I didn’t know you were in Queensland on holidays but I hope you’re enjoying it. Thank goodness the rain has stopped! There’s a cold snap due to hit us again tomorrow – though for southerners it’s probably not all that cold at all. I actually LOVE Queensland winters – they’re beautiful crisp mornings and evenings and warm, comfortable days (usually sunny). I hope you enjoy the rest of your holiday!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh thank you Min for your comment on my A-Z taking stock, they are fun and i mix it up each month this way. We are up here north of Brisbane for a few weeks and as it’s currently snowing back at home, I am thoroughly enjoying the change!


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