Blogging is not for the fainthearted!

A blogging story…..


The pressure to post

Of keeping it real

Maintaining the enthusiasm and enjoyment

Affected his positivity in the end.

Blogging isn't for the fainthearted
Photo by on

This is the story of a blogger, no-one you know…or maybe you do know him/her!

He started out blogging for fun, a creative outlet and as a form of therapy.

But the PRESSURE to POST got to him.

The need to keep it REAL and RELEVANT was hard work.

The ENTHUSIASM and ENJOYMENT slowly drained away leaving him stressed and feeling EMASCULATED.

But it was the PEOPLE who responded, who urged him on with their POSITIVE messages, showed him that it was worth continuing with his POSTING schedule. It showed him that people did read his writings and so his PURPOSE was reestablished.

Blogging is not for the fainthearted

It’s a minefield out there.  It’s like riding a roller coaster at times. There’s all the social media to keep up with, the writing, reading and engaging with other bloggers, the learning of new skills and keeping it all together.

The writer’s blocks, the wondering if it’s all worthwhile, the overthinking, the well meaning blogging advice and the promoting of oneself…..

But then there’s the friendly comments, the inspiring posts, the funny stories, the vicarious travelling, the brilliant photos and the sharing….

Why do we do it?

Why do you do it?

Can you relate to this story? Tell me about it in a comment, I’m really interested in what you think.

PREP – but not as you know it!

You have your own blog? Your life must be all kinds of fascinating.
You have your own blog?

Lorna’s Ginspired Writing Prompt 

This week’s writing prompt from Lorna, has the prompt of PREPbut I’ve used it in a whole different way than what she was expecting! I’m really enjoying stretching my brain and doing something different on a regular basis.  Feel free to join in each week 🙂

You can see my week by week attempts here:

Week #6 Crossed Wires

Week #5  Puzzling through – Life 10 things that puzzle me

Week #4 – People watching and celeb spotting

Week #3 resulted in one of my all time favourite posts –  Far away from home as she knew it  

Week #1 was the first writing and photo challenge, A sepia toned fall memory and I wrote a short creative piece –  A New World Order as Autumn takes over

Please let me know what you think of my response to this prompt.  I always enjoy hearing from you and appreciate you joining the conversation.

Deb xx

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Blogging is not for the fainthearted -

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77 Replies to “Blogging is not for the fainthearted!”

  1. Oh, yes! That’s the definition of a writer… Writing even when you don’t feel like you have anything to say and certainly not something that will have an affect on anyone else’s world. I do it multiple times a wee for the last 10 years and just when I think this week’s post has nothing to say… My readers respond by telling me it touched them in some way. It’s so rewarding, so perhaps that’s another reason we write. Brenda #MLSTL

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  2. You had me with the title Deb. I can relate to everything in your post. I do sometimes wonder why I’m still blogging. But then I realise how much my life is enhanced by it. Blogging also seems to force me to focus on what is happening around me – always in the lookout for a post topic. The other bloggers I’ve met virtually along the way is a huge bonus that I never expected. #MLSTL Shared on SM

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    1. Hi Jennifer, I agree with you about how much blogging has enhanced my life too. I too take note of what’s going on around me more than I ever did before. I love the virtual friends I’ve made along the way too. It’s been such a bonus connecting with other likeminded bloggers like yourself. Thanks for sharing and taking the time to comment!! Enjoy the weekend ahead.

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