The Gift of being easily amused ‘Mrs Harris Goes to Paris’

The Gift of Laughter

It’s the last Friday in the month so that means it’s time for our monthly linkup party all about our Word of the Year (WOTY). Join my co-hosts Jo, Sue and Donna and share your WOTY progress with us all.

My WOTY for 2022 is GIFT and I have had a wonderful time so far this year looking at the gifts in my life. It’s a form of gratitude and has made me look at the many gifts I’m lucky to have every day!

There is a gift for me quote
There is a gift for me in everything that I experience

Mrs Harris Goes to Paris

I have said it before – I’m easily amused. This is shown by the fact I can’t tell a joke without laughing before the punchline, having a quirky sense of humour and laughing at weird things!

This is the case with the latest ‘thing’ that took my fancy – the new movie Mrs Harris Goes to Paris. I wrote the following on my Facebook page, mainly to share my amusement with others, and to look back at our trips to Paris over the years. I couldn’t help myself, it just made me smile every time I heard Mrs Harris Goes to Paris mentioned. Of course I had to share my amusement with you 🙂

Life is better when you're laughing
Life is better when you’re laughing

With all the talk about a new movie called ‘Mrs Harris goes to Paris’ I couldn’t let this moment go by.

Your very own Mrs Harris (aka ME!) was in Paris at this time of the year back in 2011 with many family members – husband, parents, sister, 2 daughters, 1 future son-in-law & a visit from 1 exchange daughter. It was a great feat of organisation to get us all there at the same time believe me but so worth it! Then we parted and did a 2 week Barge and Bike trip from Paris to Bruge with my parents (aged in their early 70s at the time). Over 500kms cycled!

No fancy dresses were involved just comfy padded bike pants and wet weather gear, although we had to dress up a bit for Moulin Rouge – dad was adamant that we had to go there and arranged it all for us. What an experience it was too!

The first time we went to Paris was while on Teacher Exchange in 1992 & our first sight was the Eiffel Tower all lit up and looking golden. Eliza refused to believe it was the same place when we saw it in daylight the next day but then she was only 4 at the time!

Such great memories of the time this ‘Mrs Harris went to Paris’.

Some of my other LOVES this month

  • Spring Garden Festival with Open Gardens raising money for local community groups – and Tastebuds with wine tastings in Tumbarumba this coming weekend, let’s hope the rain holds off!
  • Men’s Shed offering support for local men to get together.
  • New sculptures along the Snowy Valleys Sculpture Trail
  • Being involved in Rotary projects including triobikes and our upcoming 60th birthday celebrations (delayed from 2021 due to Covid).

My Gifts so far this year

It’s been a great way to look for the GIFTS in the everyday with my WOTY this year:

Hope you can join us for the linkup.

Is it time to start thinking about a Word of the Year for 2023??

Thanks for stopping by and I always enjoy hearing from you  🙂

Deb xx

PS. I haven’t seen the movie yet, have you?

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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WOTY co-host
WOTY linkup- What’s it all about?

This year I’m joining my lovely friends and co-hosts, Donna, Jo and Sue, to provide a link party for anyone who also wants to write a monthly update to help keep the focus on their WOTY. We’re hoping you can join us.

What: 2022 Word of the Year Link Party #2022wotylinkparty

When: Last Thursday of the month PM (Northern Hemisphere)/ Last Friday of the month AM (Southern Hemisphere). The link will be open for 3 days so you’ve got plenty of time to join. The next linkup will be Friday 25 November 2022 – mark your diary now!

Why: To encourage us all to keep the focus on our chosen WOTY.

Where: Link Party, Blog, Blog Comments, Instagram or other Social Media.

Who: This linkup is open to everyone.

How: You can share in the comments, with a blog post, or on other social media of your choice. Include the hashtag #2022wotylinkparty so that we can find you and include your link in our posts. Whichever way you choose to share, don’t forget to leave a note in the comments so we can find you.

You can also find Deb’s World in lots of other places – stay in touch by clicking any of the buttons below.

Everyone has a story to tell!

