Prolific in a different way – thongs and bras in New Zealand!

Prolific thongs and bras

New Zealand is a funny place!

It is known for being prolific producers of sheep, netball, rugby, and cricket champions.

AND then there’s a different sort of prolific.

On one island there was a fence full of bras – in honour of breast cancer awareness and research….

Lots of bras at Cardrona in New Zealand
Lots of bras at Cardrona in New Zealand

And on the other island there was a fence full of thongs (called flip flops to some).

I’m not exactly sure why they were there, but it was worth a photo 🙂

Prolific thongs
Prolific thongs

When I saw this week’s prompt for the Daily Post photo challenge was the word prolific, I immediately thought of these two examples.

Maybe not the exact meaning of the word, but quite a fun interpretation I thought 🙂

What does prolific mean to you?

Prolific in a different way, travel sights you see in New Zealand
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Deb xx

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41 Replies to “Prolific in a different way – thongs and bras in New Zealand!”

  1. What wonderful quirky sights. So much better than lovelocks which are so overdone. So funny we both wrote about the same sort of thing this week, although my ‘thongs’ were different to yours 😉 As an aside when I lived in South Africa we called foot thongs – ‘flip flops’, and trainers ‘tackies’.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I believe you have captured “prolific” perfectly with your photos, Debbie! I could have used the snow picture of my front yard for that photo prompt. The snow definitely was prolific that day – we set an all-time record for snow in the month of April last weekend. 🙂

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  3. Such a fun post! When I first saw the title, I thought that your topic was ‘bras’ and ‘underpants’ (which I often call thongs, depending on the cut)!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha! I wondered if that would catch anyone out Donna!! I’m not one to usually wrote about underwear, except in special circumstances 😂. I enjoyed sharing a fun look at this prompt anyway and I’m glad you also enjoyed it.


  4. That is a lovely message behind that display of bras. It is quite a sight but for a good cause. Maybe the thongs are just there for all of us to admire. You could get them in so many different colour and patterns 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. That certainly is a sight. Right up there with a giant tree filled with hanging bicycles I saw while traveling in Vermont, USA. It’s hard for me to find a bra I like so I wonder if those are some of people’s least favorites that they sacrificed. No clue on the flip flops.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It is a great sight Lisa and for a good cause as well. A tree of bicycles would be an amazing sight to see!! Yes I wondered the same thing about the bras, and how they came to be donated. The ‘thongs’ are just a bit different 😂


  6. What a fun interpretation of the theme Deb. There’s a place in Cooper Pedy, Crocodile Harry’s, that has some rather unusual undergarments too. What a quirky world we live in!! 😏

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  7. TWO great shots Deb and I’ve never seen either on my three trips to NZ. My son-in-laws sister collects bras for breast cancer awareness and each year tries to break the World Record for the longest line of bras. A great and fun way to spread the message of breast checks. Xx

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I’ve seen the bras but not the thongs – that’s what I call them to. There’s a pub in Oxford, UK (The Bear) that has its ceiling and walls covered in students’ ties. Oh the strange things we see. Thanks for sharing.

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  9. Great photos – but if in NZ shouldn’t it be jandals – LOL. Have you ever been to Daly Waters pub in the NT – they have all sorts of everything there too, including a big hanging of bras, and a thong tree.

    Liked by 1 person

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