Share Your World – April 10 2017

I enjoy participating in Share Your World every week. It’s fun to answer the four random questions that Cee posts and to read what others have written in their responses.

  • Answer four questions each week.
  • Bonus Question is always the same “What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?”  Because we all need to be reminded that there are many things in our lives to be grateful about.  

The idea is to answer the questions without overthinking the questions and have some FUN. Feel free to join in by copying the questions, writing your answers in a new post and linking back to the original post.

This week’s questions are:

1. Have you ever participated in a distance walking, swimming, running, or biking event? Tell your story.

Since my return to running ,(middle-aged running is good fun), I have made the effort to participate in local and interstate 5km fun runs and ParkRun whenever I am in Canberra.  Our little town doesn’t have a ParkRun event.  I have participated in lots of fun runs which raise money for good causes such as Parkinson’s Disease and Cancer research, as they are a great way to mix fundraising and exercise.

Every year my daughter, her husband and I run together in the Mother’s Day Classic 5km run in Canberra, which is for a great cause.  I also like to enter the Sole Motive Run Melbourne event and sometimes my sister and her husband join me.

I am never going to run a marathon, or even a half, but I do enjoy pushing myself and having a goal in mind so I’m training for something.  I am keen to do the City to Surf in Sydney one day.

2. Name one thing not many people know about you.

You may not know that I have a Bravery Award from the Queen (unless of course you’ve read my About Me page).  It was from a very tragic incident many years ago now, but it is something I’ll always have and I am proud of it in a weird kind of way.

3. What is your favorite flower?

At the moment I’m away from home and I love the sweet scent of frangipani flowers.  We can’t grow these where i live as we’re too cold but up here they are glorious.

At home I love my roses and again it’s their scent that draws me in. I do love sunflowers too, they are always such a sunny, happy flower. I love taking photos of them and a few years ago I did an almost daily update on the progress of a flower as it flourished then slowly died.

4. Things I want to have in my home (paintings, hot tubs, book cases, big screen tv etc.)

I enjoy having photos around my home, especially family photos and I always have books around.  I don’t want many more material things around but thinking about this, there is one thing I’d like more of, and that is light. Our house, although large,  is quite dark inside and the lighting isn’t always sufficient.  In winter it can make the house seem quite dreary and cold, it’s bad enough having the cold, grey days outside, I don’t want it inside as well.  I have used candles and lamps to make it appear more cozy but I think I’ll work on getting the lights improved this year – thanks for the impetus.

I also want happiness, love and laughter in my home – we have a fair amount of these at the moment but there’s always room for more 🙂

Bonus questions:

Last week – I’m grateful for being able to visit my daughter and her fiance for a week and thoroughly enjoyed spending time with them and helping out.  They’ve just moved house so it was a good time to visit.  We also had some quality time working on the wedding plans for October this year. I’m the MOB again!!

The week ahead – I am now staying with my mother for a week or so and enjoying visiting my father who is in an Aged Care facility.  We all live so far apart it’s hard to get to see them regularly but we make the most of our time together when we have the opportunity.

Thanks again for visiting my world.  Feel free to join in with this fun challenge and let me know your thoughts on anything I’ve written here.  I love hearing from you.

Enjoy the week ahead everyone!

Deb 🙂

My About me  page is up to date and you can also follow Deb’s World on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Facebook.  I’ve also ventured into StumbleUpon if you’re into more social media platforms!  The more the merrier!


21 Replies to “Share Your World – April 10 2017”

  1. Bravery award from the Queen! Now I must read your About page. I am a fan of the frangipani, too. We had a frangipani tree in our front yard in honor of our late sister, Fran. They always remind me of her.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Christine. I’ve not ever really told the whole story about the award on my blog, maybe one day I will. It’s just an interesting fact that not many people know, unless I tell them!!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Lovely piece of writing! I love the variety of your blogs, I’m aiming for the same style on my own. Great photography skills, what do you use to take your photos? Thank you x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Cee, I’m glad you like my sunflower shots, I was really taken with them at the time too. The cycle from bud to opening to end was really interesting to follow and capture.


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