Debbie - mother of a 40 year old

Deb is a young-at-heart & active 60+ blogger/retiree, after being made redundant from her 22-year career managing education programs in a men’s correctional centre (jail). She now spends her time reading, blogging, riding her ebike and travelling. Deb was awarded a Bravery Award from the Queen when she was 17 after a tragic accident – a definite life changing moment! She is married with 3 grown-up daughters & has 4 grandchildren. You can read more of Deb’s story here

Copyright © 2024 – All rights reserved

33 Replies to “The Gift of being easily amused ‘Mrs Harris Goes to Paris’”

    1. Thanks Corinne, your use of the word GIFT made me smile :). I loved wearing a sari when we were in India and our hosts made sure I was dressed appropriately every day we stayed with them, they loved dressing me up! Such a colourful country 🙂


  1. Wow, a bike trip to France, that sounds lovely! And I enjoyed seeing your travel pics from over the years. October truly is a nice month for travel! Another year I’d like to do a long weekend trip to county Wicklow in late October, for walks in the colourful forests.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It was one of the best trips we’ve done Susanne. October here in Aus is starting to warm up for summer but still a comfortable month, usually (this year it’s been very wet and cold) but a good month to get away.


  2. Hi Debbie, Laughter is surely the best medicine. What a wonderful month you’ve had. Your travel memories brought back mine, too. Paris is one of my favourite cities, not only because it’s beautiful but also because I have family there. Thank you for co-hosting the link party with Sue, Donna and Jo. I added my link for October. Have a great weekend!


  3. Hi Deb “Mrs Harris Goes To Paris” has such a lovely ring to it – and being able to adopt it as your own would definitely bring a smile. I love how your #WOTY has reminded you of all the blessings in your life – and the associated gratitude that comes with thinking about them.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thanks so much Sue, I’d love to be able to tell you that I was in the movie, but sadly no! I think it sounds like a good movie to see. I’ve enjoyed my WOTY as it’s made me think about the gifts that are around and that always make me smile, and it’s good to share these good things. Life is hard enough at times! I really appreciate your kind words and love hosting the linkup with you. It was a fabulous idea you had all those months ago and we’ve gone from strength to strength with it! xx


  5. Lots of gifts for you this month Deb. When I first heard of Mrs. Harris goes to Paris, I did think of you. And of course, my sister, Debbie Harris. If would love to go to Paris again. I’ve been three times but I would love to do a barge tour. Sounds great.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I saw the movie on my way back from the UK on the weekend. It’s a light-hearted film that I reckon you’ll enjoy. Mrs Harris (the movie one) also went to the Moulin Rouge – although not with her mum and dad!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Glad you can recommend it after all this talking about it! I’ll try to see it at some stage as the title really appeals to me. Yes how many adults sisters have been to Moulin Rouge with their parents??

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Hi, Debbie – This post made me smile right from the title on down! Finding joy and laughter in everyday things is indeed a gift. And your photos are beautiful. When we lived in Beijing, October was travel time for us as well (Mid-Autumn Festival holiday). I’ve been fortunate to be in Paris three different times and loved it each and every time! Thank you for prompting great memories!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. What wonderful pictures and a great post. My word of the year was going to be Procrastination, but I never quite got around to it. Seriously! I am still playing catch up, no reading to speak of for that most recent #WOYBS, but hopefully I will have something to post for the next one. The picture that struck my heart the most, well almost most because they are all so good, was the picture of the Taj Majal, I have one that was the only post card my dad sent and he sent it when I was a sophmore in high school. So good to be back reading your posts. Blessings for the day, Michele

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Michele, hope all is well with you! I love that your WOTY was going to be procrastination, that made me smile 🙂 That photo of the Tag Mahal is a great memory and I’m so glad it touched your heart! Take care x

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  9. I SMILED all the way through your post. I too cannot re-tell as joke without cracking up..laughter truly IS the best medicine. You are a gift to Tumbarumba Deb…all your contributions, which help make it the vibrant and well known town it is. I can imagine it’s a pretty excited town (fingers crossed weather wise) for this weekend’s big show. I wish everyone well. Thank you for the link up.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh thanks so much Denyse, your comment is lovely! It’s been raining (again) all day and I feel for those who have opened their gardens for the weekend, hopefully all will be well! So glad to hear you’re also a crack-up when trying to tell a joke! We rule 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Hi Deb are you sure you aren’t starring in the movie as well and just didn’t tell us? How ironic and your post made me smile. I’m actually looking forward to seeing the Movie. What a wonderful month you’ve had – so many gifts. Thanks for always being so uplifting with your posts and especially your WOTY posts. There is always a gift in everything if we look, isn’t there? Thanks also for your gift of co-hosting WOTY. Bring on November xx

    Liked by 1 person

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