Taking stock of life

Taking Stock

I’d like to tell you a bit about what’s been happening lately…are you comfy with a coffee or tea? 

I’ve got my black weak tea, so let’s chat…..


It’s hard to believe we’ve been home from our 3 month Odyssey for almost a month now, it is something I still think about everyday.

I’m enjoying writing a few posts to share our recent travels, with my latest post a tongue in cheek 10 reasons why you definitely shouldn’t visit Iceland –  it was great fun to write! I’ve also written about some of the Numbers involved in such a big  trip overseas, my hairstyle history and I always enjoy sharing photos with minimal words on Wordless Wednesday.

I’m slowly getting back into blogging regularly and I’m enjoying a few linkups with a strong sense of community, especially Sue and Leanne’s weekly Midlife Share the Love on Wednesdays.

I really appreciated everyone’s support at the sudden death of my father in law. Being on the other side of the world when this news came through was very hard, especially coming so close on the heels of my father’s death in January.

I read a lot of blogs each week and I try to comment and share as much as I can.  I’m happy to share these three top posts from others I’ve enjoyed reading recently.  They are all different but all very interesting in their own way.

Thanks for all the declutter advice but I quite like my bulging house from Chris at Booming On.

Iceland tales – The Lava Tunnels  by Melanie (my daughter) at The Wandering Darlings

Leap of Faith by Lex at One Foot out the Door – This post reminded me of myself as I prepared to meet up with a blogging friend, Lucile in Amsterdam, having only her blog and comments to go on.  It’s such a leap of faith to do that but so much fun too!


I’ll be honest with you and say I’m not sure how I’m feeling.  I’m constantly up and down. I’m grieving but yet I’m optimistic for the future, which I think is an OK way to be, given all that’s happened lately. This whole year has been a roller-coaster of emotions for us and I realise I’m still trying to adjust. I used this quote in a previous post but it just sums everything up so well for me, I thought I’d share it again with you.

Life quote
Life quote


Unfortunately I’ve been a bit poorly since returning home from our trip, but I’ve been trying to do the right thing – I’ve been to the doctors, I’ve been resting and I’m catching up with the myriad of other medical checkups we seem to require as we get older. I don’t often talk about health on my blog, so this a rare occurrence but I’m happy to promote awareness of Women’s Health.

Women's Health Week

Did you know it’s Women’s Health Week from September 3? The hashtag to use and check out , is #myhealthfirst. I’m being proactive and getting everything checked out.    I hate feeling unhealthy and I must admit,  I have felt better.

In the past 10 days I’ve had:

  • A top to toe full body mole check – I have a lot of moles and I am ashamed to admit it has been many years since my last checkup.  The skin specialist wasn’t worried about any of them thankfully and just reminded me to come back in a year’s time.
  • A mammogram (which was the best ever) I have these every 2 years and I’m now just awaiting results.
  • Fasting blood tests – the results of the blood tests were not very good and so I am currently trying to address raised cholesterol, iron and sugar levels with a change in my diet – a new challenge for me – as if I needed another one!
  • My hearing checkup appointment has been made for next month – my family tell me my hearing has deteriorated over the past year, so it will be interesting to see what the results are. 
  • I’ve yet to make an appointment for the dentist but it’s on my list.
  • I aim to get back into regular exercise as soon as I feel better and have more energy.  I hate feeling lazy but I have needed to rest my body and let it recover.

Looking after yourself is very important so make sure you put yourself first!


I’ve read a lot of good books this year and I’m almost finished my Reading Challenge on Goodreads.  I set myself the challenge to read 50 books in 2018, but I will pass that number without any trouble.

Are you on Goodreads?  I love keeping track of what I’ve read and seeing what others are reading along with their ratings and reviews.  Feel free to join me.

At the moment I have a few books on the go – Coping with Grief by Mal McKissock and Dianne McKissock, is proving very beneficial and I’ve recommended it to other members of my family who may benefit from the sensible words. Father’s Day was a bit difficult yesterday, being the first one, but that was to be expected.

I have learnt that grief is dynamic and ever-changing. We all grieve as we have lived and everyone’s idea of coping is different.  When any of us are  newly bereaved, we are ‘coping’ if we can keep breathing, put one foot after the other, get out of bed , dress ourselves, and attend to essential tasks even if on automatic pilot.  We all just do our best to survive what initially feels unsurvivable, and often need to reassure ourselves that we do know what is best for us, that we are not going mad.

