A carpet of colour 

Have I told you before that I love autumn?  I think I may have mentioned it once or twice in my blog!

Carpet of colour
Carpet of colour

I took this photo today – I just love the reds, oranges and yellows in what I call a ‘carpet of colour’.  I also think that the nonchalant placement of the rake is a bit of a hint from my husband, one that I refused to take!

Two things I love to do whenever I get the opportunity, simply because they make me smile (but which probably defy my actual age) are:

  1. stepping on crunchy leaves and bark just to hear the satisfying crunch – my sister and I will actually push each other out of the way to get to a suitable crunchy candidate (we are both over 50 mind you!)
  2. running though a pile of raked up leaves just to see them flutter and fly – I often want to do this when I’m out and about but only let myself do it at home, as this behaviour might seem a bit alarming to people who don’t know me very well!

Does that make me sound a tad immature?  I hope so, I’d hate to be accused of acting my age!

Does anyone else share my love or autumn and/or crunchy leaves?? Please tell me I’m not alone!

I have added a few links below to prove my love of autumn!

Changing seasons 04

Awesome autumn

Changing seasons 03


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Until next time – Deb 🙂

9 Replies to “A carpet of colour ”

  1. I agree with you completely Debbie. I love Autumn!!

    On a slightly (not very) related note, when my nephew was little, he also loved walking around in the crunchy fallen leaves. He actually loved everything about the countryside. When his parents tried to move out to the boonies, he started to call it the “crunchy-side.” He thought that was the correct name because there are so many leaves to crunch there. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Yep, I’m well over 50 and love walking on autumn leaves. For us that is in Oct, Nov, we’re headed (finally!) toward spring now with the grass turning green and things popping up in the garden. That’s also my favorite time of the year, such a relief after the brutal winter we’ve just come through.

    Liked by 1 person

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