The cherry on top was missing – Weekly Photo Challenge

Cherry on top? Unfortunately there were no cherries available.

Dessert for lunch
It was delicious!

This week’s photo challenge is all about finding a photo that shows the cherry on top, the icing on the cake, the detail that makes a good experience a truly transcendent one.

This week, share an image of a finishing touch from your own life, a photo of a detail that makes a good thing even better. Sometimes, the cherry on top is that extra little enhancement that makes a good thing better.

A weekend away in Melbourne, a planned meeting with a blogging friend for the first time, great markets to wander around and buy lovely things, followed by lunch out with members of my blogging tribe – Desley from Musings of a frequently flying scientist, my sister Sharon from Musings from the cold, her husband Tim from Timothy Moss and my non-blogging husband. It was great fun.

The icing on the cake for me was splurging and having a delicious chocolaty dessert for lunch.  When it arrived Desley kindly asked if they had a cherry for the top explaining that it was a ‘blogging thing’ but unfortunately the cupboard was bare of cherries. It was very yummy nonetheless as can be evidenced by my licked clean plate!

After lunch we farewelled Desley and decided to walk the nearly 4kms home.  I had just eaten a lot of chocolate so a walk wasn’t a bad idea! After a relaxing afternoon we went out to a delightful Greek restaurant for dinner. Food fabulous food! All in all it was a great day out with friends and family. Life doesn’t get much better than that.

I will be writing a separate post about meeting up with Desley as it deserves its very own story and photos. Stay tuned for that!!

Deb 🙂


24 Replies to “The cherry on top was missing – Weekly Photo Challenge”

      1. Awesome! I haven’t had a chance to do any blogging since we met. Am at a schools conference this week and it’s been flat out. I’m looking forward to seeing it! And hoping to get in some blogging on the weekend.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. I certainly did enjoy it!! Life’s too short to take yourself too seriously so I changed my gravatar image to reflect my fun side. Thanks for noticing!!


  1. Goodness you are a bloggy family. That’s your sister, your daughter in the UK and yourself. I love the sauce signature. Glad you got to run some of the way Deb and that you had a good weekend while you were down. Actually I think your bloggy company were the virtual cherry on the top.

    Liked by 1 person

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