Blood Sisters

I’ve just finished Blood Sisters by Jane Corry, which was recommended by a UK friend who had also worked in a jail like me.  The inside knowledge and situations in the story were very familiar to me and took me back to my previous workplace. It was quite an intriguing story which I enjoyed.  I might even look for some more by this author.

My book club is reading Magda Szubanski’s book Reckoning this month and I just happened to start it on Father’s Day (my first without both my father and my father-in-law) and her opening paragraph is all about her father’s funeral and his last days alive. I decided to wait a while before continuing as it wasn’t good timing at all for me.

Are you reading any good books at the moment? Please leave me any suggestions, I’m always on the lookout for good reads.

Blogger Meetup….

I met another great midlife blogger this week – Christine from BoomingOn.  We met up in Canberra and had a lovely chat about blogging, travels and life in general! Here’s a photo of us, (complete with random photo bomber!)  I’ve already mentioned her recent decluttering post in my top three reads this week (above) and left the link for you if you’re interested in reading it.

Bloggers meetups are always fun
Bloggers meetup

Looking forward to….

Well that’s easy!! Our first grandchild is due any day now and we’re very excited – remember I said this year has been a roller coaster???  I’m currently staying with the parents-to-be and hope to have news sometime later this week.

It’s also turned into Spring down-under, so there are magnolia buds, flowers, growth, warmer weather, sunshine and the renewal of life to look forward to in the months ahead.

Taking stock is good for the soul sometimes and I’ve enjoyed our little chat.  Thanks for listening 🙂

How are you going? I’d love to hear from you.

Feel free to leave a comment below. I always enjoy hearing from you and try to answer all your comments 🙂

Deb xx

I’m linking up with Denyse for #LifeThisWeek on Mondays.

You can also find Deb’s World in lots of other places – stay in touch by clicking any of the buttons below.

Everyone has a story to tell!

Debbie - mother of a 40 year old

Deb is a young-at-heart & active 60+ blogger/retiree, after being made redundant from her 22-year career managing education programs in a men’s correctional centre (jail). She now spends her time reading, blogging, riding her ebike and travelling. Deb was awarded a Bravery Award from the Queen when she was 17 after a tragic accident – a definite life changing moment! She is married with 3 grown-up daughters & has 4 grandchildren. You can read more of Deb’s story here

Copyright © 2024 debs-world.com – All rights reserved

69 Replies to “Taking stock of life”

  1. It’s certainly been a year of ups and downs. Glad you’re getting your health checked. I’m jealous that your mammo’s are only once every two years. My dense, cyst making boobs usually require me to have one every six months, complete with an ultrasound. I just took a DNA test for pre-cancer screening, to see what I’m genetically up against in the future, I go for those results this afternoon. #MLSTL

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I do hope your test results were fine Jennifer, I really feel for you requiring mammograms that often. Our bodies are interesting aren’t they?
      It has indeed been one of ‘those’ years and I’m trying hard to get on top of things. Thanks for your visit, I always appreciate your comments and thoughts.


  2. That is one of my favorite quotes, Deb. Sometimes I go through all those phases in one day! Good on you for getting your preventive exams. I had all mine in the last couple of months as well. Good luck with the new little one. I can’t wait for stories and pics!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Your quote is self-explanatory and a daily doses of wisdom. We go through everything in life, at the same time, with ups and downs, gains and losses, happiness and grief; and all of that is inevitable. Memories of a great tip, medical check-ups, losses of loved ones, and the anticipation for the arrival of your first grandson or granddaughter, are big events in one’s life. Having a safe place to share your dilemmas with others, and in turn help everyone to reflect on your thoughts, is precious, so we thank you for your openness and wish that the newborn will make you so happy and busy that you will soon forget the sadness. Fingers crossed for your health and take good care of yourself. xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Many thanks Lucile, I really appreciate your friendship and support. I agree with you about the ups and downs of life, it’s been a busy time for us. I use my writing as a form of therapy in a way as it helps me clarify my thoughts – if it helps others by being open and honest, then that’s a bonus. I’m looking at my diet and cutting out sugars and going more natural so our chats a few months back have helped me a lot. I’ll be fine 🙂 Hope you’re both going well and thanks again for your lovely comment xx


