iPhriday – phalaris

It’s Phriday today so here’s some Phalaris!


I took this photo on my phone recently and realised that apart from sharing it on Instagram, I haven’t used it here.

So iPhriday seems like the perfect day to post a photo of Phalaris doesn’t it?.

I like that it’s really just a type of grass commonly found in paddocks all over the place, but up close like this it becomes something beautiful and quite special.  If you don’t know what phalaris is you can click here for more information.

Aren’t our phones clever with what they can produce these days – with a bit of help from us!

iPhriday is where we get to share photos taken with a mobile phone, on a Friday.

You can see my previous iPhriday posts by clicking this link – iPhriday posts. The more the merrier, so feel free to join in.

Enjoy your weekend!

Deb 🙂

PS: If you’re on Instagram come over and visit – you can find all my social media contacts on my Deb’s World on Social Media page.


9 Replies to “iPhriday – phalaris”

    1. Thanks so much for visiting and leaving me s comment. I’m glad you agree that it’s a pretty thing that we never take much notice of. I’m into observing these sorts of things at the moment and trying to take more notice of little things.


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