Share Your World – 27 June 2017

Hello from a warmer climate!

Mount Warning in Murwillumbah always a welcome sight
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I’m visiting my mother up north at the moment, where they think it’s a cold winter’s day if the temperature drops to 15 degrees celcius, it’s considered a hot winter’s day at home if we break into double figures at this time of year! I even had to go and buy some shorts yesterday as it got to 23 degrees and I hadn’t come prepared.

Mt Warning (pictured) is always a welcome sight when I return to my birthplace and I always try to get a great shot.

As you may know, I’ve been adding in my husband’s answers recently and it’s been fun to hear your responses.  Last week  he had a few doozies!   This week  it’s mum’s turn. The difference is that Mum usually reads my blog and my husband doesn’t!

I asked mum these questions over breakfast this morning and will include her answers for this week’s Share Your World, instead of my husband’s (unfortunately he’s stuck at home in the cold).

Q. What goal are you working on now? Your goal can be something fun or extremely serious.  Have fun with this question.

Me: I am trying to run 5 kilometres under 30 minutes and have been working on this for quite some time now.  I am getting better at running but am still a few minutes off my goal.

Another goal is to enjoy my new life as a ‘young retiree’ and I must say I am doing this one extremely well!

Mum: Losing weight and getting fit!  Please note mum has just turned 79 and is in great shape.  In fact if I’m anywhere near as good when I’m her age I’ll be happy!

Q. What is one thing you’re glad you tried but would never do again?

Me: Walk anywhere at altitude.  My husband and I walked the Annapurna Sanctuary in Nepal a few years ago and we made it to Annapurna Base Camp at just over 4000mt.  I was a wreck by the time we got there with mild altitude sickness, no appetite and just worn out. I’m scared of heights as it is, so just doing what I did, was major for me.  The experience was one I’ll always remember but I’ve said I won’t go to high altitudes ever again.  I am keen to do Machu Pichu though, so I may have to reconsider.

I’ve also given up my snow skiing career – finishing on a real high in Livigno in the Italian Alps on Christmas Day 2007.  I have never been a good skier so when the opportunity presented itself I had a few private lessons from Roberto, an Argentinian guide.  He was brilliant and made it all work so I’m glad i gave it a try.  I decided then and there that my snow skiing days would end on a real high.  It’s funny that I live very close to the ski fields in NSW but they’re not quite the same as in Italy!

Mum: Broccoli – this is from the woman who forced her three darling children to eat awful things like cauliflower, lambs brains, kidneys – and now she’s decided she doesn’t eat broccoli!!  Funny story just recently my brother had mum stay and cooked her dinner, mum asked for no broccoli – so my brother gave her a large helping and made her eat it all.  Payback!!

Q. Did you choose your profession or did it choose you?

Me: My longest career was as an Educator in a Correctional Centre (jail) and I fell into it quite late in life, in my early 30s.  Before that I’d been a stay at home mother (the hardest job I’ve ever had), part-time bank clerk and I was a check-out chick at the local supermarket for a while.  I haven’t found anyone who actually grew up thinking they’d go into teaching in a jail so I can say that the job chose me.  I enjoyed my 22+ year career as a teacher and then manager of Education provision in the jail until we were all made redundant late last year.

I’m now a 56 year old retired lady of leisure who has never been busier in her life – go figure!

Mum: It chose me.  Mum was a bookkeeper and started her career in the bank which is lucky because that’s how she met dad!!  She’s worked in real estate, credit unions and is good with money.

Q. Have you ever gotten lost?

Me: well….yes!  My most amusing (in hindsight) episode was when I was travelling on my own a few years ago and arrived into Paddington Station and couldn’t find my way to my accommodation.  I was carrying a heavy backpack, I was jet lagged and tired and I was very lost!!  Luckily some friendly, helpful and kind strangers came to my rescue.  Kindness shown to a stranger on Mother’s Day. 

Mum: Haha!!  Where do I start?  Mum laughed out loud at this one 🙂 and unfortunately I may have inherited these genes from mum, although I am getting better at navigating as I get older or maybe the apps available are just very good these days).