  4. I took care of the mammogram earlier this year and go back to the doc next week for the next go-round of trying to get the thyroid meds right. It’s been 2 1/2 years since I had mine removed (no cancer-THANKFULLY, just nodules the size of the moon) and I’ve been feeling a bit like a science experiment lately with trying to get it right. We’ll get there! Take care, Deb. #MLSTL

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  5. You’ve had a rough year with two devastating deaths so close together. Sending you hugs from Texas.
    But on the happier note, congratulations on the grandchild due any day now!
    I agree – loved the blog about liking my bulging home.
    Sharing on SM for MLSTL
    Have a wonderful day!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Dear Deb, what an amazing number of readers and commenters you have had here…I am so with you on the ups and downs. Life…it just throws stuff at us. Firstly, what a time of sadness to have both your father and father-in-law die within this year. Then, the joy of knowing a baby is arriving any day now. Gosh. I know that this is about too. Our first granddaughter arrived at the tail end of the worst year when my husband’s health was so bad his business had to be liquidated and we still live with some of the financial ramifications of that now….22 years ago! I also hear you on the health checklists. It never seems to stop once we get over a “certain age”. We dont have a social life..we go out for medical appointments. That said, it is great to have you linking up and I hope you continue too.
    Thanks for linking up this week for #lifethisweek Next week’s optional prompt is Travel Tips. Denyse

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Denyse for your lovely thoughtful comment and for your understanding. Your prompt was the catalyst for me writing this out so I really do thank you. I enjoy linking up each week and seeing what others are sharing. All the best to you as you move through your own difficult times.


  7. Loved hearing all you’ve been up to Deb – and I bet that grandbaby is going to be one of the most loved children in Australia (second to my two of course!) I don’t think my parents ever anticipated the arrival of my children like I’ve done with my son’s girls! Hope you’re feeling a little bit better physically, emotionally and mentally – life is definitely a series of ups and downs/ highs and lows/births and deaths and we continue to ride the rollercoaster! xx #MLSTL 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Many thanks for your understanding Leanne, it was cathartic to write this post and see the good and the bad that’s been happening. Life goes on and thankfully I am feeling better and making changes to my diet seems to be helping. Maybe I’ll lose a few kegs along the way!!

      I really enjoyed all the post for #mlstl this week, it’s always great to read the bakery’s and share them out and about for others to enjoy. Thanks for all you and Sue do in supporting this group of midlife bloggers.


  8. Debbie, it was so good to catch all of your news, I have missed a bit lately. You sure have had the ups and downs, your quote says it all. Very wise of you to have your health checked, it seems like rest and gentle exercise without stressing is good in recovery mode.
    All the best, shared.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. What an emotional year you’ve had Deb. I knew you’d lost your Dad in January (I lost mine in December 2017) but I was unaware of your father-in-law. I’m so sorry to hear this. How lovely that you have your first grandchild to look forward to. The cycle of life – it’s tough, it’s beautiful, it continues regardless. I look forward to the happy news! Hugs, Min xo

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  10. You’ve had so much happening in your world this year, Deb. You’re wise to look after your health. I hope the spring-summer season and Spud’s arrival help you feel better soon. Sending virtual hugs and positive thoughts your way.

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  11. So much happening in your world Deb. Good for you to promote check ups and taking care of one’s health. without our health we have nothing to be sure. Looking forward to the news of grandbaby’s arrival. Sending hugs and hoping the up days soon far outweigh the downs.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks very much Sue, it’s certainly been up and down that’s for sure! ‘m trying hard to look after myself as this last few weeks hasn’t been much fun and I’m keen to get feel better. I’m making changes to my diet and hoping that will help. Waiting for baby feels like the calm before the storm 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Janis, I’m sure you’re right about Spud’s arrival helping me feel better. I’ve made changes to my diet and am hoping that will be of benefit too. I appreciate your caring comment and thoughts x


  12. You seem to be having a lot going on in your life this year, Debbie. I’m so glad that it involved you coming to The Bloggers Bash.
    I wish you a speedy recovery and hope you’re feeling a lot better soon. With it now spring in your part of the world, I hope the change in season helps.
    I followed you over on Flipboard but got an error message when clicking on your link for Mix. You may like to check it out and fix it when you have a few spare moments.
    Looking forward to reading your posts, but especially seeing your photography.
    Take care.