A few years ago I wrote a post comparing mum and I at the same age (53), and it was really interesting to see the differences in how our lives have turned out but in other ways the similarities. Mum and me at 53.

Bonus questions: What are grateful for from last week?  Good news, good fun and launching my new blog logo (see my post from yesterday for more info: Monday Musings)

What are you looking forward to in the week ahead? Spending time with my mother, visiting my father in his aged care facility, enjoying some warm weather at the beach before heading back to the mountains and some ‘real’ winter weather.

I love the idea of getting to know a bit more about other bloggers (and other family members) and this is a great way of doing just that. Please note I never sit and think too long about the questions, I usually put in the first things that come into my head.  It’s way more fun that way 🙂


Are you wondering What Share Your World is all about?

Cee’s Share Your World is a fun way to get to know each other through our blogs.  Cee posts four random questions for those who want to participate and it’s always interesting to read what others have written in their responses.

  • Answer four questions each week.
  • Bonus Questions are always the same “What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?”  Because we all need to be reminded that there are many things in our lives to be grateful about.  

The idea is to answer the questions without overthinking them and just have FUN. Feel free to join in by copying the questions, writing your answers in a new post and linking back to Cee’s original post.

Thanks again for visiting my world.  You can see all my past Share Your World posts here if you’re keen – Share Your World

Feel free to join in with this fun challenge and remember I always love hearing from you if you’d like to leave me a comment.

Enjoy the week ahead everyone!

Deb 🙂

You can also follow Deb’s World here:

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42 Replies to “Share Your World – 27 June 2017”

  1. I hate broccoli and cooked spinach. Growing up my Mother wouldn’t let us leave the table without eating our veggies first. Of course, this meant we got very creative in how we hid them in order to dispose of them in the toilet. When I had my son, I had one rule at the table. You didn’t have to eat anything that you hated, but you had to try it first to determine if you hated it. That’s how I got a broccoli loving son. (Man, I hated making it for him—he’s 30 now and can make it on his own.)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Your absolutely right, I DO enjoy reading the answers from the “Share your world” questions! I especially like the comparison between your mom and yourself. I recently went on a trip with my mother and we had a “date” where we left all the other family members behind and rowed across a lake together. These times are precious. I hope you and your mum have a nice cozy visit before you head home.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Angela, glad you enjoyed it. Wow that sounds like a great thing to do with your mum, how special. We had a great week together and I’m now back home again.


  3. Great you are visiting your mom. Grateful for this week I’m heading starting vacation for two weeks. I try and keep a gratitude journal – not on a daily basis but write in it every so often. Always a good reminder life isn’t as bad as I think!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I enjoyed this as usual, Debbie. I did a double take at your first question! I seem to have overlooked it. I’ve done the post and scheduled it for tomorrow, but I’ll have to dive over to Cee’s post to see about that first question. Thanks! Have you ever had cold feet?

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I know how you feel about Annapurna – we climbed Kinabalu once and, like you, I’ve said never again to altitude but I still want to go to Machu Picchu I love broccoli and cauliflower even more. Good for your brother at getting his own back though!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes he was thrilled with getting his own back on mum! Good on you for climbing Kinabalu too, it sounds a bit scary. We had friends go a few years ago and they enjoyed it but I’m not too keen. Machu Picchu is definitely on our list.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. What a lovely week you have had spending time with your Mum, Debbie. I loved both of your answers and it is such a great idea to include someone else with their answers as well. I’m sure you will crack the 30 minutes for the 5km. I have the Gold Coast Half Marathon this coming Sunday its going to be a cold morning apparently! Brrrrr!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. All the best for the weekend run Sue, you’ll romp it in I’m sure!! We are enjoying our week together. I’m glad you think the addition of someone else’s answers is a good idea, I like it too.


  7. Debs, I loved reading this post. I write to my Mum every day and with my sister, it’s a threesome 🙂 Some of the things she comes up with have me laughing out loud. I have kept the emails so one day I may have to go through them once again!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I enjoyed reading about you and your Mum Deb – lucky you to grow up near Mr Warning! next time you are up north, we will have to catch up – I think I will be back, but then nothing is sure lately! xx

    Liked by 1 person

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