    1. Thanks ever so much for the heads up Hugh about Mix. I found it was because I had a capital D instead of a lower case d in my link! I’ve now rectified that and hope that helps people find me. I haven’t had many referrals from Mix to date but will keep going with it. I really appreciate your supportive comment and I’m sure Spring and summer (again) and of course the grandbaby (any day now) will give me the boost I need.

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      1. Yep, it’s all fixed now, Debbie. However, I was already following you on Mix when I clicked on the link. It’s still early days for Mix. The folks there (who used to run StumbleUpon) are still building the platform and trying to make it operate better. I’ve had a few referrals from it but am hoping that it will take off as much as SU did.
        I’m due to become a Great Uncle in the next few days, so there will also be the pitta-patter of little feet over at my place soon.

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  13. It’s not been a great year so far has it but I guess life is what you make it and we all need to navigate the ups and downs. Your amazing and awful quote is so true though, really like it.

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  14. I was going to say how very exciting it was to see my blog name and a link for your readers (thank you so much), but then I saw you are going to have a grandchild soon! Now THAT’s exciting – I cannot wait for that day (although it does not appear imminent – haha). Now that my kids are older, I so miss babies and toddlers and can’t wait for one of my kids to produce one (lots) for me someday! Let me also recommend the book “Educated,” a non-fiction book about a woman who grows up with fundamentalist parents who refuse to send her to school in the western U.S. A real page turner, seriously. Thanks again for the blog mention – very kind of you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s my pleasure to share your blog Lex, I hope others get to enjoy your blog too. I appreciate the book recommendation, I’ll add that to my list. I’m here waiting for the grandbaby to arrive, any day now, I never thought I was going to get one either, but it’s been a great fun time experiencing pregnancy through my daughter’s eyes. Life is good!

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  15. Good to catch up with you Deb. So very sorry for your loss and grief. Just wait to see how the new life of a grandchild brings you more joy than you could have ever ever imagined. The circle of life. Hugs from the other side.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes Jodi, I’m a big believer of the circle of life, especially this year! Sitting here waiting for things to happen it’s like the calm before the storm in many ways 🙂 Nice to hear from you and thanks for the hugs x

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  16. Your year has been quite the emotional rollercoaster but looks like you’re entering the last quarter on a high – your first grandbaby, how exciting! I’m on goodreads too and am smashing through my challenge of reading 101 books in 1001 days. I’m Annoyed Thyroid – let’s follow each other! Hope your September is spectacular!

    Liked by 1 person

  17. I’ve been a bit slack (aka VERY) at going to the gym (aka I haven’t been) since we moved house. I miss it making me feel better but also I think I needed to not push myself while we settled in.

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  18. Sorry to hear you’ve been feeling poorly since your return Deb, but good on you for getting a top to toe check up. Ironic that I should read this today, as I was scheduled for my colonoscopy tomorrow. Found out this morning they’ve stuffed up my admission and preparation procedures so it has to be put off until next week. Can’t say I’m happy. The things we gotta do hey? Take care and I hope the arrival of bub and the onset of Spring puts a smile back on your face. Big hugs from me xo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Miriam, thanks for your lovely comment. I’m sorry your procedure was delayed, that sucks! Hope all goes well next week. I’m feeling on top of things now and hoping the baby arrives soon. I love spring and this year I get to have two of them! Take care of yourself to xx

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    1. Many thanks to you Donna, I’m getting there slowly. Now just awaiting the birth of Spud and I’m sure all will be good. So glad to hear you enjoyed the other posts too!! It’s what I love about our blogging community, we share and enjoy. Take care ❤️


  19. It certainly has been a roller coaster ride for you this year, Deb and I’m always here if you need a chat. I love that you are promoting Women’s Health Week and I am now up to date with all my tests – colonoscopy, cervical screening and mammogram. Although now I read your post I haven’t had a mole check! How lovely to see you and Christine catch up, I would love to do that one day. Please take care of yourself and give yourself time. Have a lovely week and do something for YOU xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Many thanks Sue, it was good to sit and write all this out and catch my breath a bit. There’s been lots of good things this year but I feel burdened with the sad bits too. Good on you for having all your checks done, I like the idea of supporting Women’s Health Week. One day my friend, we will meet in real life and have a good old chinwag xx

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  20. Lovely to meet you (and your daughter) this week, Deb! Imagine – a real person at the other end of the computer somewhere. Looking forward to news of bub, and thanks so much for sharing my blog post.

    Liked by 1 person

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